Graduation Gift

Bunny Love


It's been 2 months since Daehyun left. Everyone was doing quite fine. Daehyun and Hyosung has been doing good in their long distance relationship, keeping up with each other's update's. They always talk on the phone or see each other through iskype even with the time difference. 


On a Sunday morning, Hyosung was just laying on her bed with her laptop, chatting to her boyfriend through iskype. It's been 2 days since she haven't seen him, they were either just talking on the phone or sending email's.

"So, Congratulations on your graduation". Daehyun said as he clapped his hands through the screen making some 'whohooo.!' sounds

Hyosung smiled "Gomawo. . . . You too., for graduating"

He chuckled and shook his head "I didn't graduate"

"Yes you did. You already got your diploma  ahead of us. Boooo you" she pouted then stuck her tongue out

Daehyun just looked at her from the screen "How I wish I could kiss you right now."

She bit her bottom lip and stared at him "Yeah. Me too"


Suddenly, a knock on her door was heard. "Noona.! It's me" Yi Jung shouted from the other side of the door.

"Come in" she shouted back

Yi Jung walked in and closed the door behind him. "Noona, Yongguk hyung and Jieun noona are already downstairs. Let's go.. Oh. Is that  Daehyunnie  hyung.?". He ran to her bed and sat next to her, waving at his hyung through the screen "Hyyuuuunngg.! I miss you"

Daehyun waved back and smiled at him "I miss you too. Are you being a good boy to your noona?"

Yi Jung nodded proudly "Of course.! As a matter of fact, I'll be noona's date for today in the mall"

"Yah.! Jung Yi Jung. Don't you dare take my girl" 

"I can't promise that hyung"

"Yah.! Yah.! Yah.! Are you trying to give hyung a heart attack.?"

"Arasso. Arasso. I won't take her away from you"

Hyosung giggled at them. "Okay CHILDREN. Enough now"

Yi Jung laughed and turned to her "Noona, we'll wait for you downstairs". He looked to the screen and waved to his hyung "Annyeong hyung. I'll see you next time. Take care". And with that, he left.

"Baby-ah. I have to go"

"Have fun in the mall"

"I'll try" she whispered, sad tone on her voice

"You know pretty well that I don't like it when you're sad and I'm not at your side. Please don't be sad"

She looked at him through the screen and smiled "Arasso"

He smiled back. "That's my girl" 

"I gotta go. I miss you"

"I miss you too"





The day of graduation. Hyosung and her friends were so excited, making themselves pretty for the ceremony. As for her, she decided to go with just some eye make-up, lipgloss and adding some hair extensions. They were all seated next to each other, excited to walk on the stage to get their diploma's. Finally, the ceremony ended, they were now outside the school arena, taking many pictures as possible


"Oh my gosh.! Oh my gosh.! I can't believe we graduated already.!" Jieun squealed

Hyosung laughed "I know right. We're finally gonna be college students"

Youngjae walked up to them and smiled "Congratulations ladies" 

"Congratulations to you too" Hyosung smiled back

"So are you ladies gonna go to tonight's Graduation After Party.?" Himchan asked

"You bet we are." Zinger said

Hyosung looked at her friends, hesitating. She just wanna lay in her bed and chat with her boyfriend "I-I do------"

Yongguk shook his finger from side to side "Ah-ah-ah. We won't take NO for an aswer"

"Just go with us. Please please please pleeeaassee.?" Jieun pleaded, using her puppy dog eyes

Hyosung smiled and nodded "So puppy dog eyes this time.? Arasso. I'll come"


"Noonnaaa.!" Yi Jung shouted from afar, he ran towards her with 2 bodyguard's following him. "Noona. Congratulations on your graduation"

Hyosung ruffled his hair and hugged him "Aaww. Gomawo Yi Jung-ah"

"I have something for you". He took the gifts from the bodyguard's and gave it to her, from bouquet to bouquet to plush toy. "This pink bunny bouquet is from Daehyun hyung. This pink teddy bear bouquet is from umma. This other teddy bear bouquet is from aunt Hana. This huge bunny plush toy is from Daehyun hyung again. And this cute-graduation-teddy-just-like-me is from me"

She cleanly piled the bouquets on her left arm and held the bunny plush toy on her right arm. "Wow. This is alot. But thank you Yi Jung-ah for bringing them and giving it to me"

"Oh I didn't bring it noona. The bodyguard's did. I just gave it to you. But your welcome" he said while doing a cute curtsy

She chuckled and looked at the bunny bouquet that her boyfriend gave her and noticed a card on it. She handed Yi Jung the bunny toy plush "Can you hold this for me Yi Jung-ah"

Yi Jung grabbed the bunny plush toy and hugged it "Sure noona"

She opened the small card and read the message:

           My Baby.!

  Congratulation's on your graduation. I hope you have a great time.

  Don't be sad that I'm not right there next to you. I'm always here :)

  Did you receive my gift's.? When you miss me by your side, just

  hug the bunny, I named her  'Busan Gummy'. Cute right.? She has

  big eyes just like me but she has your pink cheeks. Take care of her.

  But not too much, I might get jealous ;)  I love you :*

                                                                                                 ~ Daehyun 




All of them were sitting and eating dinner. Talking about what they wanna do in the future. Both Hyosung and Jieun will go to I.C.E University, and gonna take Fine Arts: Photography & Fashion. Zinger is gonna focus on dancing & Sunhwa is gonna focus on modeling. And the B.A.P boys decided to go to the same University  as Hyosung and Jieun but with different courses. 

"You guys.! Have you seen the new magazine for E-manly,? I saw it yesterday and it was so aaawweesome" Zinger said

Sunhwa nodded her head excitedly and clapped her hands "Yes. Yes. Yes. I saw it tooooooo"

Hyosung and Jieun both laughed at their friends. Seeing them getting excited and happy over a magazine, a magazine about guys. Single guys.

"Let me remind you Sunhwa that you already have Himchan" Jieun smiled

Sunhwa rolled her eyes playfully "Oh you know I love him"

Hyosung giggled and looked at her "Oh yes we know"

Yi Jung tapped Hyosung's shoulder and whispered to her "Noona. Are you ready for the surprise.?"

"What surprise.? she asked

He didn't say anything, instead he pointed to the big screen infront of their table. The lights went off, only the screen lights iluminating the room. The video already starting with the countdown  5. . .4 . . .3. . .2. . .1

    Hey guys. Congratulation on your graduation. I'm sorry I can't be there with you.  I just wanted to let you know how happy I am for you guys.  For my B.A.P friends. Uri B. . .A.P, yes sir.!  It's been a long time, last time I iskyped with you guys was 2 weeks ago.  Sorry about that, it's just the time difference here and I spend most of my free time talking to the person who I miss the most,  you already know who.  Himchan, I hope you won't be a playboy anymore once you enter University.  Sunhwa might kill you.  Youngjae, you should stop being so bossy around the maknae's, that's my job.   Zelo and JongupI hope you behave well and listen to your hyungs, except to Youngjae though. Be good boys okay.? As for the girls & my cousin, you've finally made it. You've escaped such a hellhound school and you must be glad. No  more  boys  throwing themselves at you. Congrats! And Yongguk, take care of my cousin. Don't make her cry, because if she does, it will make my baby cry too, they are bestfriends afterall. And finally to my baby. I hope you're not sad on your graduation day. Smile! That's my most extreme absolute favorite of your feautures, your gummy smile. Don't worry, Busan Gummy will always be there to cuddle with you when I'm not there. Take care of yourself. I love you. Take care you guys. And I miss you . . . 


After the video ended, they kept quiet for moment, chuckling and laughing at what Daehyun just said on the video but very happy that he cared enough to give them a video message. 

"Did you like hyung's surprise, noona" Yi Jung asked

Hyosung nodded. "I did." She then grabbed her phone and stood from her seat "I'll be right back Yi Jung ah". She went outside the restaurant and dialed his number. When he finally picked up, she smiled to herself, thinking of what he said on the video "Baby-ah. Gomawo"

Daehyun laughed through the other line of the phone "You've seen it already.?

"Mmhm. I did"

"Did you like it.?"

"I loved it"

"Well I'm glad. Congratulations, again" he chuckled through the phone

Hyosung leaned against the railing and giggled "Gomawo, again"

"What are you doing right now.?"

"I'm looking at the stars, imagining your face in it. What about you.?"

"I'm looking at your pictures, imagining you right by my side"

"I miss you and me together"

"Me too. But remember baby-ah, no matter how far apart we are, you're forever in my heart"

Hyosung smiled through the phone. "Saranghae"

"Nado, Saranghae"




~ Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will ~       

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Chapter 39: such a cute story. although i am sad that there is no wedding... i am happy:) good job author-nim:)
Chapter 29: i am going to chase this evil Hyuna with mah dagger and gun. you better watch out ''. muahaha
sarangstories #3
tbh I love this story. So I came back to read and OH, the upvote exist now ey? *upvote* n_n
Chapter 39: There should be a part 2!
Levys12 #5
I really like your story.
And...and can I translate this into Vietnamese, please???
Your story will be a great gift for my friend on her birthday ^^
Chapter 39: Really like ure story
syakuzayamiky #7
i like your story and i really like daehyo couple.can you just create some other story about them..i really enjoy it. :)
Chapter 39: I've re-read your story for the 3rd time now... Yet I'm still hooked. I really love your story. Hihi. I love it's flow and ofcourse, it's ending. I'm so jelly~ Kekeke. ^^ anyway, i hope you make more fics. I love your writing dkills, keep it up!! :) ❤
Chapter 39: that was awesome! I read it all in one sitting!! The ending was so cute~~