Notice Me

One Shot Compilation

2PM - Wooyoung & Junho

“I don’t like it. Redo it.”

I clenched my fists tight before I grabbed the cotton pad and eye makeup remover. I gently removed Junho’s eyeliner for the 5th time. He always did this to me.

I was 2PM Junho’s makeup stylist since debut. He had always been sweet and nice to me but gradually turned rude and obnoxious. On television and to everyone else, he was the sweetheart of 2PM with his famous eye smile but to me, he was bossy and high demanding. There was one thing I could say: he treated me like and frankly, I was sick of it.

All of my friends were jealous of my job since 2PM were at the peak of their fame. No matter how many times I’ve tried telling my friends that my job was not glamorous at all, they never believed me. I can’t blame them though, they never witnessed how I was treated by Junho.

After finishing his makeup, his hair stylist took over but of course, Junho called out for me. “Bring me water.” I silently sighed to myself before I walked over to the table and grabbed a water bottle for him. “Here.” He just took it and started to drink it. No ‘thank you,’ not even a smile.

I was walking back to the refreshments table when Wooyoung grabbed my arm. I looked up at him and he smiled, “Can you fix my makeup? It kind of smeared.” I smiled and said, “Sure. Where’s your makeup stylist though?” Wooyoung shrugged, “I don’t know. She probably went to find Big Bang since they’re having a comeback today.”

He sat down and I started to remove his eyeliner. Wooyoung was honestly my favorite 2PM member. He was so kind and friendly, always cracking jokes with everyone. Unlike Junho, Wooyoung treated me with a lot of respect and always showed gratitude. Sometimes I wondered why I was put with Junho rather than Wooyoung. Although I had to admit, during their debut days, Junho was the sweet one while Wooyoung was the loud and annoying one. I guess Nichkhun’s stylist was the luckiest.

Wooyoung looked at the mirror and smiled, “I always like how your makeup turns out.” I smiled and said, “Aw thank you Wooyoung.” I sighed as I put my stuff away. “Why the sigh?” I looked back at Wooyoung. “Just... it’s nothing.” He chuckled and said, “Junho giving you a hard time?” I just smiled. “Honestly, he doesn’t hate you. I mean, if he hated you, he would’ve fired you by now.” I laughed and said, “I’d rather be fired than be treated like this.” That’s when Wooyoung pouted. “If he’s giving you a hard time, you should talk to him about it.” I zipped up my pouch and muttered, “If he would even let me talk.” 

The music show ended and 2PM ran inside the room with their trophy and flowers, jumping with joy. 2PM’s managers smiled and said, “This calls for a celebratory dinner?” The boys all hugged each other and shouted, “Aw yeah!” I just smiled as I went over to grab my stuff to go home.

“Hey, you should join us.” I turned around to Wooyoung’s bright face. I shook my head and said, “I’m pretty tired but congrats!” Wooyoung frowned and said, “Come on, fans love us because we look good on that stage and that’s all thanks to our stylists. Join us. Please?” He started giving me the puppy face so I started laughing and said, “Okay fine but I’m not drinking.” Wooyoung smiled brightly and pulled me over to the group. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Junho giving me a look. That was one big reason why I didn’t want to go.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we waited for a good time for 2PM’s van to drop them off. We immediately rushed to the restaurant’s large room as soon as they arrived. Once we were in the room, everyone started grabbing their seats but I didn’t know where to sit or who to sit next to. One of the stylists were calling me over but Wooyoung grabbed my shoulders from behind and pushed me to a seat, sitting next to me. And then Junho sat in front of Wooyoung. Great.

Everyone began eating and the alcohol came. Wooyoung placed a shot glass in front of me and poured soju into it. “Oh no, I’m not going to drink!” Wooyoung put up his forefinger and said, “Just one shot. I promise. Just one with everyone.” I sighed and said, “Fine.” Everyone in the room took a shot for 2PM’s first win of their comeback.

Throughout dinner, Junho kept looking over at me with an unpleasant look. I was getting really uncomfortable so I was about to leave but slightly drunk Wooyoung grabbed me and said, “Are you leaving already?!” I smiled at Wooyoung’s Asian glow. “Someone’s drunk...” Wooyoung put on a little boy’s smile and said, “Just a little...” He paid his attention back to Taecyeon and Chansung while I sat there uncomfortably again.

“How come you came?” I looked up at Junho’s question. “I... Wooyoung just convinced me to come. Why?” Junho looked at Wooyoung and then back at me. He looked away, slightly rolling his eyes. What was his problem? He obviously didn’t want me there. I poked Wooyoung who turned around. “Wooyoung, I’m going to leave now. I’m really tired.” Wooyoung nodded and said, “I’ll walk you out!”

We both got up and went outside. Wooyoung had his hood on as we waited for a taxi to drive by. I was staring at the cars on the street when Wooyoung said, “I have something important to ask you...” I looked over at him, waiting for him to continue. “Do you...” He just sighed and continued, “Will you go on a date with me?” My eyes widened. I wasn’t expecting that at all. “Wooyoung...I think you’re really drunk.” He sighed and said, “I’m not—ok yeah I’m a little drunk but I’m sober enough to know what I’m asking you. I’ll remember all of this tomorrow. I just... I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time now.”

I looked back at the street and saw a taxi coming our way. “Please... at least give me an answer.” I looked back at Wooyoung as he stared into my eyes, waiting for an answer. His eyes were filled with hope and nervousness. “Alright but just realize you’re an idol. I’m just giving you one chance...” He put on a bright smile as he nodded. “I’ll take care of everything!” I smiled and said, “You have my number.” With that said, I got into the taxi as he continued to smile, waving bye to me. As the taxi drove off, I turned my head back and saw Wooyoung literally skipping into the restaurant.


When I went into Wooyoung’s car, I was surprised when I saw him. He was dressed in a nice white dress shirt with black jeans and his hair nicely spiked up. “Is this how you dress on a regular day?” Wooyoung looked at me with a smile and said, “Why? Do I look spiffy?” I smiled and nodded. He chuckled and said, “Just trying to impress you.”

“So where are we going to go? You can’t really show your face.” Wooyoung smiled and said, “I’ve got it all planned out. Don’t worry.” I shrugged and said, “I’m going to worry even if you tell me not to.” Wooyoung scoffed and said, “Okay grandma.” I gently punched him on the arm and he gaped. “I’m driving! What if you punched me a little harder which made me swerve and crash and it killed me? You technically killed 2PM’s Jang Wooyoung.” I laughed and said, “Okay grandpa.” Wooyoung shot me a glare making me laugh. We continued to joke around like that throughout the ride.

Wooyoung finally pulled into an underground parking lot and drove up to valet. “Hello Wooyoung-shi.” I got out of the car and followed behind Wooyoung. We went into an elevator as Wooyoung began to call someone. “Hey, I’m in the elevator right now. For sure, thanks bro.” When the elevators opened, there was an entrance to a restaurant right in front of us with a young guy around Wooyoung’s age held the door open. Wooyoung walked up to me and gave him a man hug and said, “It’s been a while!” His friend smiled and said, “I know Mr. Famous over here and too busy for me now.” Wooyoung laughed and said, “We’ll chill soon but thanks for tonight. I really appreciate it.” His friend smiled and said, “No problem.”

We walked inside the restaurant and I noticed it was just one large room with tables. I didn’t understand how Wooyoung and I would get our privacy. I was expecting a private room. However, we got directed into the kitchen on our left and then walked back into the large room through another kitchen entrance at the back of the room. We got seated in a booth in a dark corner. It was actually perfect because no one could see Wooyoung. “Told you I got it taken care of.” I smiled at him and said, “Not bad Wooyoung... not bad.”

After we ordered, I asked Wooyoung, “So how do you know that guy?” Wooyoung smiled and said, “He was my tablemate in junior year. We got really close because we both danced.” I nodded and said, “That’s cute.” Throughout the rest of our dinner, we joked around with each other. I had to admit, Wooyoung was a really fun guy to go on a date with. He didn’t make sudden moves and always made a comfortable vibe for me but at the same time, that first date atmosphere was still there. I really liked that.

After dinner, we drove to a large park and just took a long walk in the dark. As we were walking and talking and laughing, I felt Wooyoung slide his hand into mine. I looked over at him and he looked nervous and hesitant. I laughed and twined our fingers together, making him smile. We walked like that all the way to the other side of the park where the playground was. I sat down on a swing, letting go of his hand. “Want me to push you?” I smiled and nodded. He came behind me and started to push me slowly and gently.

“Mmm...” I heard Wooyoung say so I responded, “What?” He asked, “Is now a good time to ask you out on another date?” I smiled which he couldn’t see. “Mmm, let me interview you first to see if you qualify.” I heard Wooyoung softly chuckled as he replied, “Alright.” As he continued to push me, I asked, “How do you like your current job?” Wooyoung softly laughed and said, “I love it. I’m living my dream.” I then asked, “Don’t you get annoyed of your fans?” He was quiet as he replied, “I love my fans but some of them can be a little too extreme.” I held onto the swing tightly as I asked, “What would you do if you got caught dating a girl?” Wooyoung immediately replied, “I would admit it.” I sighed and asked, “What if you lose some of the fans you love?” He calmly replied, “The fans I love will accept it. If they leave me, then they weren’t true fans.” I nodded and asked, “What if your company doesn’t allow it?” Wooyoung got quiet as he continued to push me. “I would try my best for their permission. I mean, you know... if my girlfriend isn’t a fellow celebrity, it should be fine...especially if she’s a trusted employee within our company...” I just smiled.

“Any more questions?” I looked up at the stars and asked, “Why did you grow an interest in me?” Wooyoung chuckled and said, “When I first saw you, I thought you were really pretty. I wanted you to be my stylist so badly but you got paired up with Junho. As time passed and I got to know you more, your personality made you even more beautiful.” The smile on my face wouldn’t leave. “What took you so long to ask me out on a date?” Wooyoung sighed and said, “I couldn’t gain the confidence to ask you out. But I guess alcohol did its part.” We both started laughing. “You have all these pretty girl groups around you. I even heard some of those girls liked you. Why not them?” Wooyoung replied, “Because I liked you. I don’t know why. My heart would flutter whenever I would see you but not for them.” My smile grew wider and I said, “Alright, second date accepted.”

I got off the swing and Wooyoung walked over to me. “So did I win you over?” I nodded and said, “I said second date accepted!” Wooyoung smiled and said, “I heard that but did I win your heart over to me? I mean, I’m pretty sure you didn’t really have feelings for me before I asked you out on a date.” I just shrugged, teasing him. His eyes widened, “Wait really? Don’t joke around with me!” I laughed and said, “I were my favorite member. Does that count?” Wooyoung glared at me and said, “No.” I grabbed his hand and said, “You did a great job with your first date.” Wooyoung twined his fingers with mine with a sly smile on his face. “So I did win you over.” I nodded as we began to walk back to his car.

About three months had passed and we had gone on 4 dates. Whenever he had free time, he would spend time with me even if it was just at my apartment. On our 3rd date, he had officially asked me to be his girlfriend which I agreed to. That was the same day we had our first kiss together. But there was one catch. No one knew except for Nichkhun, who only found out because they got their phones mixed up leading to Nichkhun accidentally reading Wooyoung’s texts with me.

“Go get me some soda.” I sighed as I walked over and got a can of Coke for Junho. He gave me a look and asked, “Where’s my straw?” As I went over to get a straw, Junho shouted, “Get me Sprite instead.” I sighed and grabbed a straw. I stuck the straw into his Coke and said, “There’s no Sprite.” Junho pushed his drink to my hand, some of it leaking onto my shirt. “Then get me water. I don’t like dark drinks.” I clenched my teeth as I grabbed his drink. “You could say sorry for spilling on my shirt.” Junho glared at me and said, “What?” I glared at him back and rolled my eyes. I grabbed him a water bottle and threw it onto his lap as he was getting his hair done. I was starting to walk away when he shouted, “Hey!” I clenched my fists as I turned around. “What’s with your attitude?!” He asked me, making the room go quiet, everyone staring at us.

My face was turning red out of anger and I was fed up. “My attitude? Excuse me, what’s with your attitude for the past two years?!” Junho scoffed, “Are you ing serious right now?” I stared at him directly in the eye and said, “What? Should I kneel down to you because you’re some stupid celebrity?” Junho got up and started to walk over to me muttering something but Wooyoung ran over and stopped him. “Junho, stop.” Junho looked up at him and then back at me. He turned back around and sat down. I just ran out of the room, tears welling up in my eyes.

I ran into the janitor’s closet and within seconds, the door opened and Wooyoung walked in. I looked up at him as tears strolled down my face. He pulled me into his arms as I cried into his chest. He was patting my back as he said, “It’s okay... Junho was being a jerk.” I just continued to cry as he hugged me tightly. After a couple minutes, I pulled away and wiped away my tears. He held up my chin to look at my face as he wiped away my tears with his thumb. He cupped my face and said, “I’m waiting for a smile.” I continued to pout as I said, “I ruined your outfit...” He looked down and saw tear marks on his shirt. “It’ll dry.” He continued to look at it as he continued, “Or that can make me look really y.” I started to laugh and he looked at me smiling. He leaned down and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

“Wow.” We both looked at the door and saw Junho looking at us. My eyes widened. “I should’ve seen this coming. Wow.” I took a step toward Junho but he stepped back. “I’m sorry. I came here to apologize but maybe I shouldn’t have.” Wooyoung grabbed Junho’s arm and said, “Look no one knows except Nichkhun. Please don’t say anything.” Junho pulled his arm away harshly and glared at Wooyoung and then glared at me. I could’ve sworn Junho’s eyes were getting watery. I grabbed his arm. “Junho... are you—“ He pulled his arm away and turned around. “Don’t talk to me.” And then he walked away. I could’ve sworn he was about to cry. Wooyoung muttered, “Something’s weird” before he walked back to their room.

That night I was in my bedroom, getting ready to sleep when my phone started ringing. Junho was calling me. “Hello?” I heard a loud sigh. “I’m sorry.” I sat down on my bed and asked, “Sorry for...?” Junho replied, “For treating you like .” He was slurring his words. “Junho, you’re drunk.” But he ignored me. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” I sighed, “It’s okay. But you’re drunk. You should—“ Junho interrupted me and asked, “How long...have you and Wooyoung been dating?” I bit my lip and had a bad feeling I knew why Junho was calling me. “It’s been about 3 months.” And then I heard Junho sob. “ you—“ He cut me off again and answered my question. “Yes. Yes I do. I’ve liked you for a long time now. I didn’t want to like you because all of 2PM had a crush on you. You never looked at me with any emotion. You would only talk to me about my makeup and nothing else. I couldn’t make you look at me as a guy. That’s why I started being mean to you because that was the only way for you to notice me. And it worked. Even though you probably hated me, I thought it’d be better than you looking at me like I was just nothing significant. I was so desperate for your attention. I would make you do all these favors for me so I could just look at you a little bit more. I know, I shouldn’t have done that but you just... don’t understand.”

I was speechless. He softly muttered as he cried, “But ing Wooyoung got to you first.” I quietly sighed to myself. “I’m sorry Junho...I didn’t know.” And then he hung up on me. I looked at my phone and saw 3 texts from Wooyoung.

I told all of the members about us. They were all surprised.
Chansung told me Junho...liked you...a lot.

What should we do?

I sighed and began to text Junho. Hey Junho, I’m really sorry I had treated you like that. I didn’t mean to, I was just focusing on my job. I should’ve built a better connection with you but I’m just not an initiative person. I’m sorry I had to find out about your feelings this way but yes, Wooyoung got to me first. I know you two have a very strong friendship and I don’t want to be the reason for it to break. He loves you a lot like a brother so don’t give him a hard time. He already feels horrible about this situation. But I’m sorry, I don’t want to give up my relationship with Wooyoung. I just need to establish that. I’m sorry.

And then I opened my laptop and began to write my resignation letter.


3 Years Later

“Myungsoo, stop laughing!” He continued to laugh, trying to hold it in. I grabbed his head and finished his eyeliner. Myungsoo smiled and said, “Sorry noona... Sungyeol hyung was being too funny.” I gently nudged his forehead with my forefinger and said, “Aigoo, always giving me a hard time.” He laughed again as Sungyeol made an ugly face. I turned around and gently slapped Sungyeol. “Stop distracting him all the time!” Sungyeol just laughed as he defended himself.

After I had resigned from being Junho’s stylist, I got a job for Woollim entertainment as their upcoming boy band’s stylist. I was assigned as Myungsoo’s stylist and my pay increased about three times because Myungsoo participated in many dramas and modeling acts while performing under Infinite; therefore, I spent a lot more time with my job. I had learned a lot through my experience with Junho so I made sure to treat all of the Infinite’s members as my close oppas and dongsengs, especially Myungsoo. They were like my family and I was happy to work with them.

“Surprise.” Wooyoung walked in with a bouquet of roses. I smiled as he came up to me and gave me a kiss. “Happy 3 year anniversary baby.” I smiled as I took the roses. “Sigh, when am I getting a girlfriend...” Sunggyu muttered as he watched us. Wooyoung and I both laughed as Sunggyu walked by.

Everyone knew about our relationship. After about a year of dating, Wooyoung had stopped disguising himself and began to openly show his affection. News broke out with pictures of us on dates. There were pictures of us holding hands, hugging each other, and even kissing. Wooyoung told the public, “Yes, we have been dating over a year now. We are both very happy so we hope you could support us.” Indeed, everyone was supportive.

As for Junho, we never talked after that incident. If we ran into each other, he would ignore me and walk past me. Wooyoung had tried to talk to him about it but Junho would just ignore him. I was just glad their friendship was fine after the incident. Although I was disappointed that Junho would ignore me, I had no option but to accept it. It was his choice and I was going to respect it.

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Chapter 3: i'm back, and truly loving all of these so far!??!?!!! ch.2 was so sad, and this one was so sweet... all of them remind me of plot lines in shows that i'd love to watch...
Chapter 1: aaah, i'm only one the first one so far but this is amazing!!! their argument during the intermission is well-written, i was captivated by each word.
Chapter 4: Oh my god poor Niel T_T
ack. “I’m not jealous cause starting today, you’re mine.”

Awww these are really sweet.
So sweet!
hha..didn't expect that he would suddenly do that..
cutynup #8

Sungyeol is really cute here~ Sequel for You're Mine would be great!
awwwwwwww..... can you do a sequel for woohyun's? it's so heart wrenching. /sniffs