
My One and Only Star [Oneshot]


The time you were about to return to Seoul, you decided to surprise him in YG Building. The people who knew this were Young Bae, Top Hyung, Daesung and of course, Seungri. They promised you that they’ll never tell Jiyong. Well, you trust them a lot but still they’re that honest to the Kwon Leader so they spilled the beans right after you told them.

You went there the day after you arrived to Seoul. As you were driving, you suddenly felt hesitant to go there. You kept thinking that you might not see him because Daesung called and said that they’ll be really busy with the promotions.

 You arrived at the building and as you park your car and stepped out, you noticed someone familiar rushing towards you… It was Seungri. He’s very excited to see you.  He even called to say that he’ll be escorting you inside.


“_______________-ah… You came! I missed you! I mean, Hyung misses you a lot,” he said while grabbing some air.

“Yeah, I’ve missed you too.” you said as you smiled at him.

The both of you hurried inside the building because of the excitement to see your one and only love. As you and Seungri were walking to the room where they’re staying, he suddenly stopped.

“Noona, I can only walk you here. Mianhe” Seungri said.

“Huh? Why? Is there something there?” you asked him as you stared at him as if he needs to spill what he knows or else something bad is gonna happen to him.

“No, no. Nothing’s in there noona. It’s just that I need to accompany Top Hyung to get some food,” he said, avoiding eye contact.

“Hmm, Okaaay. Can you grab some for me too? I’m famished. ” you said as you waved bye to him. He nodded and went to Top upstairs.

As you opened the door, you were surprised to see that there was no one in there.

The lights were off, and it was really quiet. You thought you entered the wrong room but when you checked the door number, it was really the room Seungri said.

As you were about to go in, you heard,

“Kimi to hajimete deatta no wa sou Choudo ima kurai no kisetsu datta ne Raito appu a machinami ga Kirei ni kagayaiteita Nakimushi na kimi wa are kara yoku Boku no kata ni odeko wo nokkete Naiteta ne sono nukumori ni Mushou ni furetaku naru… (The first time I met you was around this season right? The light up street was glowing beautifully the crybaby-you, from that time on, often laid your forehead on my shoulder you were crying right? That extreme warmth from your touch on my shoulder)


Someone inside was singing let me hear your voice. You know that voice very well, you couldn’t be mistaken that it was him who is singing. You turned around to look for him but all you see was nothing but the darkness of room. You called his name but he didn’t respond.


As you were about to switch the lights on, you suddenly slipped and as you were about to hit the floor, he caught your waist on time.


“OMO! Jagiya! Kwenchana?” he asked worriedly.


“Yeah, I’m okay oppa… ”

 Ya! How did you know that I was coming? Aisshh those guys.” you said as you tidy up your dress.


“Well my Jagiya, Let’s just say I’m great at guessing. Keke-” he said, pinching your cheeks.


You can’t believe they told him about your surprise visit which is not a surprise anymore but you didn’t mind it anymore coz you are now with him. His eyes, his hair, his lips, you can’t help but stare at them, and his voice? It’s like a music you’ve wanted to hear for the past months.

Both of you told stories on what happened in the months you were apart. You talked and talked like there’s no tomorrow. But suddenly you heard your stomach grumble. You remembered you haven’t eaten yet since you got there.

“Oppa, let’s eat. I’m hungry. Can you please take a break for awhile? It’ll be really quick,” you said. He nodded and asked his manager for an hour and a half break. He missed taking you to your favorite restaurant.

While you were on the way to where his car is, you noticed him quietly leading you the way.

“Oppa, what are you thinking? You’ve been very quiet. Don’t you miss me?”

He smirked and looked on your worried eyes.

“Jagiya, my Jagiya… I just can’t believe that after three months, I’m finally with you again. I’ve missed you a lot. Mianhe my Love, for not even calling you once in a while. I promise I’ll make it up to you as soon as the promotions end… Saranghae ____________”

You felt your cheeks flush by his words. He always looks adorable whenever he says Saranghae. You hugged him and buried your face on his chest.

After 30 minutes of driving, you arrived at the restaurant on the top of the hill. The ambiance of that restaurant is really great that’s why it’s your favorite. Both of you enjoyed the fresh air outside and the sightseeing of the city lights there, it became the place where both of you became more affectionate to each other.

You went inside there first to look for a place you could seat but the owner saw you and came to your place. He was a friend of Jiyong’s and he told you that the place was reserved for the night. You then waved goodbye at him and saw Jiyong talking on the phone.

“Arasso, I will go back as soon as I finished having dinner with ____________,” he said to his manager.

After their talk, you sneakily went beside him.

“Jiyong-ah, the place was reserved privately. You’re friend said we can just grab some food but we couldn’t stay there. Let’s just eat in the car, I’ll drive so you can eat properly and rest as well. You do know that I don’t like that you keep skipping meals, do you?”

“Okay, okay. I’ll just see my friend inside, grab some food and we’ll return to the building. And Jagiya, please don’t worry about me I’m healthy as Top Hyung.,” he laughed and went immediately inside.

The time he returned, you started the car and drove happily. You were so hungry and he’s been feeding you so you can concentrate driving. You noticed he hadn’t touched his food so you pretended to be mad at him. You became quiet and when he turned to you, he saw you stare blankly at the road. He noticed that you were frustrated by the way your eyes look. He knows you too well so he couldn’t be mistaken.

“Jagiya, did I do something wrong again? Aisshh. I can’t really do anything right when it comes to you. I always do things you don’t . . .” he trailed off.

You took a glance at him and saw him sleeping like a baby. You chuckled. He really looks charming at all times.

As you were getting near the building, you called Top hyung so Jiyong can get inside without being seen by the fans. Before going straight to the building, you stopped for a while in a nearby café and bought some latte for the members.

As soon as you got back from the car, you noticed him still sleeping. You caressed his face and as you were about to start the car he suddenly grabbed you and kissed you on the lips.Apparently, he’s been planning on how to get your kiss without your permission. He missed those smooth, sweet and warm lips of yours.

You we’re flabbergasted but then you’ve been carried away … again.

Jiyong always have different ways to steal a kiss from you.

He chuckled. “I GOT YOU!”

“Ha-ha. You always do, you know”… “Well, we need to go back; you’ll be in big trouble if you let them wait for too long”

“Arasso, but there’s something I need to give you first.” he said as you were arriving at the building.

“What is it Oppa?” you asked curiously as you search for the person who Top Hyung asked to get Jiyong out the car.

“Nah, never mind. I’ll just give it to you some other time. You seem so tired my love, I’m just gonna ask someone to take you home safely.”

“Uh, Okay. Ahn-nyoung-yeeh-gah-sae-yo, Kwon Jiyong, Oppa! Saranghaeyo! ♥” you said as he stepped off the car. He kissed you goodnight and quickly went inside.

You didn’t think about what he said that he’ll give you. You thought it was just another random day gift from him because he always surprises you with the things you love.


You arrived home safely thanks to Ahjussi. You quickly changed and as you were about to close your eyes to sleep, you heard your phone ringing.

Jiyongie Oppa ♥Calling …Answer/Decline

“Yeoboseyo?” *yawns*

“Oh Jagiya, are you already asleep?”

“I was just about to go to sleep oppa, wae?”

“Aigoo, get some sleep arasso? I just called to say Saranghaeyo my Jagiya. We’re just about to start rehearsing again and I think I need some inspiration”

“Oh, oppa. You … Saranghaeyo! See you in my dreams. Don’t over work yourself okay? FIGHTING!”

“Arasso. Goodnight ___________-ah. Annyeoung”

The next day …

Jiyong called and ask you out for dinner. It was your 5th year anniversary and you forgot all about it. You have a gift for him but you don’t have any dress to wear. He said he is going to pick you up at 5 and you only have 2 hours to go get some clothes. Since you forgot your things at your parents’ house, you decided to grab some clothes at the mall.

You haven’t had the slightest idea to where he would take you. So you bought two dresses, a jeans, polo, and high heels. You were on your way back to your house when he called.

“Jagiya, are you ready to go? I’ll be there in 20 minutes.”

“I’ll be waiting for you Jiyong. By the way where in the world are you gonna take me? I have to know so that I can change quickly if my outfit is not appropriate”

“Uh. I’m not gonna tell you. It’s a surprise okay?”

“Hmm. Fine. I’ll just wear something comfortable. See you later”

“Okay. Surprise me with your beauty. Kekeke.  Annyeoung!”


You drove to your house quickly so you could change fast. He was on his way to your house and will arrive there in 10 minutes. You chose the light pink cocktail dress you bought awhile ago and wore those lovely heels. It makes you look really y and stylish. The dress was really simple but it shows your curves.

He arrived and knocked on your door. When you opened it, you were surprised to see the color of his outfit. It was also light pink. He was wearing a suit and his inner polo is light pink too.  You both looked like you planned what to wear. You both cracked up.

Before leaving, he made you wear the necklace he gave last time. It was the one with both of your initials in it. He escorted you to his car and you were surprised to see you were going to the amusement park. By the way he looked he seems really serious that you were headed there.

He seems excited to show you his surprise. As he escorted you to the Ferris wheel, you noticed that there were no people. It seems like he rented the whole place for this to happen.

As your seat went to the highest peak of the Ferris wheel, it stopped. You were so scared that time.

“Jagiya, don’t be afraid. I’m here. I’ll protect you until whenever. I’ll never leave you. I’ll take care of you, always remember that”

After a minute, he told you to open your eyes. He signaled something to the man operating the Ferris wheel and to your surprise fireworks were all over the place. You were so touched by it that tears fell from your eyes.

“Yah, don’t you cry my love. You’re the reason I’m living. I wouldn’t be this successful if you weren’t there to support and understand me. Saranghaeyo _______________-ah.

“I love you too Jiyong. Thank you for loving me unconditionally.”

He kissed you and hugged you tightly.

“_________________-ah, I’ll never let you go. I’m not a perfect person but for five years you came to understand me. You’ve been patient with me.”

You were so speechless. Tears of joy from your eyes just kept falling. You couldn’t stop it.

“Mianhe for the troubles I got you into, for making this relationship secret for a year, Mianhe for the fans who says cruel things to you. You fought for this love no matter what. And because of that, I had the courage to ask you this … __________________-ah, my love, jagiya, I want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?”

He took out the ring. It was diamond, like the necklace you were wearing. He was waiting for your reply but you can’t find your voice. You took a deep breath, hugged him and whispered to his ear, “I do.” He kissed you and when you got down from that ride, Daesung, Top, Young Bae, and Seungri were there including YG. They were all so happy for the both of you…

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 1: Aww that was cute
aww! great fic!! :3
glory_haneul #3
omo daebak! *smiling like an idiot* i love the ending :))