Chapter 9: Shower fiasco

[Hiatus] It all came as a surprise to me


I woke up to a much more pleasant situation that the previous morning. I went to stretch and found that I had actually ended up in the crook of Eunhyuk’s arm, and that’s how we had slept for half of the night. I opened my eyes and saw that Eunhyuk was still sleeping. He looks so freaking adorable, I thought to myself!

I wanted to stay there forever and just watch him sleep, but I thought this was my opportunity to have an early morning shower. I slipped out of bed silently; Eunhyuk flung the arm I was laying on over his head and slept on. I went over to open my bag and grabbed some shower stuff my mom had packed and found a towel in Eunhyuk’s closet.

I was stealing one last glimpse of him sleeping when I opened the door to leave. I barely closed it, when I heard probably about 5 doors open in reply to mine being opened. There sticking their heads out into the hallway, were all the curious boys. After my encounters with the majority of these said boys, I knew to take the bull by the horns.

“Anyone have a valid question to ask or do you plan on watching me walk to the bathroom? That’s the sign of a potential ert, you know?”

Several doors closed, however the braver didn’t have the courtesy to withdraw. I’m going to refuse to acknowledge any of them, that was fine. I didn’t really feel like taking anyone head on today. Not after such an enjoyable night.

I had to pass what must have been Kyuhyun and Yesung’s room. I really tried hard not to look at the bottom half of Yesung, to confirm he did sleep . The worst part was Kyuhyun’s cheeky grin, like he knew I had done something naughty.

Regrettably, Siwon’s room happened to be right beside the bathroom. He had a curious look on his face and I was a little weirded out to see that Donghae was with him. Did he sleep in his room last night, or did Siwon force him to sleep in his, to give Eunhyuk and me some privacy? If so, that was kind of thoughtful of Siwon.

Donghae had to ruin my sweet thought by yelling: “Offer still stands.”

I shut the bathroom door in answer. I set up my towel on the opposing toilet and started to strip. I wanted a nice, long, hot shower. I felt like I had a whole weekend of stress to wash off me.

I was in the middle of washing my hair; I had shampoo that smelled like some really nice flowers, when I heard the bathroom door open! I didn’t lock it, because my bathroom back home doesn’t have a lock. What was I thinking, with a house full of boys??? Question was who dared come in here? Must be someone with nothing to lose...

I heard some tinkling and figured they had started to go pee. Then I heard the water run and the mystery bathroom stalker revealed himself: “You have a nice figure,” said Kyuhyun thoughtfully.

I backed into a corner and attempted to hide myself. The shower doors weren’t see-through, they were more opaque. I couldn’t see Kyuhyun in detail, but I could see his shape. He must have been watching me?! I still felt in his view.

“Get out!” I hollered. What an insufferable boy! Donghae and Heechul must have had a bad influence on him.

“You’re the one who forgot to lock the door. You were practically inviting me to come in.” I heard some rustling of clothes. “Come to think of it, I do actually need a shower.”

“Kyuhyun!” yelled Donghae, coming to my rescue. I could see that he was holding Kyuhyun roughly by his neck. But instead of immediately pulling Kyuhyun out, he paused. I swear he was looking right at me!

“Nice figure...” he said. That sneaky little boy! Pretending to come in to get Kyuhyun and then looking at me as well.

I heard Kyuhyun laugh at Donghae’s hypocrisy and then an “ouch” when Donghae must have hit him.

“Donghae!” I wailed and that must have shaken him out of his dirty thoughts because he proceeded to leave after that.

“I’ll watch the door,” I heard Siwon say as the door closed softly.

After that episode, I finished my shower as quickly as I could. I didn`t feel safe anymore, regardless that Siwon was `watching the door`. I shot out of the shower as fast as I could to grab my towel and lock the door. I`m pretty sure I heard Siwon chuckle at the sound of the lock being placed. I was definitely going to be made fun of after this.

I dried myself a little bit slowly after being confident the door was locked and dressed as well. I figured I might as well put some make-up on too, seeing as how I was potentially being entertained by 13 boys at one time. I don`t usually wear make-up, I'm not that kind of girl. I feel like, if I want to look special, this is the time to wear make-up to surprise everyone that I’m actually a beauty. Or I'd like to think so.

I flung the door open, thinking that I'd be seeing a smug Siwon and to my surprise I was greeted by Kangin! He had his hand posed as if to knock on the door. Kangin seemed at a loss for words for a bit, I mean my hair was still wet and I was a little flushed from having such a hot shower. He acted the tough guy though, and pushed past me, claiming the shower next. Then he slammed the door in my face! What a weird boy; always insulting me every chance he got.

I managed to get back to the common room`s door without any interruption, which I did not think was possible. I began to push the door open, and it was revealed that this was where the commotion was going on. I didn`t open it fully, and peaked in. It looked like Eunhyuk and Donghae were talking.

“ you did nothing? You had the lucky chance to have her in your bed for a night and you cuddled?” said an astonished Donghae. I’m sure he would have used that to his advantage if it’d been him.

“It’s not like that with us, hyung! Laura is picking who she potentially wants to be with not a lover. I don’t have to impress her that way,” replied Eunhyuk.

“How about this: you can supply her with the sweetness and I’ll give her what she really wants. Some sweat under the sheets. She’s a hot little vixen when you—”

Eunhyuk cut him off: “Don't talk about her like that!”

“Make me stop,” boasted Donghae.

I figured this was the time to reveal myself. “Stop it! Wasn’t this exactly what you were trying to avoid by dating me at the same time? If this is how you both are going to act, then I don’t want a part of it!”

Both boys had the decency to look ashamed. Coincidentally, someone knocked on the door to break this hubbub up. It was Sungmin. He looked really cute in simply jeans and a sweater that was a little bit over-sized.

“Leeteuk wanted everyone to know that we’re having a picnic for lunch in the backyard. Not everyone is going to be there, but it will still be fun!” Sungmin offered, being too cute for words. This time I really did want to glomp him.

I tried to look a little sad, but secretly hoped that certain people did not show up. I’m really tired of these back and forths!

Sungmin, upon seeing my fake sad face, started up again; “Ah but we’re holding a dance tonight in your honor. All the guys will be there then. We want to show you that we’ll miss you and want to make up for all the bad things that have happened to you lately. We wanted you to leave with a good impression so you’ll come back again!”

“Isn’t it going to be a bit weird, with me being the only girl there?” I inquired.

Sungmin shrugged, “Guess we’ll all have to take a number.” Like I was going to get that many of the boys asking me to dance.

“I gotta go check what music they plan on playing...” Donghae muttered mostly to himself and dashed out of the room. He must be up to something.

Yesung showed up at the door as Donghae rushed out. He knocked on the doorframe politely before coming in. “I was told by Leeteuk to you to the picnic” he announced, holding his hand out for me to take. Why Yesung? And holy, Leeteuk was a freaking machine. He is really acting like the leader of the group.

I took Yesung’s hand and he tucked it in his elbow and we began to stroll our way to the backyard. It was nice to have a comfortable silence. Yesung wasn’t sad or talking dirty to me. It was a nice reprieve to not have to either support or slap away the boy attending to me.

However, Yesung must have taken my silence as I was annoyed that I was with him because he said “I’m sure you didn’t want to be escorted by me, but please endure it for a little while.”

I was shocked. How did an attractive man like Yesung have such low confidence? I decided that he needed an uplift, a nice compliment would do!

“But Yesung, you’ve got it all wrong! I’m going to enjoy this very much. I mean, you’re so good looking! Promise me you’ll sit beside me? I’ll even feed you!” I gushed sincerely. I actually meant everything I had said. Like I said, I had a fan girl crush for sure.

Yesung looked astonished that I had said such a thing. He kept face though, and broke into such a gentle smile. “Of course,” he consented and I was very happy.

Yesung stayed true to his word and sat beside me. I did my very best to pay special attention to him. I made sure he was a part of every conversation I was drawn into and made sure to laugh at his silly jokes. I even fed him some of my meal, with a spoon!

“Ah!” I imitated and brought the spoon towards Yesung’s mouth. He ate it with a very glad smile.

Sungmin got jealous though, and demanded that I feed him cutely as well. I did the train with him, because I couldn’t help myself. Then, all of a sudden, everyone wanted to be spoon fed.

“I’m not feeding everyone. That is ridiculous!” I said, denying them. A bunch of pouty faces met my own. I conceded to feed one more person, and Heechul won the rock, paper, scissors contest. To be spiteful, I gave Heechul a spicy dish to eat. I laughed out loud when his eyes started to water but he kept a smile on his face. That’s what he gets for trying to force a kiss on me.

“So, has anyone heard about how about how Laura invited me to take a shower with her?” Kyuhyun mentioned, silencing everyone.

Siwon laughed quietly to himself, since he was a witness, but didn’t stick up for the truth!

“Kyuhyun...” I cautioned him, but he did not take the hint.

“After spending the night with Eunhyuk, she decided to get a shower, because she was so sweaty from all the tossing and turning she did with Eunhyuk. She sauntered past Yesung and mine’s door and she winked at me. Then, she glanced longingly back at me and didn’t lock the door. I was in heaven! So I went into the bathroom to partake in what would have been the highlight of my ual career when Donghae dragged me out in a jealous rage!” Kyuhyun recounted to the other boys, solemn as can be, like it was the truth!

“T-t-t-that’s not what happened!” I managed to stutter out. I couldn’t imagine why he would make up that lie. The problem was, it was so close to the truth, I’d almost believe it.

“Ah, the shy lady doth deny...” Kyuhyun shook his head sadly, “It’s okay, dearest. I promise not to kiss and tell anymore.”

“I deliberately avoided your cheeky little gaze! You barged in on me when I forgot to lock the door! The last thing I need is to extend my love square to a pentagram!” I exploded. So not what a girl does!

Suddenly both Kangin and Shindong burst out laughing. They could barely get a breath out, they were laughing so obnoxiously. They both patted Kyuhyun on the back, praising him for his good made up story, which they almost believed had been true. I let out a sigh of relief and the rest of the guys started to laugh, a bit nervously though.

I happened to notice that Kibum wasn’t joining in on the laughter. Actually, he looked really thoughtful. Because he watched so much, was he actually picturing a shower scene with me as the star?! I think I guessed correctly, because after some minutes of staring off into space, he started to blush.

“You can’t exactly be angry at him, Laura” Siwon had to point out, “You didn’t lock the door in a home that houses 13 boys. You had to know SOMETHING was going to happen.”

“If only I hadn’t of slept in!” groaned Heechul.

“Shut up, both of you.” I said, sulking a little bit. Finally, the tense air was cut with full-on laughter. I was really thankful Donghae wasn’t there, though. That boy has the uncanny ability to make me blush like I’m a little school girl.

Since the food was all done, the boys dispersed to do whatever needed to be finished up for Sunday. Some had chores to do or interviews to finish and left. I honestly, didn’t know what to do with myself. I did have to get ready for this dance they had prepared, but that wasn’t for another couple hours.

An idea sparked in me when I glanced at Leeteuk’s leaving back. I sat up quickly and ran in his direction. “Leeteuk! Wait up!” I called after him.

Leeteuk turned around and offered me a hesitant smile. He clearly had no idea what I would want with him. I grabbed his arm and tried to steer us to a private nook. I really hoped that Leeteuk wasn’t getting the wrong idea...

“Ah, Leeteuk about the other day? I’m really sorry that it got awkward like that. I never meant for anything like that to happen! What I was hoping is that you would just dash away those embarrassing memories and replace them with me laughing with the boys and chatting with them. I mean, there’s no reason for you to be so embarrassed. It’s probably better you get rid of those memories; of a plain girl. What would I compare to the girls you used to date in high school...” I got really sombre in the end, which I didn’t mean to do. I just got sad at the thought.

“Laura,” said Leeteuk to me, getting serious. It was weird to see him like this. Normally he is all smiles and joking with the boys. “I get embarrassed easily, even on actions that I’ve done. I wasn’t embarrassed because I was uncomfortable or it was unwanted.”

“Leeteuk,” I could feel tears b. Why did he have to be so nice?!

Leeteuk came pretty close to me. He still had his serious face on. What was going to become of this? Leeteuk grabbed my head and tenderly placed a kiss of my forehead. “You are so very pretty when you are smiling, so please don’t worry about me!”

I slumped a bit against the wall I had been pressed up against. “ know, I would have died and gone to heaven if you had done that to me in high school.” My bones were rattled and they were making my lips loose.

Leeteuk seemed a bit surprised at my revelation. “You had a crush on me?” He paused for a moment, thinking for a bit. “Well I was pretty handsome then,” Leeteuk brought his hand to his face and a handsome pose. It made me laugh.

“I’m happy now,” Leeteuk back to smiling.

“Thank you! This next year may be a little taxing, so I may be leaning on you.” I admitted to him. Honestly, now I felt like Leeteuk was an older brother. I was going to need him to protect me from the bad boys.

“I already consider you one of the group now. I help out all members who are in need, so please don’t hesitate and come to me.” Leeteuk said in reply. I didn’t get to thank him again because he got a message on his cell phone.

“Donghae sent me a message. He’s back and he’s got a surprise for you.”

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next chapter to come soon. and it's a freaking doozie ;)


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fyekay918 #1
Chapter 44: Just finished reading your story.. again. Idk, currently feeling like a slump and reading this kinda cheers me. Going all gooey for the boys in here. ^_^
fyekay918 #2
Anyways, just wanted to say my life will be completed when you finish this story. haha XD
fyekay918 #3
Chapter 43: woah. this story is sooooooo mindblowing!
I love it <3 Wish you could continue it soon ^_^
I'm scared to read this because my real name is Laura OTL it's give me so much feels
Chapter 43: JKKCKDSNMS
This story is so good erhmygod but I'm so confused on what Laura and HeeChul did~!!
And Kyuhyun is just too cute for words...this chapter about his sister is so touching!
Ommmgggg this is as cute as the bap story gaahhhh >.<
I love both, & please don't stop updating!
Hmmm, I think I like Eunnie, Kyu, & yeol the best xD
That last line Kyuhyun said though, omg fangirling
Omgeeeeee that kyuhyun chapter!! Really spazzing! I love the last line
Im really loving kyu and hyuk
iheartsuju16 #9
OMG I want to be her!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I'm going to be the first to comment on this~I really want Laura to end up with Eunhyuk...1) he's the most sincere 2) not portrayed as erted or playboy-like 3)he's really sweet...he's the complete boyfriend material...