Author's Notice

Balancing Equations

Hey guys~ I've had a lot of requests for a new Suho x D.O. story and I'd just like to point out that I have written one right after 'Balancing Equations'.

Here it is for you, if you'd like to check it out.

I really appreciate it when people praise my stories cough-undeserving-cough but I'd appreciate it even more if you point out flaws in my writing too. I'd really like to improve, even though I do not see myself pursuing a career in writing, because apparently, writing is the one of the only things I'm good at. lol over confident much

So yeah. Comments on the livejournal page are loved, tbqh. It's much more organized there tee-hee. But comments here are okay too, but I don't really reply to comments here because I'm lazy and an

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Read my new kyungmyeon fanfic, snow~


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Fatairuq #1
Chapter 1: this is really good
mink_wu #2
OMG this is perfect!and You are perfect for writing this!! LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!
The story as though it really IS happening in real lifee!!! Same goes to te description of the characters. With Kyungsoo being the wide eyed guy when seeing things happened and Joonmyun being the kind, pure and innocent one *not to mention, the genius looking guy/leader* I just can' seem so real. That's all T-T
read this on livejournal. it's cute, bb :)
Wahh!!! Thankyou for this fic, Author-nim~~~
One of my absolute favourites <3
SuDO OTP가 최고다~
T_T *sniffle* MAKES ME SO HAPPY <3
HanKyungin #6
I seriously cried TT.TT *sniff*
omg I read this on LJ a while back but couldn't comment because I don't have an LJ account
but anyway
Kyungsoo was adorably awkward and Suho was perfect and not perfect at the same time and they were just awkwardly perfect together and omg MY FEELS.
I really love you for writing this.
adklfja;sldkfja;ls you're amazing :D
Haha here I am, having read another of your amazing stories and writing you an essay about the whole thingg
First of all- this was amazing, and I agree that the internet has a serious undersupply of good SuDO stories, and I'm glad I found this one because it is a lovely one. Kyungsoo's awkwardness led me into this story because darn, I can relate so much, and then the whole thing about Joonmyeon being perfect was just so true and Chanyeol and the WoW reference and haha OneDirection all those things haha they were just so entertaining. It's rare that I smile/laugh my way through a fic like I did with this one, so I'm really thankful for the good read - once again
Apart from that, I must say that I felt the drama a little too much, but this may just be me because I prefer to reside in a fictional world of only happiness and unicorns and cupcakes. So hey, subjective perception and all.
ANYWAY, if you read this, I hope I brought the point across, which was... not sure anymore, I lost the thread. But I loved the fanfics I read from you and please keep writing and haha yea I love this pairing and Kyungsoo's derpiness.
When I read the awkward turtle thing I did the hand motion and it made me so happy because I hadn't done it for so long >////> I'm so random haha sorry for wasting your space
THAT was wordvomit.
kyunghochae #9
oh my god this is so amazing!! the ending was so funny too!!