

Yoseob stood frozen, staring at the wall in front of him.

He was only standing there for a minute, maybe two, but the seconds stretched for so long, it felt like he had been in the same position for years. Was that thumping his heart beating? Probably. Yoseob tried swallowing - his mouth has as dry as the Sahara Desert. 
"I should move. I should run away. I should to go the Police Station and tell them someone's blood is on my wall. I should go to a psychiatrist because I'm seeing things."
All those thoughts - plus more - were flying around Yoseob's mind. 
Yoseob had expected - well, he hadn't known what to expect - but he had not thought something like this would happen. 
What did it mean? Was it him that wrote it on the wall? Why did he need Yoseob - of all people - to help him, and why did he need help in the first place?
Yoseob was in too deep in this , he was in way over his head. Gulping, he turned around. He had to get out of here. He needed to tell somebody about this ...this haunting.
When he had entered his apartment earlier, he had left the door ajar. As Yoseob turned, it swung shut, and Yoseob heard the familiar clicking noise of the lock. Letting out a quiet gasp, Yoseob ran to the door, beginning to tug on the doorknob, but it was locked.
Where were his keys?
Yoseob remembered the keys dropping from his hand to the floor minutes ago, but when he looked down to where they had fallen, they were gone.
Eyes wide, Yoseob turned around. There was nobody in the hall of his apartment, and when he looked through the peep-hole on the door, nobody was there either. The door seemingly closed of it's own accord. Seemingly being the keyword - Yoseob knew inside why it had closed.
In the apartment, only one light was on, Yoseob had flicked the light switch as he entered. That light went out.
The darkness shrouded Yoseob, and he bit his lip. "Think Yoseob, think!" he said aloud to himself.
The emergency exit! In the kitchen, there was an exit out onto an emergency staircase that lead to the street outside. As Yoseob began to move towards the kitchen, all the lights in the apartment .

Blinking at the sudden light, Yoseob turned in a circle, trying to spot the person - or was it a thing? - that he was certain was responsible - Yong Junhyung, or rather, his ghost. But Yoseob could not see anything unusual.

The rug on which Yoseob was standing was pulled from under him, causing the boy to slip, landing on the ground.

Yoseob's eyes widened, it was like a hurricane was blowing in his apartment; items flying off of shelves and out of presses as if being pulled by an invisible arm. Windows and doors opened and shut, lights and off.

Yoseob felt as if he was frozen, he was scared and the fear paralysed him. He shut his eyes, as if that would make everything go away.

As soon as it started, it stopped.

"Yoseob-ssi, do you know what a poltergeist is?" 

The voice that spoke was so smooth Yoseob could have listened to it all day. The tone sounded like an attempt at neutral - Yoseob could detect a small hint of worry in there. Opening his eyes, he saw what he expected to see; a man standing in front of him - Yong Junhyung.

Junhyung looked alive. He really did. He was wearing a plain white shirt with dark designer jeans. His face looked a little on the pale side, and his dark hair and eyes contrasted with this. He looked a little worried, but Yoseob could see determination in his eyes.

"A poltergeist is by definition; a ghost that makes itself known by causing trouble. And that is what I will be, if you don't help me. I will haunt you, I will cause trouble for you, I will keep you awake at night, I will drive you insane until your death unless you help me. So what will it be, Yoseob-ssi? Will you help me or not?"



I feel like crying. This chapter is so short and horrible and boring and uncreative. 

Anyway, did you like this chapter, or have I lost my touch?

Sorry for the crappy update, school and dancing are being b*tches and I was sick for a while, and had writers block.

I had a much better chapter written out, but when I was copying it I deleted it by accident, and it was lost. I didn't have the time or motivation to retype it, but I still wanted to update because it's October and I haven't updated since August.

Please drop a comment on my wall or below, and feel free to add me, if you're so inclined!

Comments are loved and appreciated! T

hanks to everyone who has subscribed and commented, and also to silent readers too!

Please anticipate th next chapter! ^^


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[Ghost] Editing what I've written so far before working on an update. Putting this on private while carrying out said editing.


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JiminIpabo #1
Chapter 6: Author-nim this is Awesome!!!
Please Author-nim don't abandon this fic.
p_sohyun #2
Chapter 6: oh my god! this story is good!
I hope that you would update soon, though.
Why do I have a hunch that Dohyun and jessica were in a secret relationship
and they were, or more like he was eager to get rid of junhyung? xD
ra7oom #3
Chapter 6: Ts a creepy story and guess what !? I love it .
What an amazing story idea . I'm anticipating the next chapters and the ending so much XP
I love junseob and love ur writing style its perfect :)
Thank u for writing such a nice story :3 and good luck in the future writings too :')
Update soon :) plz :3
I'm so dead curious XD
Chapter 6: Update soon
luckywriterstories #5
Chapter 6: I'm scaring myself more so there would be more thrill and damn! I can't stand because of wobbly legs. Gosh. I'll wait for your update! Your story is daebak!! ^___^
Yuki_IS #6
Update more ...
Why haven't you updated yet?
I miss this story a lot...
But no matter, take your time.
Where are you... Where are you now author-nim??
It's a long time since your last update :(
I want to know what will happen next with JunSeob huwaaaaaaaaa~~~
Chapter 6: I like the thril!! What? It couldnt be Donghyun right? I mean hes a bestfriend. Bestfriend meant ups and downs together right?
Please update soon!^^¥¥~
Chapter 6: This is so cool! I love the teaser >.< Update soon :3