Meeting the famous B.A.P

Bunny Love

As the school bell rang, Hyosung stretched her arms out and yawned. It was just lunch break and she is already tired. "Mr. Kim sure knows how to work a pop quiz" she mumbled.

"Ready for lunch?" Jieun approached her with Zinger and Sunhwa trailing behind. Hyosung nodded and they all went to the cafeteria. As they went to the cafeteria, student's seems to know what will happen and started murmuring "Is today Wednesday.?" "Aaaahhh. I'm so jealous." "I wanna sit with B.A.P too", female fan's from side to side whimpered. The 4 girls walked straight ahead to B.A.P's table. Jieun noticed the nervous Hyosung and held onto her hand "Don't worry, we've got you" she smiled


"Oohh. It's Jieun noona with the other noona's. Yey!" Zelo said

Youngjae raised both his eyebrows and clasped his hands together "They're with that purple-haired girl. So, this is the day we finally meet her"

Daehyun was uneasy. He has been avoiding Hyosung for the past days and now his friends are meeting her. He wanted to walk out from the scene and just be alone but it was already too late, the girls were already in front of them.

"Hey guys" Zinger greeted them taking a seat next to Jongup

"Noona.! Annyeong." Zelo smiled cheekily

"Who's your friend?" Youngjae asked, eyes focusing on Hyosung

"This is Jun Hyosung. Daughter of Jun  Hana, owner of LED-M" Sunhwa said

"You didn't have to say that part" she whispered to her

Youngjae clapped his hands twice "Oh right.! Right.! I've seen your face on the cover of BEST Magazine. You and your umma were the cover picture. Now I remember"

"Ah. Neh. I'm Jun Hyosung. Nice to meet you" Hyosung bowed

"Starting from the right, Daehyun, Youngjae, Himchan, Yongguk, Jongup and Zelo. And they aaaarrreee B.A.P.!" Zinger managed to say with a rap

"Noona, come sit next to me" Zelo offered an empty seat next to him which was also next to Daehyun's seat. Hyosung suddenly felt nervous as she stared at his beautiful eyes. Daehyun on the other hand returned the gaze, his eyes softly gleaming. This was the first time Hyosung had been so close to him. At home, it's either they are 5 meters or walls apart. Their friends suspiciously observed, completely aware of the atmosphere. Without knowing, all of them had a smile plastered on their faces, staring at the soon-to-be couple.

Yongguk nudged Jieun "What's with them?" pointing to the couple through his eyes. Jieun shrugged her shoulders and smiled widely "I have no idea" 

"So Hyosung-shi. How are you liking MATO Academy?" Yongguk asked, loud enough to break their intense staring.

Hyosung stuttered at the sudden question and quickly looked away from Daehyun's eyes. She was captivated by the way his eyes gaze at her. "It's been wonderful. I love it here" she answered looking at them

Yongguk nodded and smiled, "Well I'm sure she does" , he thought.

Jongup sipped a bit on his coke and let out a quiet burp "So any funny stories regarding your stay here, Hyosung noona?"

"Not re---"

Zinger cut her off  "Well, I have one. She thought that Jieun and D------". Hyosung eyes widen at Zinger's words.

"Zinger.!" Both Jieun and Hyosung raised their voice. "I think we should not tell the guys about that" Jieun continued

"Okay. Okay. Jeez" Zinger said and gobbled down her salad. Hyosung was almost sure that she was gonna have a heart attack. But the guys didn't let that slip their mind.


"Jieun and who?" Youngjae leaned to Hyosung who was just right across from him. Hysoung backed a bit when Youngjae got closer. Daehyun's hand suddenly blocked Youngjae's face, preventing him from getting any closer and pushed him back to his seat, making Hyosung and the rest surprised. "You're gonna spit all over the food" he reasoned.

Sunhwa took a spoonful of pasta in and sighed "Hyosung thought that Jieun and Daehyun are a couple" 

"Yah Sunhwa, I told you not to talk about it." Jieun spat. The guys all looked at Hyosung who was ice frozen in her spot. Even Daehyun was shocked with what Sunhwa said. Then all of them started laughing, hitting the table like they were the only people in the cafeteria. Hyosung was blushing so hard and just lowered her head, "This is so embarrasing". While the guys were busy laughing, Daehyun stared at Hyosung, thinking how cute she looked. "Jun Hyosung, what have you done to me?" he smiled through his mask.





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Chapter 39: such a cute story. although i am sad that there is no wedding... i am happy:) good job author-nim:)
Chapter 29: i am going to chase this evil Hyuna with mah dagger and gun. you better watch out ''. muahaha
sarangstories #3
tbh I love this story. So I came back to read and OH, the upvote exist now ey? *upvote* n_n
Chapter 39: There should be a part 2!
Levys12 #5
I really like your story.
And...and can I translate this into Vietnamese, please???
Your story will be a great gift for my friend on her birthday ^^
Chapter 39: Really like ure story
syakuzayamiky #7
i like your story and i really like daehyo couple.can you just create some other story about them..i really enjoy it. :)
Chapter 39: I've re-read your story for the 3rd time now... Yet I'm still hooked. I really love your story. Hihi. I love it's flow and ofcourse, it's ending. I'm so jelly~ Kekeke. ^^ anyway, i hope you make more fics. I love your writing dkills, keep it up!! :) ❤
Chapter 39: that was awesome! I read it all in one sitting!! The ending was so cute~~