Christmas Vacation: Hyosung and Joon

Bunny Love

Daehyun walked outside his balcony room and stretched his arms. His eyes wandered around the beach, looking at his friends who were playing frisbee. He then noticed that purple haired girl, reading a book while walking towards the beach.

"Noona.! Look out.!" Yi Jung shouted to Hyosung who was busy reading her book

Hyosung looked up and the next thing she knew, a flying disc hit her forehead. "Aahh" She groaned and touched her forehead

The boys ran towards her. "Are you okay.?" Youngjae asked

"Yeah I'm fine" she nodded. "Could you hold my book for a second.?"

"Su-sure." Youngjae said

Hyosung ran towards Yi Jung "Yah.! Jung Yi Jung, you are so dead. You better be a fast runner", she laughed

Yi Jung turned around and started running. "Aaaahhh. Noooo.!"


The boys were laughing as Yi Jung was running as fast as he could


Daehyun smiled at the sight of Hyosung running towards his little brother, tickling him. He then remembered that Joon guy they saw yesterday. "Who is he.?" "What is he to her.?"


~ Three hours had passed ~

"Oh, this looks nice" Sunhwa picked a black diamond pearl earring. They are at the mall, shopping while the guys were left in the house, probably watching a war movie

Hyosung stepped out of the jewelry store, she was already done shopping for a diamond earring and Sunhwa was the one taking too long, practically trying every diamond earring on the store

"Small eyes.?" someone said from behind

Hyosung turned around to see Joon. It hasn't been a while since Joon called her "small eyes"

"Joon-ah. What are you doing here.?" she smiled

Joon approached her. "I bought souvenirs for my girlfriend"

"Girlfriend.?" . "Reeaalllyy.? Who.?" Hyosung asked

"Weell, you actually know her" Joon scratched the back of his head. "It's Min"

"Min.? Aahhh. Min from dance club.?" 

Joon nodded, blushing at his girlfriend's name. Hyosung smiled widely, that was the reason why she didn't go for Joon, because she knows that he likes someone else.



"Where is she.?!" Zinger said. They have been looking for Hyosung for about 30 minutes. 

Jieun stopped from her tracks. "There she is. . . . . with Joon."

They walked towards them. "Hyosung-ah" Sunhwa shouted

"Oh hey girls. You've met Joon right." she said

Joon smiled at them. "Hey ladies"


Meanwhile, in the Rest house. The guys were watching a war movie. Daehyun was just sitting in the couch, not focusing on the movie. He then heard the sound of a car engine outside. 


The three girl went inside the house. "Hey"

"What's with the face.?" Youngjae asked. "Something wrong.?"

Jieun sat next to Yongguk and rested her head on his shoulder. "What happened.? Didn't enjoy shopping?"

"Weellll, we were having fun shopping until Hyosung and. . . . ." Jieun glanced at Daehyun

Before Yongguk could ask again, Hyosung went inside the house with Joon."Hey guys, you remember Joon right.?"

Joon waved at them "Nice to see you guys. Sorry for intruding but Hyosungie here insisted"

All of them stayed quiet, Daehyun got up from the couch and went upstairs. 

Yi Jung slapped his forehead. "Uh oh. Not again", he whispered to himself

Hyosung laughed awkwardly. "Well, me and Joon will just talk outside. I'll be back" and went out to the beach

Jieun groaned and covered her face. "Uughh.! It was all going so perfectly and this happens.!"



Hyosung and Joon were walking down the beach. Talking about how things are in the States. 


"Oh how I miss Min and the others" she said

Joon chuckled. "But I guess you love it more here"

Hyosung looked at him. "Yeah. I think I found the right place"

"And the right guy" Joon glanced at her

Hyosung bit her bottom lip and blushed. Joon laughed. "Is it the masked guy.?" she nodded

"Well, I wish you guys the best."

Hyosung hesitated for awhile. "I d-don't even think he likes me"

Joon crossed his arms over his chest. "Please.! I can tell by the way he glares at me. Did you see his face when he pulled you away from my hug yesterday.? I feel like I commited a serious crime"

Hyosung laughed at Joon's remarks. "That's just the way he is"

"No no no. Trust me, I know he likes you too." Joon waved his finger at her



"What are they talking about.?!" Zinger pressed her ears against the glass wall

Jongup raised his eyebrows. "Noona, you know you can't actually hear them right? They're like 1,000 steps away"

They were all looking at Hyosung and Joon who were walking down the beach. Daehyun came down and grabbed a can of Cola from the fridge.

Jieun looked at him "Are you okay" she asked. 

Daehyun just stared at his cousin. He then fixed his gaze to Hyosung and Joon from afar.



Joon stopped from walking which made Hyosung stop. "Listen Hyosung-ah. I want to thank you" 

"Thank me about what.?"

He faced Hyosung and hold both of her shoulders. "If you haven't told me that Min liked me too, I don't think that I'll be able to confess to her. She probably won't be my girlfriend right now if it weren't for you"

Hyosung smiled. "That's what friends are for"

Joon suddenly kissed her cheek. "Thank you so much. I wish the best for you and that masked guy" and hugged her

"You're welcome" she smiled




"Oh no" Yi Jung stared at his hyung who just saw everything from the glass wall. "Hyung" he said lowly

Daehyun stood in front of the glass wall. Literally crumpling the can of cola that he was holding.

"Daehyunnie hyung is angry. Yonggukie hyung, do something" Zelo said

Yongguk watched as Daehyun went upstairs. He sighed and looked at them. "Just let him cool down"



"Byyyeeee" Hyosung said as Joon went to his car

He climbed into his car. "Bye. I had a good time."

Hyosung looked through the front seat window. "Tell Min I said `Hi`".

"Sure. Bye" Joon smiled and drove off





(Hehehe. Well, Joon wasn't really the thirdwheel. Just a bit. ^_^)

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Chapter 39: such a cute story. although i am sad that there is no wedding... i am happy:) good job author-nim:)
Chapter 29: i am going to chase this evil Hyuna with mah dagger and gun. you better watch out ''. muahaha
sarangstories #3
tbh I love this story. So I came back to read and OH, the upvote exist now ey? *upvote* n_n
Chapter 39: There should be a part 2!
Levys12 #5
I really like your story.
And...and can I translate this into Vietnamese, please???
Your story will be a great gift for my friend on her birthday ^^
Chapter 39: Really like ure story
syakuzayamiky #7
i like your story and i really like daehyo couple.can you just create some other story about them..i really enjoy it. :)
Chapter 39: I've re-read your story for the 3rd time now... Yet I'm still hooked. I really love your story. Hihi. I love it's flow and ofcourse, it's ending. I'm so jelly~ Kekeke. ^^ anyway, i hope you make more fics. I love your writing dkills, keep it up!! :) ❤
Chapter 39: that was awesome! I read it all in one sitting!! The ending was so cute~~