Christmas Vacation: Jeju Island

Bunny Love

"I'm so sorry, Hyosung-ah. Umma can't spend Christmas with you. Me and you're aunt Jaehee will meet the Ambassador of Vietnam on that day. I'm so sorry my baby" Hana said through the phone

Hyosung sat on her bed. Feeling a bit sad to be able not to spend Christmas with her umma. "It's okay umma, I understand that"

"Jeongmal Mianhe my baby."

Hyosung tried her best to sound okay. "It's really okay umma. Besides, Daehyun and Yi Jung will be here"

"Are you really sure.? I'll make it up to you when I get home. I promise"

"Neh. I'm sure"

"Oh. I gotta go, your aunt Jaehee is calling me already for the meeting. I'll call you soon okay.? I love you."

"Neh umma. I love you too". Beep . As the connection went off, Hyosung lay down on her bed.

She heard someone knock. "Come in"

A half-masked Daehyun went inside. Hyosung sat straight up.

"O-oh Daehyun." she stutttered

"The others are already here. They are in the Dining room". Daehyun pointed outside

Hyosung nodded and followed Daehyun. As they were walking down the stairs, the back of their hands would constantly touch. Feeling a bit nervous, Hyosung walked faster than him. 


"Oh. Here's the best couple". Jieun shouted as Daehyun and Hyosung walked in

Hyosung laughed. "Shut up". Taking a seat far across from Daehyun

"So me and the guys have been planning this the whole week and we decided to go to Jeju Island. Daehyun and his family owns a rest house there near the beach" Youngjae explained

"What's that about.?" Hyosung asked

Yi Jung took a sip of his orange juice. "Oh you didn't know noona.? Every Christmas, if we can't spend it with our family, we go on a trip. It happened 4 times already"

Hyosung wouldn't be surprised. They are son's and daughter's of a rich family. And this would be her 3rd time not spending Christmas wth her umma.

"When are we gonna leave.?" Zinger asked

"Tomorrow. . . We're gonna use Daehyun's private plane. So we meet at Jung Airport exactly 7am sharp" Yongguk said then looked at Zelo. "Did you hear me Zelo-ah.? 7 am sharp"

"Arasso. Arasso. I'll try to wake up early." Zelo pouted

Jongup stared at Zelo. "Don't try, just do it."

"Oh yeeeaahhh.! I can't wait.!". Himchan said while putting an arm around Sunhwa



The day quickly ended as Daehyun and Hyosung spend time laughing together with their friends. The following day, it was already 6:15 in the morning and Hyosung was all set up. She was so excited for the trip that she only slept for 3 hours. This would be her first time going on a trip with Daehyun and spending Christmas with him. She kept thinking about the night of the Christmas Ball. Even though she wasn't able to confess yet, her feelings for him grew more and more.


"Ready.?" Daehyun appeared on her door. She nodded. He went closer to her and carried her luggage. "Wow. You packed alot of things. Too excited to spend Christmas with me.?" his voice ruffled through the thin cloth in his mouth.

Hyosung was shocked at his boldness and smiled. "No sir. For your information. My luggage also contains five heavy books, camera equipment's and a mini laptop". She stuck her tongue out and went outside her room. Daehyun chuckled and followed her


It was already 7 am. Daehyun, Hyosung and Yi Jung was in the airport entrance door. Hyosung was looking around for her friends. Daehyun tapped her shoulder and pointed to a direction. She smiled as she saw a running Jieun coming near her.

"Hyosung-aaahh" Jieun hugged her 

"Good morning noona". Yi Jung greeted Jieun

"Well good morning to you too." she smiled

Jieun locked arms with Hyosung. "We should go. The other's are already here". 


As they all got into the plane, Hyosung was the last one to go up. She was too busy taking pictures around the airport. Daehyun suddenly approached her "You know, I wouldn't mind deserting you here Hyosung-ah"

Hyosung rolled her eyes playfully. "I can't help myself. The view is so nice"

"I'm a much better view". Daehyun pointed to himself cooly and smirked through his mask

Hyosung blushed. "Since when did you become so daring.?" .She walked past Daehyun and literally bumped his shoulder against her's


Both of them got into the plane and noticed that the 5 Single seat's were already taken by Youngjae, Zelo, Jongup, Zinger and Yi Jung. Hyosung took the seat near the window and Daehyun sat next to her. Throughout the flight, Daehyun was just listening to music while Hyosung was falling into a deep sleep. Her head hanging from time to time. 

Daehyun looked at the sleeping Hyosung "So cute" . He gently grabbed her head and leaned it into his shoulder. 

Yi Jung who was watching a movie from the mini screen turned to face them and smiled to himself.


Hyosung groaned and stretched her arms as she sat straight. She looked around her surrounding, she noticed that she wasn't in the plane anymore. With wide eyes, she got up from bed and out of the room.


"Oh noona, you're awake" Yi Jung ran towards her. "I was about to wake you up. Yonggukie hyung reserved a table for us at a restaurant, we're gonna have lunch there"

Hyosung glanced at her watch. It was already 12:00 noon. "Since when did we get here.?"

"Hmm. About 3 hours ago" Yi Jung said

"Who carrie-----"

"Daehyunnie hyung carried you, from the airport to the car. Then from the car to your room. I was surprised that you didn't wake up, you're such a heavy sleeper" he teased

Hyosung blushed. "Daehyun carried me.?"

"You're blushing noona" Yi Jung smiled

She touched her red hot cheeks.

"Zelo hyung offered to carry you but Daehyunnie hyung didn't allow him". Yi Jung grabbed Hyosung's hand. "Come on. They're waiting". Both of them running downstairs



Jieun leaned against the red car as she was waiting for Hyosung and Yi Jung to come outside. She smiled as she saw them running towards them. "Oh. Had a good sleep.?" she asked 

Hyosung nodded. "Where are the others.?"

"Oh. I let them go in the restaurant first, I wanted to wait for you." Jieun smiled


"Come on Yi Jung-ah. Hop in" Jieun motioned Yi Jung

Hyosung followed Yi Jung but was interrupted by Yongguk. "Oh no Hyosung-ah. Your ride is over there" pointing at a white car

She looked over and saw Daehyun leaning against it.

"Have fun" Jieun whispered to her.

"We'll see you in the restaurant" Yongguk shouted at Daehyun


Yongguk drove off leaving Daehyun and Hyosung behind. She walked over at Daehyun who was leaning against the front seat door. He opened the car door for her. 

Hyosung smiled. "Thank you" and climbed inside the car. She watched him through the glass as he ran towards the driver's seat.

Daehyun switched the engine on. "All set.?" he asked

Hyosung buckled her seatbelt and nodded.





(Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Hehehe. Can't stop thinking about these two ^_^)

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Chapter 39: such a cute story. although i am sad that there is no wedding... i am happy:) good job author-nim:)
Chapter 29: i am going to chase this evil Hyuna with mah dagger and gun. you better watch out ''. muahaha
sarangstories #3
tbh I love this story. So I came back to read and OH, the upvote exist now ey? *upvote* n_n
Chapter 39: There should be a part 2!
Levys12 #5
I really like your story.
And...and can I translate this into Vietnamese, please???
Your story will be a great gift for my friend on her birthday ^^
Chapter 39: Really like ure story
syakuzayamiky #7
i like your story and i really like daehyo couple.can you just create some other story about them..i really enjoy it. :)
Chapter 39: I've re-read your story for the 3rd time now... Yet I'm still hooked. I really love your story. Hihi. I love it's flow and ofcourse, it's ending. I'm so jelly~ Kekeke. ^^ anyway, i hope you make more fics. I love your writing dkills, keep it up!! :) ❤
Chapter 39: that was awesome! I read it all in one sitting!! The ending was so cute~~