The White Prince

Bunny Love

Like any other school day, Daehyun would normally listen to the teacher's lecture. Learning new thing's and not putting disgrace in  his mother's name. Afterall, he was the School CEO's son. Even though his umma told him to be the person he wants to be, whether he's smart or not, but living under that name, he knows that he should live in a world of great expectations. But right at this moment, his mind is wandering about Jun Hyosung. He feels really irritated that he kept on thinking about her. He's not called the WHITE PRINCE for nothing, his heart is cold as ice, he's suppose to be HEARTLESS towards others. And here he is, thinking about that purple-haired girl. He hates it.


While Daehyun was deep in his thoughts, the school bell suddenly rang. Students were walking out of the classroom. His B.A.P friends noticed him still glued to his chair.

"What's wrong with Daehyunnie hyung?" Zelo the maknae of the group asked

"That's odd, this is the first time we're seeing him like this" Yongguk, who's the same age as Daehyun said. They all looked at each other and finally approached the White Prince.

Himchan, also the same age as Daehyun poked him in his arm "YAH.! Jung Daehyun.!"

"Daehyunnie hyuuuunng" Jongup poked his other arm

Daehyun growled and glared at his friends. "Whoah Whoah. Well somebody got up from the wrong side of the bed" Youngjae said teasingly.

Yongguk chuckled and shook his head "What's up with you?"

"Nothing" he said

Knowing Daehyun, he's not the type to share his personal and deepest thoughts to anyone. Not even his family. He got up from his chair and stretched his arms "Let's go, I'm starving" he exited their classroom with his friends following him.

When they finally entered the cafeteria and into their Sacred table. The Female students were shouting and squealing. Male student's just watch them walk by and stare at them in awe. Daehyun who was on the lead kept his head from left to right. Looking for that one purple-haired girl that he hates. When they finally came to their table, it was filled with many gifts, which didn't surprised them at all. It was just like a daily routine for them, many fan girls give them so much stuff including letters.

While his friends were eating, Daehyun spotted the purple-haired girl with Jieun. He then heard a whistle coming from Himchan "Who the heck is that?!". Himchan was checking her out and Youngjae hit him in the head.

"Yah.! Why'd you do that.?" Himchan asked while rubbing his head.

"Do you want to get killed by Sunhwa.? I know you're not an official couple yet, but still hyung, you already confessed to her" Youngjae reminded him.

"I know I know, no need to remind me." Himchan explained and saw Daehyun shot him a death glare. He didn't honestly get why Daehyun was glaring at him so he just shook it off.

"Oh, she's with Jieun noona" Zelo said and Yongguk suddenly shot his up head hearing Jieun's name

"She reminds me of someone. I think I've seen her somewhere." Youngjae rubbed his chin trying to remember

Daehyun got up from his chair surprising the others "You don't need to remember someone you don't know", and with that he left the cafeteria

Youngjae raised his eyebrow "What's with him.?!"


After a few hours of class, it finally ended. Daehyun and his friends walked out of their classroom. He thought whether he should go home with Hyosung or not. In the end, he decided not to since everyday after school, he doesn't go straight home. He always visit a cafe Yongguk's family owned. And if Hyosung came with him, he doesn't want his friends come over him and start asking questions. Besides, she's just the daughter of his umma's bestfriend. She meant nothing to him, he said to himself.


Hyosung saw Daehyun leaving with his friends in the hallway. "He's not going home?" she whispered to herself but loud enough for Jieun to hear. "Daehyun doesn't always go straight home after school, he hangs out with B.A.P" Jieun explained

"B.A.P?" Hyosung asked and furrowed her eyebrows together

Jieun nodded "That's the name of their group. You haven't heard about them? Every year they are the cover of Glam-Up Magazine."

"Mianhe. I'm not really into that. I'm more of a book person" she apologized

Jieun smiled "I like you. Don't worry, I'll be your guide. They are the Son's of each respective rich families. And they were friends since they were 10. Well, me and them actually" she laughed. "Want to go home together?" 

Hyosung nodded

"So where do you live.?" Jieun suddenly asked

Jieun's question made Hyosung nervous. "I can trust you right?", Jieun nodded. "I ummm. I live with Daehyun and his family" she nervously muttered.

"Really.?!! Why.?!" she asked shockingly

"My umma and his umma are bestfriends and they have a business plan together. My umma doesn't want me to live alone for a few months since I'm not familiar here yet" Hyosung explained

"Aaahhh" Jieun nodded, understanding Hyosung's situation. She suddenly remembered the sad look on Hyosung's face this morning and giggled by herself This is gonna be interesting .

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Chapter 39: such a cute story. although i am sad that there is no wedding... i am happy:) good job author-nim:)
Chapter 29: i am going to chase this evil Hyuna with mah dagger and gun. you better watch out ''. muahaha
sarangstories #3
tbh I love this story. So I came back to read and OH, the upvote exist now ey? *upvote* n_n
Chapter 39: There should be a part 2!
Levys12 #5
I really like your story.
And...and can I translate this into Vietnamese, please???
Your story will be a great gift for my friend on her birthday ^^
Chapter 39: Really like ure story
syakuzayamiky #7
i like your story and i really like daehyo couple.can you just create some other story about them..i really enjoy it. :)
Chapter 39: I've re-read your story for the 3rd time now... Yet I'm still hooked. I really love your story. Hihi. I love it's flow and ofcourse, it's ending. I'm so jelly~ Kekeke. ^^ anyway, i hope you make more fics. I love your writing dkills, keep it up!! :) ❤
Chapter 39: that was awesome! I read it all in one sitting!! The ending was so cute~~