


Yoseob walked home quickly. The sky growled, and as he had predicted earlier on, it began to rain, heavy droplets of water falling from the sky. He had left the little restaurant quickly. He couldn't stay, fear had settled in his stomach, quickly replacing his hunger. The rain began to wet his hair and trickle down his face. Chills ran down his spine, but not because of the rain. He tucked the newspaper he was holding into the inside of his jacket - he didn't want it to get wet. 
When he got home he went straight to his dark room. He found the pictures he had taken the previous day. He took out the newspaperfrom inside his jacket and placed it on the table beside the photos. 
He compared his photos against the photo in the newspaper. Yes, there was no mistaking it, the man in the newspaper was the man who had appeared in Yoseob's photographs. He seemed paler in Yoseob's photos, but there was no mistaking the messy dark hair and the dark eyes.
Yoseob took a step back from the table, closed his eyes and took a deep breath to try and calm himself. His nerves were jangling in his stomach, at least that was what it felt like. Was he going crazy? Was he seeing things? This was impossible. How had a man - who was four months dead - suddenly appear in his photos? "There has to be a logical explanation," he thought. He hoped.
He had a thought. He was grasping at straws, but he still dug into the pockets of his dripping jacket and took out his cellphone. He quickly pressed a button, calling a number on speed dial. It answered on the third ring.
"Hello?" came the voice.
"H-hey Kikwang," Yoseob said, his voice shaking slightly, despite his efforts to keep it steady.
"Oh hey hyung. What's up?" Kikwang asked, cheerful as usual. Yoseob could imagine the grin and eye-smile his dongsaeng would be wearing at the moment.
"You know that book you borrowed off me? The one you needed for class?" Yoseob asked. Not so long ago, Kikwang, who was studying literature, had needed a book, one that Yoseob had happened to have.
"Yeah, the novel, what was it called again? I can't remember."
"You returned it, didn't you?" asked Yoseob.
"Yeah, I left it in your apartment the other day. Wednesday I think. Or was it Tuseday? Anyway, I left it on the table in the sitting room."
Yoseob's best friends had keys to his apartment, in case they ever needed to get in without Yoseob being present. It had occurred to Yoseob that maybe some of his friends had been in his dark room, and tampered with the developing fluid as a dumb prank, and as a result a new image appeared on the real one. As much as Yoseob hoped this was the case, he doubted it.
"When you were over, you didn't go into my darkroom, did you?" he asked. Kikwang laughed on the other end of the phone, making Yoseob scowl.
"Think about it hyung; would I - or any of the others - ever dare enter your lair - I mean you darkroom - if it meant facing your wrath if you found out?"
"What do you mean?" Yoseob asked, frowning.
"Let me remind you of the time Doojoon hyung and Hyunseung hyung went into your darkroom. They tossed a jar of that fluid stuff over by accident-"
"And it destroyed all my photos." Yoseob finished, a small smile tugging on his lips despite himself.
"Yeah! You were so mad, you didn't talk to them for weeks!!"
Yoseob remembered the event well. He had entered a photography competition, and he had managed to take some amazing photos that he had planned to enter. But because of his hyungs, Doojoon and Hyunseung, the photos had been destroyed. Yoseob had been outraged, and he was so pissed off he didn't speak to them for a week. Later on, when he had calmed down a bit, he had laughed over it with the rest of his friends.
"Ever since then," Kikwang continued, "we agreed never to go into your darkroom without your supervision again."
Yoseob bit his lip slightly, he knew Kikwang was telling the truth - he was a terrible liar, even if he wasn't speaking face to face with you.
"Anyway, why were you wondering?" Kikwang asked.
Yoseob hesitated. For some reason, he didn't want to tell his friend, what if he thought he was crazy? "...I'll tell you later. See you around!"
Yoseob ended the call and inspected the photos again. "Pabo," he told himself. "There must be some sort of explanation. Maybe the man is a cousin of the guy in the newspaper - yeah, it must be something like that." Yoseob tryed to convince himself. "What did you think it was, a ghost?" he asked himself, moving to leave the darkroom.
He was about to open the door when a voice as smooth as velvet said; "You know, talking to yourself is the first sing of madness."
Yoseob whirled around, his fear confirmed.
Standing in the far corner of the darkroom, was the man from the photos, Yong Junhyung, wearing an amused smirk.
Yoseob's jaw dropped, and he stood as if frozen, as he watched the man move forward, and walk through the table. Not over it, not around it, through it. "So," the man said. "You can hear me. See me too. Listen," he said, his voice dropping and sounding urgent. "I need you."
At that point Yoseob's legs started obeying Yoseob's brain again, and he ran out of the darkroom, out of his apartment, slamming the doors behind him.
Yoseob didn't believe in ghosts.
But maybe, he thought, he should start.
So how was that? Not boring I hope, orz.
Please tell me what you think.
Thanks to subscribers and commenters! <3
I'll be going on a hiatus, orz.
I need to go away for a few weeks, and I won't have internet access, sorry. 
So sit tight, and I'll update when I can, If I can.
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[Ghost] Editing what I've written so far before working on an update. Putting this on private while carrying out said editing.


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JiminIpabo #1
Chapter 6: Author-nim this is Awesome!!!
Please Author-nim don't abandon this fic.
p_sohyun #2
Chapter 6: oh my god! this story is good!
I hope that you would update soon, though.
Why do I have a hunch that Dohyun and jessica were in a secret relationship
and they were, or more like he was eager to get rid of junhyung? xD
ra7oom #3
Chapter 6: Ts a creepy story and guess what !? I love it .
What an amazing story idea . I'm anticipating the next chapters and the ending so much XP
I love junseob and love ur writing style its perfect :)
Thank u for writing such a nice story :3 and good luck in the future writings too :')
Update soon :) plz :3
I'm so dead curious XD
Chapter 6: Update soon
luckywriterstories #5
Chapter 6: I'm scaring myself more so there would be more thrill and damn! I can't stand because of wobbly legs. Gosh. I'll wait for your update! Your story is daebak!! ^___^
Yuki_IS #6
Update more ...
Why haven't you updated yet?
I miss this story a lot...
But no matter, take your time.
Where are you... Where are you now author-nim??
It's a long time since your last update :(
I want to know what will happen next with JunSeob huwaaaaaaaaa~~~
Chapter 6: I like the thril!! What? It couldnt be Donghyun right? I mean hes a bestfriend. Bestfriend meant ups and downs together right?
Please update soon!^^¥¥~
Chapter 6: This is so cool! I love the teaser >.< Update soon :3