Chapter 2

Can It Ever Be More Than Fake?




*Finally I get some freedom!* I spread my arms out wide, stretching in pure bliss.

Usually its so hectic at school with all these girls following me around for 8 hours, and when they finally leave me alone I still have to deal with Block B's idiocy. (Block B is what me and my friends Zico, Taeil hyung, Jaehyo hyung, B Bomb hyung, Ukwon, and P.O call ourselves. A little lame maybe, but it's too late now). I mean, don't get me wrong I would do anything for them since they're like my brothers but sometimes they can be a little to much.

I yawned as I stood in line for my smoothie when I felt a light tap on my back.

I turned around to see a cute looking girl who in height came up to about my chest. She had really big doll like eyes and she was wearing loads of make up, like a little kid that snuck in to her moms make up box.

“Hi!MynamesTaeYun!I'minsomeofyourclassesandIreallylikeyou,wouldyougooutwithme?” She said all in one breathe with her eyes closed shut.

“Um, sorry but I can't accept your confession” I said sort of giving her elevator eyes, but I wasn't trying to be mean.

“What do you mean you won't accept my confession!!! You're not even dating anyone!!!” TaeYun yelled suddenly, drawing attention and forming a crowd.

I mean seriously the people just popped out of nowhere!

Ugh, this girl was starting to get on my nerves but I kept my cool.

“And what if I am?” I said cooly, even though I don't have anything close to a girlfriend and never have.

The people around us gasped in unison, while TaeYun's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“She is my girlfriend.” I pointed in a random direction and prayed that I actually pointed to a girl, because I really don't want to explain to people why I was pointing to a dude. 

I looked back to where I was pointing and thankfully it was a girl. She looked familiar, I think her name was Soomin?

“Huh?!” She said confused.

I rushed over to her and grabbed her by the waist.

“What! That loner nerd is your girlfriend??!!” TaeYun stomped over to us pointing her finger at the girl I had chosen.

I looked over at her and she hung her head low and pushed up her glasses. For some reason at that moment something inside me burst. It could have been sympathy or something else, at that point I had had it.

“Yeah, that's right. And I would appreciate it if you didn't point your dirty little fingers her!” I pushed her hand down.

As I pulled 'my girlfriend' closer she looked up at me slowly. If I wasn't so steamed right now I would of thought it was cute, but that's not important.

TaeYun screamed and then ran away practically bull dozing everyone in her path.

Now everyone was staring at me and the girl beside me.

“Ahem!” I cleared my throat loudly and the crowd disappeared.

I looked down at her, “Uh, hi. My names Park would you be my girlfriend?”





“Mwoh?!” Did I just hear an angel sing? Did the gates of heaven just open up before me? Did Park Kyung of Block B just asked me to be his girlfriend? This is way to good to be true.

Then it hit me. This was exactly too good to be true.

“Would you be my fake girlfriend, I mean.”

Fake. The word plowed me over and all the butterflies in my stomach stopped fluttering. I knew it, Should I say no?

“Oh...uh...I don-” I stuttered.

“Well its not like you can say no anyway, I just announced it to pretty much the whole school.”

Damn, he has a point...

“I-i guess y-you're right.” UGH! I'M SO AWKWARD!

“Good!” He smiled and tightened his grip on me.

He' waist...eep

Unconsciously I looked down, wide eyed and dopey, at his hand which held me perfectly.

“Oh! Sorry Soomin. That's your name right?” He asked as he dropped his hand.

“S-soomi, Lee Soomi.” I held my hand out for him to shake and lowered my head as I became flustered.

He started to chuckle and I didn't feel him grab my hand, making my cheeks turn and even deeper shade of red.

All of a sudden he put a hand under my chin and gently lifted my head up to face him. He turned my head to the side and examined it, while I stood there like a fool with my eyes ready to jump out of my sockets. I mentally face palmed but on the outside I couldn't do anything but breathe.

“Hmm you know, you're kind of cute under those glasses.” He turned my head back to face his. Well there goes breathing.

I stared deep into his, ba-thump, ba-thump.

“Well since we're at the mall anyway, lets go.” He grabbed my hand and started to drag me off with him.

“Huh? Um..w-where are we going?” I asked meakly.

“You'll see...” He smiled mischievously and continued to drag me to an unknown destination.



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Update soon please!! Im really starting to like the sweet kyung
I DEMAND UPDATES!!! (ノಠnಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Haha, just kidding, take your time! (eventhoughyoupromiseddoublechapterslongagoandhaventupdatedlikesrslywhyandhowanduhasdukhashjdah)
.....jk again C; thanks so much for your updates so far, though! When I read the last chapter I went all lion king on my tablet (no I'm not using a laptop ;3) and was all WHYYY SOOMI WHYY GO GETTHER KYUNGIE and stuff so yeah = v =

I labs this story~ ; v ; Update soon!!! <3
Thanks lots for the update~~ keep it up!! <3 Aish if only I could teleport to that parallel universe where I'm Soomi or something....orz
So sweet!!!! It's like shoujo manga in writing <3 can't wait for the update!! (:
Ahhh the twists and turns here and there my heart aches for them ; u ;
I love this story!Update soon!^^