Chapter 11: Walking

[Hiatus] It all came as a surprise to me


I woke up early Monday morning. I hadn’t really slept a lot, tossing and turning. My mind was replaying all the kisses in my head, torturing me with my hood. I luckily woke up before the other girls, and it only took me a few seconds to realize I should take this opportunity and split before I had to bare my friends’ looks of ashamed that they were a ’s friend. I wasn’t too worried about my luggage. Knowing Leeteuk and his amazingness, it would probably be home before I would be.

The boys’ house was only a few blocks away from school, therefore I walked. I needed some time to think to myself anyway. I was really starting to regret telling the girls about me kissing 4 guys in less than a weekend! I was starting to get a little embarrassed about my actions, to the point I wanted to avoid them for a couple months! That meant I sure as hell didn’t want to see any of the boys after my wanton actions at the dance, especially the obnoxious Heechul and full-of-himself Donghae.

Time seemed to fly by, because before I knew it, I was at school. I was a little early, but there were still other students arriving at school too. I was for sure going to avoid my locker; I have first period with Kailee, so her locker is right beside mine. I chose a bench that sits outside the school. I figured I could avoid most of those previous mentioned people by going to places that I normally didn’t hang out at. I had to figure out a plan for the rest of the day. I don’t know how I’m going to avoid Kailee in first period, little lone Donghae and Eunhyuk at history. And lunch?! I ALWAYS sit with Bianca and Kailee, what was I going to do?!

“Laura!” someone screamed at me, and I heard some running steps. Quickly Laura, identify this voice! Too high pitch for most of the boys I know, except...

I found myself in a Sungmin hug. “Why did you leave without saying good bye? You’re going to come over to the house more often right? Did you like our farewell dance? You’re friends seemed to have fun too. Please say you’ll come over tomorrow too?!”

What, no question about kissing Donghae or the dirty dancing or even about that entire weekend. That automatically made me relax a bit, that no one was looking down upon me. I quickly looked around to see if anyone was party to this conversation. That’s when I spotted Siwon smiling in the background. He must have come to school with Sungmin and followed him when he rushed over to me. I tried to get him to extract Sungmin from my body, but he looked too amused. I sighed to myself. Was I going to be the only one to try and cover up our acquaintance?

“Sungmin...” I started, not sure I wanted to be the person to break the news, “...we’re supposed to be keeping this a secret. I didn’t know you before the weekend; someone is going to be suspicious...”

Sungmin pouted at me. “But Laura, I don’t want to pretend that we don’t know each other... I want you to each lunch with me, look I made a cute lunch!” Sungmin proceeded to show a very cute looking bento box, with smiling hotdogs cut up to look like octopus. I couldn’t help but smile at him.

“I already dealt with the crazy girls, remember? Damage control confirmed, ma’am. Now, will you be eating lunch with Private Sungmin or not?” piped up Siwon.

I looked at him in surprise. He supplicated them enough, that they wouldn’t kill me if I continued to hang out with the boys? Suspicious.

“What did you do, promise each of them a signed picture of yourself without a shirt on?” I sniggered, knowing that all the girls, including me now I guess, drooled over his abs.

Siwon smiled to himself and looked away from me. Ah, I had guessed right.

I turned back to Sungmin, who still had the puppy look going on. How could I say no to that?

“Okay, okay! Just make sure I don’t have to see Donghae or Heechul’s face, and I’ll eat lunch with you.” I replied to Sungmin, and he was instantly happier.

The two of them waved to me as they left to go to their classes. What an odd couple... maybe Siwon looks out for Sungmin? How cute.

I looked at my watch and noticed that I had less than 5 minutes to get my books and get to first period on time. I ran like there was no tomorrow, got my lock on the first try, grabbed those books and barely made it right after the teacher arrived. I did have some luck. My desk is a couple of seats in front of Kailee, so I could avoid her for the entire class. I felt some paper hit the back of my head, but I continued to ignore her by pretending to be very focused on my work. I rushed out of class as soon as the bell rang, and booted it to my next one. Things seemed to run smoothly from there. Until lunch time came.

I spied down the hallway where my locker was, but I didn’t see the girls. I deemed it safe and snuck to my locker. I shoved everything in it, and grabbed my purse when I felt two arms clamp down on mine. Boy or girl arms? I looked up and saw that it was my two best friends, with determined looks on both of their faces. Damn, I was trapped.

They escorted me to a dead end and I was afraid. Here it goes, the bashing. I was going to hear everything I was afraid to hear. And then they were going to tell me to never show my face to them again. Friendship over.

 Bianca must have read the panicked look on my face because she started first. “Laura, you are over reacting! You’ve been avoiding us ever since you told us about the several-boy-kissing weekend. You think we’re just going to abandon you after that? Come on, we’re you’re best friends! Who cares if you kissed that many boys? You haven’t beaten Kailee’s record during last spring break of 30 boys in a week, so what are you afraid of?”

I looked to Kailee next, “You’re not angry I kissed, no correction, Heechul kissed me?”

Kailee waved off my comment, like it was no big deal, “I don’t own those pouty lips. Besides, it’s not like I love the guy. You think I’d let a guy get in the way of our friendship?”

I scratched the back of my head, feeling like a complete idiot. My over active brain won me over again and made me stress over nothing. I smiled apologetically to both girls, and they came over and gave me the most bone crunching hug I’ve ever had.

“You want to eat lunch with the boys?” I grinned at them, and their mouths dropped. I had just asked them to eat at the most popular lunch table in our school. “You know, cuz I’ve got connections and all,”

Bianca wacked me in the head, “Don’t get too cocky now,”

“What?! Sungmin made me lunch...” I replied back.

The two girls exchanged a look and sent a questioning one back at me. Ah, I get it. “Haha, no I’ve not kissed him. Let’s say he sees me as an older sister. He thinks I’m cool and wants to hang out and do things for me. Seriously, he cut up hot dogs to look like octopuses.” The girls laughed at the last fact I mentioned, and I could tell I was already feeling better.

“Besides, I know where Bianca is going to be sitting. Right beside Mr. Kangin,” I smiled evilly at her, and she blushed a tiny bit but then got angry at me. “We just happen to have a lot in common. And he sees me as a buddy and not a girl, which is what I want! I’m tired of guys talking to me just to hit on me and not to talk about sports.”

“Uh huh,” agreed Kailee condescendingly. You could tell she could see through Bianca’s cover up.

“Let’s go to lunch,” I said and we proceeded to the cafeteria.

I stood in the line up with Kailee and Bianca. We chatted like normal, and I was so happy to be here again. I was getting a little anxious about sitting at the ‘popular’ table though. The girls had their trays and I lead them to the table. Eyes started to follow us when it was realized that we weren’t heading to our regular table and towards one much about our station. The whispering started, and that’s just want I didn’t want. Fortunately, Sungmin saw that we were on our way, and waved us over. The whispering grew a little bit louder when they figured out, we were invited there.

Room was made. I sat beside Sungmin and Eunhyuk. Bianca sat between Kangin and Shindong, and Kailee wedged herself between Yesung and Kyuhyun. Immediately, Kangin began this hilarious story about going to an XXX store with Shindong, who added his own commentary, and the air became a lot less tense. Kailee was ignoring her meal and trying to flirt like crazy with Yesung and Kyuhyun. Of course, Kyuhyun was enjoying the girly attention. Sungmin handed me my lunch and I crunched on it happily. I wasn’t sure about Eunhyuk though. I mean, everyone had to have seen Donghae and I kiss... I wonder how he felt. I smiled timidly to Eunhyuk and he beamed back to me, which was a relief.  I smiled evilly to myself, glad to see the two perpetrators whom I was avoiding were not there. I wonder whose responsibility it came down to, to tell them not to come?

“Sungmin, this is the best lunch I’ve had in awhile, thanks!” I said to Sungmin, when I had finished eating it. He blushed very cutely and told me it was no problem.

“I wish you would be cute with me...” Kyuhyun mumbled the spoiled brat he is.

“What about me Kyuhyun?” gushed Kailee, clearly onto her next prey.

Kyuhyun smiled evilly to me and then turned back towards Kailee, “You are SO cute.” Poking her in the nose, “But I want a rare moment with Laura, like the other boys,”

Kailee nodded sagely, “I see. Well, I’ll tell you a secret to get that,” She motioned Kyuhyun to bend down a bit so she could whisper in his ear. I don’t know what she told him, but I could tell I was not going to be happy.

Bianca barked out in laughter, Kangin done telling his story. It seemed like everyone was having a good time and there was not any drama. Who knows, we could be like this for the rest of the year!

The bell rang, to signal lunch was done in 10 minutes, and we should probably pack up. I lingered at the table, not wanting to go to my next class. Eunhyuk noticed because just when he was about to leave, he saw that I was still at the lunch table and changed his direction.

“Want to go to class together?” Eunhyuk asked, deliberately snubbing his toe into the floor. He could be so adorable sometimes.

“I’d love to,” I decided finally. The only thing that was going to get me through seeing Donghae’s smug face in class was walking to said class on Eunhyuk’s arm. Take that, Donghae.

We arrived to class in said fashion and it felt very good. As I predicted, Mr. Too big for his britches was sitting at his desk, with his feet on the desk and arms behind his back, like he owned the world. He had to take a double take when he noticed me coming in with Eunhyuk. Unfortunately it didn’t knock him completely off the rocker. I had the unfortunate circumstances of sitting in front of that stupid boy and Eunhyuk was across from me.

“So, how was your weekend, Laura? Anything titillating happen?” Donghae annoyingly asked me.

‘Nope, nothing memorable happened that I can remember.” I replied.

“No? Nothing involving a or mouth-to-mouth,” Donghae had bent over his desk and whispered dramatically in my ear.

I giggled nervously. What was he doing?! “What are you talking about, Donghae,” I said through gritted teeth.

“Maybe I should trigger your memory,” Donghae announced loudly, and I heard the scrapping of his chair as he got up.

I shot out of my chair and ran around to put Eunhyuk’s desk between us before Donghae could try any funny business. At this point, Eunhyuk burst out in laughter. “This is exactly what I wanted,” I remembered back when Eunhyuk told me he wanted to see me in class, not just sitting by myself and found myself relax. Donghae saw this as his moment to pounce. Donghae had grabbed me by shoulders, and time started to slow. Donghae drew me closer to him, Eunhyuk’s eyes widened in surprise and I was trying with all my might to get my hand in between my lips before he did the unspeakable in class! The teacher just happened to walk in before disaster could strike. Donghae immediately dropped his arms and I scooted to my seat. He almost ruined everything!

I ignored Donghae the entire time during class. I worked with Eunhyuk when he asked me questions, and even moved my desk over. I hoped that it seemed like I was just helping him and it wasn’t special. Some girls eyed me with jealousy but they didn’t look at me suspiciously, which was good. Donghae whined that I wasn’t paying any attention to him, and that prompted several girls to offer to help him. That at least soothed his pride.

My last class went by very fast and finally it was time to leave school. I packed my book bag and trotted to my bus. I was kind of looking forward to going home and not having to worry about anything other than normal stuff.

However, to my surprise, Heechul was waiting at the bus stop. Mysteriously, he didn’t have the normal gaggle of girls surrounding him. He must have dismissed them for the day.

“What are you doing here?” popped out of my mouth before I could stop it.

“Oh you know, I felt like being a pedestrian and trying to take the bus. I’ve got to see how bouncy the seats are. I’m planning a very clandestine affair with a very beautiful bus driver...” I started to tune him out at that point. Everything he ever says is a lie. Why should I listen to him? He seemed to amuse himself by talking for a very long time. I didn’t even know if he had changed the subject. To keep myself from getting bored, I actually started to think about what homework I had to finish.

“Hey, are you even listening to me? For the past 10 minutes I’ve been giving you my reasons for letting me enter your game with the boys.” Heechul hit me on the arm to get my attention.

he knows! I hung my head low. He was the last person I wanted to know that I was myself out. My shoulders slumped as I said “Who told you?”

“Donghae. He wanted to know why you looked at me when you finished kissing him.” Damn, I was hoping Donghae would never notice that. Heechul continued, “I said I’d tell him if he told me what’s up between you guys. You can give him credit, he didn’t want me to know but he desperately wanted to know what was between us as well. I did my job pretty good, triggering all these events to find out what was happening.”

That made me explode with anger. “You did everything up until now because you had a hunch? Then like a little boy left out, you want in too? What makes you think you’ll win over Donghae or even Siwon? Not to mention Eunhyuk, who is the most genuine out of all of you?! You expect me to pick you, Heechul, who flirts with anyone of interest, boy or girl? Even if I didn’t have those 3 boys after me, I still wouldn’t date you.”

“I’m your childhood friend,” Heechul began to protest. He put up a finger each time he named a reason as to why he should be picked: “You have precious memories with me. I’m hot. I’m a great kisser. And I’m finally reciprocating your one sided love. Weren’t you listening to me?”

That little prick! Drudging up the past like that! “That’s the very reason I’ll never go out with you! When we went to separate middle schools, I thought ‘it will be fine because we are best friends and live right beside each other’. The first day on the bus, you told me you had no time to waste on me because there were more pretty girls then me at your new school. You think I don't have enough pride or confidence to turn you down? I’ve always wanted to say this: Heechul Kim, you!”

I strutted away from Heechul. I didn’t even allow myself to look back to see his surprised face, which would have been the prize for winning that fight. I guess I was walking home too. About halfway home, I had to dash away tears. Damn that Heechul for bringing up old hurts. I guess I still wasn’t over that betrayal. I got even angrier at myself and started to stomp in place. I had to stop! I didn’t even want to think about Heechul anymore. He was of no consequence to my life!

A beep of a vehicle snapped me out of my anger stomping, and the car pulled over to my side of the road. The window slide down, and Yesung was driving the car!

“Hey are you okay?” asked Yesung, concern written over his face.

I did not want to involve any boys in this right now. I put on a smiley face and denied everything. “No, I’m okay. I’m perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with me.”

“Like this morning, when I saw you leave early?” demanded Yesung.

Frig, am I that easy to read. I’ve got to practise on my acting skills. “No really, I enjoy walking!” Yesung looked at me like he didn’t believe a word of it. I was starting to relent. “It allows me to think and clear my thoughts.”

“I need that sometimes too. I know just the place. Hop in.” He replied, to my astonishment.

At the rate, my day would probably get worse if I didn’t go with the flow for once. It’d start raining or something, so I jumped into the car and Yesung started to drive. Yesung had a CD playing and I listened to it, not sure how to make conversation. It was a lot of love songs, sung by a singer who had amazing range.

“Who sings this?” I asked casually.

“Me...” revealed Yesung, smiling shyly.

“That’s you?! I mean, wow Yesung, that’s awesome. You’re breaking my heart, by just listening.” Yesung took the compliment with a blush. No! Stop acting so cute.

Yesung took us to a park that as the main attraction had this hill. At the top was where most of the sitting arrangements were. I got out of the car, and saw that it had an amazing view. No wonder he came up here to think, it was so serene. Yesung went and sat on a bench that was put right under a cherry blossom tree. It was so big; it looked like a bazillion years old. We sat in companionable silence for a while. I didn’t even bother to think about my problems. I didn’t want to sully this moment with anger.

Yesung spoke up first. “So you like Donghae huh?” He sounded a little sad, “My hyung is a lucky guy. He seems to attract all the best girls. Hell, if I was a girl, I’d be in love with him too.” I could tell he was trying to make a joke out of it, to not seem so down about the fact he knew I was into Donghae.

I decided at that moment, instead of trying to deny it, which was my first instinct, it would be better if I went with honesty. Because if I did try to deny it, it would seem like I was just doing it for his sake, trying to not make him sad then. I put my head on my chin and leaned my elbows on my lap. “Truthfully, I don’t know what’s wrong with that boy. At first, I just thought he was doing it to compete with Eunhyuk. Then Siwon revealed to me that he has a broken heart. But all I get from him is this ual pressure. He’s never told me, with emotion in his eyes, that he really likes me.”

Yesungs P.O.V:

I was very shocked that Laura felt she could be so frankly honest with me. I mean, I didn’t understand some of the things she mentioned, bringing up Eunhyuk and Siwon. But it felt like what she did tell me, was straight from her heart. This is my chance, I thought to myself, I’m going to take the bull by the horns for once in my timid lifetime. “I would, if you’d allow me.”

. . What was this? A confession? He wanted the chance to look me straight in the eye and tell me he liked me? I really didn’t need another boy on my plate, but on the other hand, Yesung was being sincere! This wasn’t a game to him, this was a real life crush, kind of like Eunhyuk. “Ah, Yesung, you don’t know what you’re getting into. There are already too—ugh what am I saying? You don’t know about that...”

Yesung looked rejected. “So that’s a no...?”

I was starting to get worried that I was about to kill what little confidence I had gifted him with. I had to say something that he would make him understand! “I’m afraid I’m going to break your heart if you give it to me!” And I was! I was afraid as it was that Eunhyuk was going to get hurt as well. I wasn’t going to be able to handle breaking Yesung’s as well. Where were these boys before this whole thing happened? I was yearning for a boyfriend all through high school, and these guys were harbouring a liking for me, and didn’t have the guts to tell me sooner? Did they all need a wakeup call when they finally saw me with another guys, realizing their chance had passed them?

“Let me at least have the chance!” Yesung interrupted my thoughts, with this passionate rebuttal.

He was using his confidence! I had to give him a chance. It must have taken him all the courage in his body to get this far. “When you get home, you call a meeting with Donghae, Eunhyuk and Siwon. Tell them your intentions toward me and ask them to explain the game to you. If you understand and are okay with that, then they’ll set you up. Now, my kidnapper, I have homework to do. Can you take me home?”

I have never seen a happier Yesung, since that day. He grabbed me in a bone-crunching hug. He released me and then said “The faster I get home, the faster I get to figure out what the hell you are talking about!” He even winked at me!

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next chapter to come soon. and it's a freaking doozie ;)


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fyekay918 #1
Chapter 44: Just finished reading your story.. again. Idk, currently feeling like a slump and reading this kinda cheers me. Going all gooey for the boys in here. ^_^
fyekay918 #2
Anyways, just wanted to say my life will be completed when you finish this story. haha XD
fyekay918 #3
Chapter 43: woah. this story is sooooooo mindblowing!
I love it <3 Wish you could continue it soon ^_^
I'm scared to read this because my real name is Laura OTL it's give me so much feels
Chapter 43: JKKCKDSNMS
This story is so good erhmygod but I'm so confused on what Laura and HeeChul did~!!
And Kyuhyun is just too cute for words...this chapter about his sister is so touching!
Ommmgggg this is as cute as the bap story gaahhhh >.<
I love both, & please don't stop updating!
Hmmm, I think I like Eunnie, Kyu, & yeol the best xD
That last line Kyuhyun said though, omg fangirling
Omgeeeeee that kyuhyun chapter!! Really spazzing! I love the last line
Im really loving kyu and hyuk
iheartsuju16 #9
OMG I want to be her!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I'm going to be the first to comment on this~I really want Laura to end up with Eunhyuk...1) he's the most sincere 2) not portrayed as erted or playboy-like 3)he's really sweet...he's the complete boyfriend material...