Sunday Dinner (Face finally unmasked)

Bunny Love

With her hands rubbing her eyes. Hyosung lazily dragged her feet to the Dining room to have breakfast. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Daehyun sitting across the table. "Oh my baby is awake" her umma appeared holding a small basket full of strawberries.

"Umma,! You're home.!" Hyosung hugged her mom. They've been away for some time due to their business trip and she missed her umma so much.

"Oh my.! What happened to your eyes? You look like you were crying the whole night. Did something happen?" Hana was beyond worried. Worried that her daughter is not taking care of herself.

"I'm fine umma. Me and Jieun just had an overnight talk, that's all" she lied. The truth is, she can't stop herself from crying because of what had happened between her and Daehyun yesterday.

"Are you sure.?" Hana asked her daughter again

"I'm sure she's fine Hana-ah. One little overnight talk with her friend won't hurt" Jaehee assured her. "Now let's have breakfast"

As Hyosung sat acoss Daehyun, he got up and excused himself. Hyosung bit her lips and stopped her tears from falling. "What is wrong with you, Hyosung-ah.?"  she thought. The once cheerful girl she knew was gone. After breakfast, Hyosung helped her umma packed her clothes, she was gonna leave again.

She folded her umma's clothes and place it on her luggage "When are you gonna come back?" she asked

"Oh I don't know honey. Me and your aunt Jaehee are busy meeting new customer's and suppliers"

"I know. I know. It's just that-------" she cut her words and lay down on her umma's bed. "It's just that I've been thinking lately about Daehyun and I don't know what to do" she mumbled in her thoughts.

"It's just what, honey?" Hana came closer and zipped up her luggage

"Nothing. Nevermind umma" flashing her gummy smile.


The entire afternoon, Hyosung was just sitting near the pool area while reading a book. Her umma and aunt Jaehee already left a few hours ago. She tried to call Jieun but her line was busy. She called Sunhwa, turns out she was on a date with Himchan. Then lastly, called Zinger, who unfortunately turned off her cell. While reading, she can't seem to concentrate. Probably the fact that she was not able to sleep well last night. She closed the book and slowly shut her eyes.


Daehyun went outside the pool area. He was talking to Youngjae who was bugging him to go to the mall after school tomorrow. With Youngjae's annoyance, Daehyun hesistantly agreed "Arasso.! I'll come with you.!". He sat to a pool chair as he ended the conversation with Youngjae. He suddenly heard something falling from the ground. He grabbed the book and when he looked up, he was surprised to see Hyosung sleeping peacefully.

He chuckled as he saw the title: "How to love a heartless man" . He placed the book beside her and found himself staring at the beauty in front of him. He just wanted to touch those cheeks and kiss those lips. Thoughtlessly, he grabbed his phone and took a photo of Hyosung. Not once, but 4 times. Daehyun just sat next to her, trying to melt Hyosung with his gaze. Luckily, she was asleep. He kept on thinking about them, then he finally came to his conclusion "I'm willing to give it a try"


Not far away from the upstairs window, Yi Jung was aware of what his hyung just did.

When Hyosung woke up, Daehyun wasn't already there. She suddenly looked at the time and remembered that she will make dinner tonight, as Yi Jung requested.


Yi Jung happily stepped into the kitchen "Hmmmm. I can't wait for dinner noona"

Hyosung giggled. "Well, go sit down, it's almost ready"

"Wait, I'll call Daehyunnie hyung" Yi Jung ran off. Hyosung wondered if Daehyun will eat with them tonight. She really wants to fully see that beautiful face of his. "That probably won't happen since he hates me"

As she stepped out of the kitchen holding her homemade bean stew. Her heart beating faster as she saw Daehyun walking towards her, without his mask on. "OH MY F---CKIN GOSH.!"  she cursed to herself. As Daehyun's face was coming closer, she instantly froze in her spot.

"I'll take that" Daehyun said while taking the bean stew she made and placed it on the table. Yi Jung laughed and grabbed Hyosung's hand, leading her to the table. Hyosung couldn't believe what's happening right now. 

"Mmmnn. Noona, the stew is delicious. You're so good at cooking" Yi Jung complimented her. "Wanna get married.?!" he asked randomly

"With you.? We're 9 years apart Yi Jung-ah"

"Not with me. With Daehyunnie hyung" pointing his lips to his hyung

"Wh-what.?!" Hyosung literally choking from what Yi Jung said. "What are you talking about.?!". She turned her eyes towards Daehyun who was blushing slightly pink

Yi Jung smirked at his success."The food was delicious. Goodnight noona. Goodnight hyung". Yi Jung disappeared leaving Daehyun and Hyosung alone. Silence filled the room as they were eating. "Should I talk to him.? Should I ask him if the food was delicious.?" . Her heart beating faster again. 

She swallowed her own saliva and build up the courage to say something "H-how is the food, Daehyun-shi.?" 

Daehyun stayed silent for awhile. "I'm willing to give it a try. C'mon Daehyun-ah. Talk to her" . "It was delicious" he smiled at her

Hyosung felt like she was about to explode when Daehyun smiled at her. 

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday at the park. I shouldn't have yelled at you" he said 

Hyosung waved both of her hands infront of her chest "No, no. You shouldn't be sorry. It was partly my fault". She kept quiet for a moment, paying with her food. She lifted her head up and looked at him "Dae-daehyun-ssi. Let's be friends" 

Daehyun let out a small chuckle and extended his hand "Call me Daehyun"

Hyosung shook his hand and smile widely "Hyosung"



Hyosung can't keep smiling as she thought what happened tonight. She hugged her pillow tight, hiding her blushing face. She kept on waddling her legs like a little child who just got the best Barbie in the world. "Omo, he's so handsome. That pink and luscious lips of his" . Everytime she thinks about him, she can't help but giggle and squeal. She didn't even think that her squeals & giggles can be heard from the other side of the room.

Hearing Hyosung squeal, Daehyun smiled to himself. "I finally did it" . He stared at his phone, looking at Hyosung's photo as he drifted off to sleep.



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Chapter 39: such a cute story. although i am sad that there is no wedding... i am happy:) good job author-nim:)
Chapter 29: i am going to chase this evil Hyuna with mah dagger and gun. you better watch out ''. muahaha
sarangstories #3
tbh I love this story. So I came back to read and OH, the upvote exist now ey? *upvote* n_n
Chapter 39: There should be a part 2!
Levys12 #5
I really like your story.
And...and can I translate this into Vietnamese, please???
Your story will be a great gift for my friend on her birthday ^^
Chapter 39: Really like ure story
syakuzayamiky #7
i like your story and i really like daehyo couple.can you just create some other story about them..i really enjoy it. :)
Chapter 39: I've re-read your story for the 3rd time now... Yet I'm still hooked. I really love your story. Hihi. I love it's flow and ofcourse, it's ending. I'm so jelly~ Kekeke. ^^ anyway, i hope you make more fics. I love your writing dkills, keep it up!! :) ❤
Chapter 39: that was awesome! I read it all in one sitting!! The ending was so cute~~