
In His Arms

A few weeks had gone by, and the two were getting comfortable with each other's presence. They were learning each other's habits and found ways to accommodate. For example, Baekhyun liked to sing obnoxious girl group songs in the shower in max volume, so Sehun learned to drone him out by leaving the television on, even if he wasn't listening. Or how Baekhyun plugged in a nightlight in the living room for

Sehun, who was as blind as a bat in the dark.

Baekhyun still knew very little about Sehun. Everytime Sehun tried to open up, he'd get worried and shut himself out again. But Baekhyun found that with a little bit of alcohol Sehun became very, very talkative.

"Let's have some wine. It's the weekend, so neither of us have to wake up early or anything. We can watch a movie or something," Baekhyun offered. He wasn't going to take no as an answer as he dragged Sehun to the living room with two glasses and a bottle of wine in his hand and crook of his arm, dangerously close to slipping out and making a mess in the house.

It was maybe three cups of wine and 45 minutes into a terribly boring movie that Sehun spoke up. "You know I think about that day a lot."

"Which?" Baekhyun turned his attention completely to the younger man.

"The day I first met. The day I wanted to die. I was really set on dying too. But the more I think about it, the stupider the whole idea seems. I think I would've regretted jumping halfway down from the bridge."

Baekhyun took a sip if the red wine. He didn't even like the taste of wine. "Well, I'm glad i'm overly nosy and followed you to the bridge."

"Yeah me too." Sehun chuckled but got serious again. "Thank you. Seriously."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm a guy with a conscience." Baekhyun gave Sehun's hand a squeeze. "I'm glad you're around. Same with Kyungsoo and Jongin. How's it going with Jongin anyways?"

Baekhyun already knew the answer to the question, but he liked talking to Sehun. He liked being around him and teasing him. He liked Sehun opening up and trusting him. He liked...

Then it dawned on him. He liked Sehun.


"Can you believe it? I actually fell in love with him." Baekhyun whispered to Kyungsoo during lunch, mouthful of rice and kimchi.

"Does he even know you like guys?" Kyungsoo waved his spoon at Baekhyun.

"I don't know. I never told him. Oh gosh. If I tell him it'll be so obvious that I like him! Is it obvious though? Do you think he's caught on?"

"Well, it was pretty obvious to me. Except Sehun's kind of.. Well.. Oblivous. You could ask Jongin."

"Yeah and have him 'accidentally' spill everything to Sehun. I'll pass."

"He can keep his mouth shut when he wants to."

"That didn't work so well with Chanyeol." It had been ages since he brought up his ex's name in front of his friend. Chanyeol was always a topic his friends were careful not to being up in from of Baekhyun because he still had a lot of lingering pain from his past relationship. It was thanks to Jongin's blabber mouth that they got together in the first place. But also the reason they broke up.

"Jongin's going to be furious if you don't tell him. He's going to find out eventually." Kyungsoo stuffed the last spoonfuls of his rice before the two got up to get ready for class. "Don't fret over it right now. Right now you're a music teacher who is about to be late to class for the third time this week. Oh, the principal is going to be furious with you."

"Crap. See you after school!" Baekhyun ran to brush his teeth as quickly as possible before he ran off to his class, which was so conveniently located on the other side of school.


Baekhyun tried not to be any different around Sehun, but it was awfully hard when everything Sehun did or said made him giddy.

He thought things went really well when he had finally told Sehun that he was gay. He had learned that Sehun, as a matter of fact, was too. So Baekhyun finally let himself hope for something new to happen between them.

Kyungsoo convinced his best friend to just tell Jongin everything before anything happen. "If he found out after something develops between you and Sehun, he'd probably decapitate you and hang your head on his wall. He'd be so pissed."

Baekhyun blamed his over-imaginative mind for the shivers that shot through his spine. He could almost smell his blood. "Ugh. Gross. Fine, I'll tell him...later."

"You mean later tonight. Jongin's coming over to my place later. I'll be there for moral support, buddy." Kyungsoo pat Baekhyun's shoulder. "And you said Sehun was going to visit his grandmother today. It's as if fate is giving you this opportunity to let everything off your chest."

"Letting everything off my chest would be telling Sehun," Baekhyun mumbled into his hands which were covering his face.

"I'll make you spaghetti, with extra cheese, just the way you like it," Kyungsoo bribed. He knew it would work. He knew Baekhyun like the back of his hand, maybe even better.

"I hate you, Do Kyungsoo."

"Come over at 6, okay?"

"Whatever." Baekhyun stalked off to class, having a hard time focusing on triplets and Mozart and everything else he loved (other than Sehun).


He was sprawled all over Kyungsoo's couch, after he made sure Sehun was on his way to his grandmother's.

"It's only 4." The sound of knife hitting the board over and over filled Kyungsoo's apartment.

"So? I'm here all the time."

"Correction. You used to be here all the time before Sehun came into the picture."

"Same difference."

"You sound a lot like the kids at school."

"Just hurry and cook. Jongin texted me and said he was closing early tonight, so he's coming soon. What's Luhan doing these days anyways?"

"Collecting deer poop. It's, and I quote, for his research. It just sounds like he can't get a better job than cleaning up after animals."

"You can learn a lot from feces, you know."

"I'd rather learn from books."

"We should really get Luhan out of there and help him breathe some fresh air. For his own sanity."

"Did you hear? He's got a girlfriend. I think she's Korean but works as a translator, so she speaks Chinese. She's pretty."

"How do you know?"

"Facebook, the ultimate stalking software." Kyungsoo gave him "the look" that basically said "darn-it-Baekhyun-sometimes-you-are-as-dumb-as-a-mosquito.

"Oh. Yeah I guess I should check my Facebook. It's just awkward when students keep trying to add me."

"The principal's friends with most of them. That's how he gets them into trouble."

Baekhyun chuckled and rolled onto his back. "He would."

Jongin burst in holding a pack of beer and making a fuss about how business was just so slow these days. He forced Baekhyun to sit up and plopped right down next to Baekhyun. "Heard you had something very, very important to tell me," he said as he he wiggled his eyebrows.

He glared at Kyungsoo, who in response shrugged his shoulders with a sheepish smile and turned around to continue dicing up vegetables until they were unrecognizable.

"I was going to tell you later," he said, emphasizing the word 'later' while shooting death glares at Kyungsoo, "but I guess I'll just tell you now. I think I like Sehun. No, I like Sehun. A lot."

Instead of joking around like he usually did when Baekhyun told him stuff, Jongin was awfully quiet. His arm dropped from Baekhyun's shoulder and he scooted away from him. "Oh."

Even Kyungsoo was surprised and stopped cooking. "Oh? That's all you're going to say?"

"Well, congratulations." Jongin quickly changed the subject and pulled on a suspiciously sweet smile. "Want a beer?"

Baekhyun stuck out his hand for one, but exchanged wary looks with Kyungsoo. This was not what either of them expecting. At all. Something was up.


so umm I'm not even sure if this chapter was even worth the wait... -_-;; sorry guys... at least the story's moving right?? hahah okay well i also wanted to say you can always find me on tumblr ( and can always talk to me there because i'm there more than i'm here~~ okay...time to go now... byebye!! and thanks for reading!

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oh and here is the baekhun you guys have been asking for


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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 14: Omg please update sooon!!!!
56shas #2
Chapter 14: Authornim where are y pls updateeee this stotyyyyyy
kimtaewtf #3
Chapter 14: Can I cry? It's really beautiful! I might cry blood asdfghjkl!! BTW update soon haha
Chapter 14: im missing this story ... :(
Chapter 14: omfg this is amazing! i ship baekhun so hard now dshfkjdshfsd~ please update soon
zoaloha #6
Chapter 14: poor Jongin, I hope he will find someone else to heal his pain. Also, I still waiting for the next update. So, Fighting!!! ;)
steakjib #7
Chapter 14: Aaaa I love baekhun!! Can't wait for another update!! *new reader xD
Chapter 14: Awwwwwwwieee baekhun <3 though i wanted sekai to be together, still love this,,i hope jongin finds some else hehe
Chapter 14: which part of livejournal you're confused with? i'm not a master in lj things but i might be able to help :D
Chapter 14: did..jongin just fire hunnie??? O_O..eiii...jongin ah i know u like hunnie but dun do dat 2 him!! aish..baekkie is gonna b pissed wit u 4 a while..huu