Paris, the city of LOVE

Fight for the Love


Taecyeon's POV:
Hi. I'm right here in our house with my mom, dad, and a lady with her mom and dad, I think? I don't know what they are talking about because I can only think  of my Yoong. I often see her. She doesn't even answer my calls & texts. What do you think happened to her? She barely talk to me. Last time Jessica and I talked. I asked her about Yoona because she is the only one that Yoona tell her secrets to aside from me. She said she doesn't know anything. Is it because my dad hates her? I hope not. It's not that I hate my dad but....
"Taecyeon, this is Suzy, Suzy this is Taecyeon, my son." My dad said.
I just smiled. I know nothing to be honest.
"Taecyeon, she is your future wife." My dad said.
"WHAT?" Suzy and I gasped.
What are you joking, dad? You know I have girlfriend right? Why do you have to do this to me?
"Son, please lower your voice it's embarassing. And yeah, that's right, she is your future wife. It's an arranged marriage. It's because our company needs their help. So that's why I agreed. But son, it's ok. She is beautiful like Yoona. So you don't need to worry." My monster dad said.
"You don't need to worry? I love Yoona and I don't like this Suzy. So please. I wouldn't agree with what you want." I said and walked out.
Aish! I really really really hate you dad! How can you do this to me? I love Yoong and I will fight for her no matter what.
"Taecyeon!" someone shouted.
Suzy's POV:
Hello. I'm Bae Suzy. I'm Taecyeon's future wife. But don't get it wrong, I don't love him. Honestly, I have a boyfriend right now and I really really love him! I think he has a girlfriend whose name is Yoona? I only heard that from what he's saying. I'm also shocked. I don't know that this will happen. I think it's because of my evil parents. They don't like my boyfriend because he only came from a poor family. But it doesn't mean that I can't love him right? Oh, by the way, his name is Kim Soo Hyun. He is my sweet, kind, caring, handsome and lovable boyfriend. We love each other and I don't want what's happening right now. My parents only wants money. They don't care about me! 
"Suzy, follow him!" My evil mom said.
I followed him and I found him at the garden, sitting at the bench. Honestly, he is handsome but my boyfriend's more handsome. HAHA. I'm so evil but my parents are more evil. I think he really love his girlfriend.
"Taecyeon!" I shouted.
He tilt his head towards me and smiled. A fake smile. I know that kind of smile.
"Why?" He asked.
"Uhm. You don't want this to happen, right?" I said.
"Of course, I have a girlfriend and I really love her!" 
See? I'm right he really loves his girlfriend.
"Me too. I have a boyfriend that I really love so much. But my evil parents don't like him because he is a poor person. His name is Kim Soo Hyun." I said while smiling.
"I really hate my dad, I wonder why my mom loves him with his attitude!" He said
"Don't worry, we will have our plan!" I said while smirking.
"And what is it?" He said.
I whispered him my plan and I think he likes it.
"Oh. I like it!" He said while smiling.
"Hmm. You two are getting along huh?" His dad said.
Taecyeon's POV:
"Hmm. You two are getting along huh?" My monster dad said.
"It's not what you think, dad. Do you know she has a boyfriend that she loves so much? I said.
"Son, It's for the sake of our family!" My monster dad said.
Now I really hate you dad. Really really! You don't even care for our feelings!
"Want it or not, dad we won't continue your plan." I said walking out with Suzy.
"Arghh! I hate him." I said.
"Shh! Don't say that. I hope our plan work out!" She said.
"Wait a minute. I will call Yoona first!" I said
I really really hope Yoona will answer my call!
"Ok" She said
Yoona's POV:
Hi. I'm Im Yoona. Taecyeon's boyfriend? Maybe ex? I don't know. All I know is I love him and I will fight for him. I'm so sad of what her dad said to me a week ago.
Taecyeon's dad call me and said that he wants to meet me and meet him at **** Coffee shop. When I went there, I saw him waiting for me sipping his hot coffee.
"Sorry, Sir, I'm late!" I said
"No. It's okay, Yoona. Take a sit." He said
I think he is not a monster dad like what Taecyeon said. As far as I can see he is very kind to me. :)
"Thanks You, Sir!" I said, smiling.
"Yoona, I'll go straight to the point. Break up with my son." He said
WHAT? Break up with Taec? But I love him.
"But sir--" He cutted my words
"No buts, Yoona! Taecyeon will have a future wife and her name is Suzy. She is pretty and kind. So I think Taec will love her." He said
"Sir, I love your son. Sorry but i don't like your idea." I said bravely
"I wonder why my son loves you. You are an unkind person. And it's final. I want Suzy with my son." He said and walked off
I cry here at the coffee shop but then someone offer me her handkerchief. I looked up to see her.
"Miss." She said offering her handkerchief
"Oh. Thank you." I said
"Hmm. By the way, why are you crying?" She said
I can see she is a very kind person
"I have a problem and it's a BIG problem." I said
"Oh. Is that so? Me too, I have a problem. And it's also a BIG. Uhm, anyway, I'm Suzy. You are?" She said
"Yoona. Im Yoona." I said
"Oh. Nice name. But Yoona, I have to go now my evil parents wants to see me now." She said
WOW. Evil parents. She has a guts to call her parents like that? But I know she is a kind person.
"Thanks again, Suzy! Bye.." I said
"You're welcome, Yoona! She said smiling and walked off.
End of Flashback
I miss Taecyeon. I really really do! And this is the reason why I avoid him when we saw each other. I don't want this but I have to.
Should I answer him? But.. The situation will be worst if I answer his call.
Riiiingg.. Riiiiing..
I click the accept call. 
"Hello?" I said
"Hello, Yoong! I'm glad that you answer my call. I have to talk to you. Meet me at the cafe near our house. I will wait for you.." He said
"But Taec--" *Toooot* Tooot*
Aish! He dropped the call. What if he doesn't love me anymore and he loves his future wife named Su.. What again? Su--. Aish! I don't want to talk about this anymore! Should I go?
Taecyeon's POV:
I hope Yoong will come. I'm here at the coffee shop near our house with Suzy. Yeah, Suzy. She also call her boyfriend to come here.
"Are you nervous?" I asked Suzy
"Of course, not! I know my boyfriend will come 'coz he loves me so much." She said, smiling
"Oh." Is the only word that comes from my mouth.
Do you want to know what plan we are going to do? :) Because you are reading this, I will reveal it. Suzy said that we will run away from our "evil" parents but except from my mom and bring Yoona and Kim Soo Hyun far away from Seoul. Good idea, right? Yah, I know. She's a smart girl! And because of that we're getting closer and closer. But don't think that I fall inlove with her. My heart is only for Yoong and nothing else. :)
"Suzy!" Someone said
Kim Soo Hyun's POV:
Hi. I'm Kim Soo Hyun. I'm Suzy's HANDSOME boyfriend. :) I'm a poor person. So what if I'm poor? It doesn't mean that I only love Suzy for money. But her dad thinks that I only love her for money. But his wrong. I will prove that his wrong. I also heard the news that Suzy will have her future husband but I don't care because Suzy explained it to me. She even call me to go to *** Coffee shop. I don't know why but she said it's something important. So I come. :)
"Suzy!" I said
"Oh, Soo Hyun! I miss you!" She said while hugging me
"I miss you to and I love you!" I said
"Is he you're boyfriend?" Asked the boy
Who's that boy? Is he the one that Suzy is talking about? Her future husband? I hope not.
"Oh. Yeah, he is. Soo Hyun, he's Taec, Taec he's Soo Hyun." Suzy said
"Is he your future husband?" I asked
"Yeah. He is but don't worry, we have a plan!" She said
"What's it?" I asked
"Later. We will wait first for her girlfriend." She said
Taecyeon's POV:
Yeah. I'm right here out of placed of the two. Right now they are talking about stuffs, this and that. Yoona, please faster!
"Taec!!" Someone said
"Yoong?" I said and hugged her
"Why, Taec? Why did you tell me to come to this place?" Yoona said
"We will discuss something important." I said and let her sit down
"Anyway, who's this?" Yoona said
"Ah. This is Suzy *points Suzy* and this is Kim Soo Hyun *points at Kim Soo Hyun* her boyfriend." I said
"Nice to meet you!" Said the two couples
"Nice to meet you too!" Yoona said
"So let's discuss now what are our plans, Taec." Suzy said
"Okay! First, We want you to know that our parent decided us to have arranged marriage and--" I was cutted by Yoona
"So, why do you want me to come if you have your future wife there?" She said
"Let me continue first, Yoong." I said, she just nodded
"So as I saw our parents decided to have a arranged marriage. And because of that we are against it so we think to do a plan." I said
"Yeah. We have a plan for us to continue our relationship. And that plan is we will run away from our parents and bring you far away from Seoul. Is that okay with you two?" Suzy continued
"I'm okay with it." Yoona and Soo Hyun said
"Good. We will start our plan now." I said
"That's right! What if we will go to Paris? It's the city of love and I'ts far from Seoul. What do you think?" Yoona said
"Sure. Paris is a good place! We will enjoy our stay there!" Suzy said
"So, what are you waiting for? Let's go! We have a private jet here." I said
"Yeah, let's go!" Suzy said
After 11 hours, they got into Paris..
Kim Soo Hyun's POV:
Wow! It's so beautiful here. It's my first time traveling in other country. You as what I've said, I'm only a poor person.
"Wow. Amazing!" I said
"Yeah. It's really beautiful here!" Suzy said
"We will leave you two first we will first go explore Paris." TaecYeon said
"Yeah. See you later at the hotel." Suzy said
"Suzy, I love you!" I said
"I love you too!" Suzy said
"I have to asked you something." I said
"What is it?" She said
"*kneels down* Will you marry me?" I said while giving her the ring I bought
Please.. Answer YES!
"Uhm.. Yes! Of course" She said
"YES! I love you!" I said
"I love you too!" Suzy said
PARIS.. The city of love. I don't know that this will happen.. Thank you, PARIS! This is the most memorable experience of my life!
TaecYoon's Side..
Taecyeon's POV:
We are right her infront of Eiffel Tower. And do you know what? I'm planning to confess to her. I hope she accepts it!
"Yoona we've been together in many years.. *kneels down* Will you marry me?" I said confidently while people are watching us
"Of course I woul marry you! I love you, Taec! Yoona said
"I love you too, Yoong!" I said
"Taec, you did a good job!" Someone said
I tilt my head to see who it was and then I see Donghae and Jessica!
"Wow. Congrats!" Jessica said
"Thank You!" Yoona and I both said
"Oh. What a coincidence! We're planning to give you two this.." Donghae said and handling me an envelope
"What's this?" I said
"Oh. We are inviting you to our special occasion of our lives.. We're getting married!" Jessica said
"Wow! Congrats to the two of you!" Yoona said
"Thanks!" Haesica said
"Don't forget to come, huh? You are the important guest that we are expected to come!" Donghae said
"We will come, don't worry!" I said
"Uhm.. Taec, Yoong.. We gotta go now we have something to do for our wedding!" Donghae said
"Okay. Take Care!" Yoona said
"Bye!" I said and they walked off
"I can't believe they will be getting married now." Yoona said
"Don't worry.. The time will come. I love you!" I said
"I love you too!" She said
Paris.. Where this all happens. I'm really thankful to this city and now, my wish came true. To be with the only one I love.


Author's Note: I hope you like this. I added up HaeSica! :DD Please do SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT!


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Chapter 1: HaeSica <3
wish to have a girlfriend just like them~~
woah~ HaeSica's Here ^^
eilsel_lj #3
I really love taecyoon.. ^^
Wow. This is amazing. Especially that you added HaeSica! Good job, Author! ♥