Hyung, Do Me Rough♡

Into Your World Poster Shop♡


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Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/188938/hyung-do-me-rough-one-shot-2min-minho--taemin--oneshot2min-hardcore



Lee Taemin, a cute and adorable addict. 
He says he's not, but leaving the house every night and coming back the next morning was just not normal. 
His roommate thinks so as well. 
Choi Minho, Taemin's roommate doesn't like it when Taemin leaves at the middle of the night to have with whoever offers it. 
He has known Taemin for almost ten years, and had loved him since the year they started high school; fifteen years. 
One night, Taemin decides to go out, like always, but Minho doens't let him. 
That night Taemin was really at his limit, and offers Minho what he had always wanted. 
His body.


Note: Hello! Yay! You're both the first subscriber and requestor! ^o^ So, since there are no photos given & you want it to be like this, well here it is. And since it's a , I blended something with it. Hoho, I hope it's okay -__-" If you want a redo just go ahead and tell me. Don't forget the credits okay? :3 




-Crong: Ohai, thank you so muchy! :* 



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Ohai guys; I thank you for staying with me & for requesting. :) You guys can still ask for request on my wall. :) THANK YOU, LOVEYOUALL:*


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What site do you guys use to make posters?
Manduboo #2
Omo I LOVE the background! And the poster is awesome, thank youuu~! <33
Added As Affiliates (; Link back Please..

InLockets Grahpic Shop
Added/Linked. Please do link back C: .

Requested. Sorry i forgot DD: xDD
Manduboo #8
I just requested ^^
OMG IM SORRY.. I'm going to cancel my request.. Sorry for the inconvenience T.T