Nothing will ever be as it was before.

Ya nada volvera a ser como antes.

Life is hard.

He watches the smoke flutter through the air. The New York City smoke. And he wonders if by any means it could and would become part of the Seoul atmosphere. The smoke from his cigarette.

So he takes another drag of that welcome breath of Death and sends it fleeting all the way to Seoul. To where everything that mattered to Choi Seunghyun was. Away from everything that could never be what was. Away from Brooklyn.

But Brooklyn wouldn't be half as bad.

At least not if he still got her, no.

But what is now is Brooklyn. And Sandara Park was then. Was Seoul. And all his promises of Love spoken by lips kissed by Death were nothing more than cigarette butts littering the streets of his Brooklyn neighborhood.

And Tabi's Dara...she is no more than the undiscarded ash on his ashtray. Or so he has heard.

And so another drag to flutter to Seoul.

To his friends. No. His brothers.

To the mother he will never come home to again.

To the father who will never call him son again.

And to Dara who will never be Brooklyn but Seoul. As it always will be.

Another drag to send another broken piece of his soul to Seoul.

As he exhausts another stick to the filter he brings himself on his feet and discards another promise of Love on the streets of his Brooklyn neighborhood.

Life is hard. 

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Chapter 1: i really like the way the characters interact in this story ! <3
msdeathstalker #2
Chapter 1: more tabisan....
why is this topdara /kicks you
parisbartender #4
this just hit home..

"another drag to send another piece of his soul.."

another drag to remind me that I am still breathing, broken but still whole...
short yet so deep~
you should write much much much longer, you know? bcz it's awesome
Holy , ayu! What is this? I wrote something like this when I was seventeen! HOMG! I feel like you're writing about me! ; ; I remember writing: "I stick out my tongue and taste the wind and wondered if you really cried somewhere. But instead if salt, I taste nothing in the air. Nothing. Empty. Like your lies when you tell me you miss me." ummm yeah, it sounds similar! LOLOL I liked this! Not just cause it reminds me of something in the past but because it felt real. Why did he leave Seoul? Does it matter?