
What are the Odds I'd Meet You Here?

“Noona? Noona?”

I felt a poking sensation on my stomach when I looked down to see Jack pointing ahead of us as the line moved forward, “Huh?”

Awww, I was daydreaming! There was no Baekhyun or EXO in line with us and I was left staring at the back of some woman with a princess hat on…GRRR!

What was I getting myself into? Maybe it’s this Disney stuff. Having my wishes become dreams that even my fairy godmother couldn’t grant. Or maybe because my favorite kpop idols are so close I’ve become so delirious that my mind is picturing them everywhere I go.

Yeah, that’s probably it. I’m going crazy with Disney magic.

We entered the dark ride and Jack clung to my side like glue. I patted his hair and picked him up as an evil cackle came from the hidden speakers, “Why did we come here, noona?”

“You wanted to, silly.” I chuckled as he hid his face in the crook of my neck.

“Wahh this is Daebak!”

Daebak?!?!?! Koreans!!

I turned back to see the owner of that saying only to be disappointed in seeing that it was just some old guy that definitely wasn’t EXO. I was going crazy, the littlest thing even if it’s just some Perry the platypus (A/N those are the hats they were wearing) had me thinking EXO was near. Lucky, Jack was with me to help me keep a bit of my sanity.

After the ride Jack and I walked out all smiles as I promised Jack some ice cream so he wouldn’t start crying in the middle of the ride. We got in line when I asked Jack what he wanted, “Chocolate!”

“Araso, araso. Chocolate it is.”

We moved up in line when my phone started to ring, it was my mother.


“Oh, Yu Jin how are you and Jack?”

“Kwenchanayo, omma. Please don’t worry about us.”

“Ah, okay. We’ll see you back at the hotel okay? Love you.”

“Yeah, saranghae omma, annyeong!” I hung up not wanting to talk to her anymore as more Korean words were spoken behind me.

Don’t look back.It’s not EXO.Don’t look back.

I gripped Jack’s hand firmly in mine and paid for our ice cream. As we were about to leave someone called for my attention, “Chogiyo.”

I turned around to find that my hunch was wrong. Sehun, Luhan, and Chen stood there in line waiting for me to respond, “O-Oh yes?”

“Could you help us?” Sehun asked with his cute lisp and pointed to the ice cream. I felt the squeals bubble up to my lips, “S-sure.”

I went back to the three of them and helped them order their food. I was surrounded by three EXO members!!! I wasn’t in heaven, I was on Exo Planet!

The three of them thanked me with smiles that were meant for a CF or magazine. I blushed a bit and bowed to them when I looked around for Jack, “Jack? Jackie?”

He wasn’t standing beside anymore and panic hit me when Sehun tapped my shoulder, “Is that who you’re looking for?”

He pointed off on the other side of the walkway where Jack was playing with the Disney characters. I sighed in relief and ran over to him when some of the characters moved to the side and revealed more than just my brother.

“Noona! Look! It’s Donald Duck Hyung!” Jack excitedly pointed to the duck that danced around him.

“Donald Duck Hyung!” A gasp was heard behind me when I looked back to see it came from Luhan as he ran over to the Disney characters and danced with Donald.

And he’s how old? 22?

I watched for awhile as my brother interacted with the Disney characters and my insides warmed up seeing the bright smile that formed on his face. Another feeling grew inside of me too as I watched the other Exo members play with the characters as well…Especially Baekhyun.

The way his eyes turned to half circles as he laughed as to die for as his laugh tickled my insides. He derped out with Chanyeol as they danced with Mickey Mouse and I bursted out laughing at their childish behavior.

Was my brother an Exo magnet? Did he draw them to him on purpose? Whatever it was, I will forever be great full to that little boy.

“Jack!” I called for him and he looked at me before Cinderella came in and took his hands as they began to dance. I stopped and watched them for awhile as Jack’s cheeks grew red when I felt someone take my hand, “Care to dance, princess?”

I looked up to meet eyes with prince charming himself, literally.

“But of course.” I bowed and we danced as well besides Cinderella and my brother.

My eyes wandered to other places. Mostly my brother when another male caught my eye behind prince charming. Baekhyun tilted his head to the side as he narrowed his eyes at me and chuckled before coming over to where we were standing.

“Well that’s all the time I have left princess. Thank you for the dance.” The prince took my hand and kissed the back of it before bowing and leaving with Cinderella.

Jack skipped over to me giddy with excitement, “Noona! Did you see us? I was dancing with the princess and Donald Duck Hyung!”

I picked him up and joined in with his excitement as we walked off. I saw Baekhyun continue to come towards us, but I didn’t stay and wait to see where he was going.

It’s not like he was going to talk to me.


But…What if…Nah…



Double Update Maybe and a lil twist

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Chapter 5: whaaat? It just ends like that? haha.
Jack was extremely cute though^^ I would love a lil bro like him~
Chapter 5: Lololol. I Really liked this one~ because LOL I went to Disney land for the first time a couple weeks ago LOL. And it was really fun~ I was thinking about that and I was spazzing LOL.
Imagine tho~ gah. Seeing sehun, chanyeol Chen or baekon OMG~ I can't even speak korean but lol omg I'd be so happy~
Chapter 4: Oh, wow, that left a deep impression on me, that did. I mean, it's true, the odds of meeting your bias, speaking to them, or even being in the same place as them are like infinity to one for us fans ^^ Unless you live in Korea and actually have the time to hmm stalk them xD But yeahh, anyway, about the ending, HAHAHA I KNEW IT! YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE IT STUCK THERE JUST LIKE THAT~ (lol technically and obviously, you can, it's just that, it's so WRONG to end the story like that~)
why my name is here????but i love it..and the way of your writing different from the has a deep your story
WHOA WHOA WHOA MY NAME'S IN HERE!!!!!! good thing I'm reading it :D
Alyssa18 #6
Jack is so adorable can you tell me his real name?
So cute! >.<