loving only you
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"Gui Gui hurry up! you're going to be late!",my childhood friend Aaron Yan Yalun shouted.

"OH NO!",I cried.

"I'm going to leave you behind!"

"Wait a minute. I'm going to be down in one mninute!",I declared.

"okay one minut only."after he said that he started to count down.

"thanks for waiting for me ",I jumped down through the flight of stairs.

"you're amazing! it really took one minute.",my elder brother commented.

"Don't say anything,idiot brother.",I stick a tongue at him.

"you b-"

"well break it up.", Aaron said.

"let's go to school Gui Gui, you don't want to be late don't you?"

"well~", I hesitated but could not answer as he ORAGGED me to school.

Aaron and I are childhood friends, best friends and neighbours.

"As usual, you're friendly with Aaron aren't you?", my freind said.

" Yup",I said

"oh look!",she said.

"A junior is confessing to him but, aww~he's rejecting her eventhough she's cute.",she continued.

"Hey, Gui Gui, don't you know why he rejects all the time?"

"hmm~",I said.

truthfully I don't know even though I've been with him for a long time.

"Gui Gui!!", Cyndi snapped me out of my thinking.

"what?",I said caught by suprised.

"you don't have to be that scared, I'm not a ghost you know."Cyndi commented.

"oops sorry~",I apologised .

"so, what do you want Cyndi?",I asked immediately.


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Chapter 1: It's ended, just like this?? why so short?
eRnah_hanRe07 #2
Chapter 1: like it.. friendship to love.. :)
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 1: SOSWEET~
use-less #4
NicLuvGuiLun #5
PLEASE UPDATE!!!! I love the sound of the foreword make me excited to know what happens through your fanfics
AaronGuiGuiforever #6
update ! ^_^