Chapter 1

Public Boyfriend

Bang Yong Guk was pleased. He glanced in the mirror, fixed his dress shirt’s collar and smirked at his own flawless reflection before putting his hand onto the doorknob. Another successful night had come to an end.

 As he opened the door, a bright light blinded him for a moment,  the sun had just come up. Perfect timing, he thought; real players always leave before their companion wakes up. Before he closed the door behind him, he stuffed a little piece of paper between it. Real players also never completely cut the relations with their victims.

Yong Guk steps were headed towards the hotel lounge. He was going to pay for the night and maybe get some coffee.

“Good morning, Bang-ssi” , the receptionist bowed his head. Yong Guk nodded his head at the man and slammed a black debit card onto the counter. The receptionist took it with another bow.

“Bang Ji Kyung-ssi’s assistant called, I was told to inform you about the meeting he wants to hold with you.”

Yong Guk snorted. “A real meeting? Wow...” With sarcasm in his voice, he turned to look at the employee with the coldest eyes. “And how did he find out I was staying in this hotel?”

The receptionist glanced nervously to his side and stuttered,“H-he, Bang-ssi called the manager, I’m sorry Bang-ssi.” Yong Guk looked pitifully at the bowing man in front of him and sighed. This is what his father always did so he was already used to it. But Yong Guk was bored, and when he was bored he wanted to play. His favorite games involved playing with people.

“So, you give up any information when people call here? ” He acted surprised. “Just what kind of hotel is this?” The receptionist kept bowing and stuttering about how he couldn’t do anything about the issue.

“You did it for money? Oy, how much did my father pay you?” He leaned closer to the poor man and grabbed him by his shirt. “Do you know who I am? Do you think you can get away with this, ha?” Suddenly, something in Yong Guk’s pocket started vibrating and he let go of the man who rapidly backed away. Yong Guk reached for the phone in his pocket and pouted.

“Aish, just give me my card back,”  He gestured angrily at the receptionist, who rushed to hand it to him and then, he turned to leave, leaving the flustered employee behind him.

On the street he flipped his phone open. “What?” He nearly yelled to the phone. As an answer he got laughter.

“What made the almighty Bang Yong Guk angry at this hour?” Said a familiar voice.

“Him Chan..” Yong Guk sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Sorry, I was in the middle of something just now.”

“Did I interrupt?” Him Chan’s voice said, still a little bit of laughter hidden in it.

“No.. I was just putting up an act. Jesus, I can't stand stupid people." Yong Guk heard Him Chan's laughter again.

Kim Him Chan was his best friend. They had known each other since they had learned how to walk. Him Chan had a calming effect on Yong Guk, he would never get angry or over things he knew he didn't like. He even put up with his hobbies: hunting women and easy targets.

"Where did you spend the night this time?" Him Chan questioned. Yong Guk switched the phone into his other hand and reached for the car keys in his pocket. "Somewhere I'll never go again," He stopped for a moment and tried to recall where he parked his car.

Him Chan sneered, "Was she that bad?"

Yong Guk tried to dodge some old lady who was selling flowers in the middle of the street. "Plain average. I meant the place, my father located me again," He stumbled a little because the street was fully crowded before he spotted his fancy sports car.

"Eh, well that isn't new. What did he want?"

"To hold a meeting," Yong Guk snorted, "I'm just guessing he will scold me about this baby I bought last week," He the bonnet of his custom-made and shiny, black Lamborghini and smiled.

"Ooh, I'm so jealous I couldn't bring my cars with me to Japan," Him Chan sighed.

 Yong Guk's shoulders stiffened and he frowned as he got in the car. That's right, Him Chan was in Japan. He had left on short notice, leaving Yong Guk all alone. Suddenly, he was really irritated like any other time someone brought this issue up. He still hadn’t completely forgiven him.

"You still there?" The voice on the phone startled Yong Guk from his thoughts.

"Yeah, but, I'm going to start driving so I have to go," He said coldly.

"Eh? Hey, I know you have a hands-free. We hardly ever tal-" , Yong Guk cut the call and threw his phone on the passenger seat. He rested his hands on the steering wheel and breathed slowly in and out before driving off.

Yong Guk really had no plans today. Actually, he never had any plans, he would decide everything on a whim. What did he want to do today? Go clubbing and socializing? No, he didn't want to waste money and time on alcohol and women today. He sighed and noticed that his head was aching. Maybe he should just go to his apartment and sleep the rest of the day, he thought. But that sounded dreadfully boring and he also didn't want to waste his life. As he absent-mindedly glanced around the car to make up something interesting to do, he caught a glimpse of his phone resting on the seat and remembered his father. He looked back on the road and tried to figure out where he was going just now.

His father's office wasn't far away.

On a whim again, Yong Guk turned his car around and headed towards the high, all glass skyscraper in front of him. At least scolding sounded more interesting than sleeping.

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My school started so I can only write on weekends T___T sorry, I have almost finished chapter 8, I'll try to find time!


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MissRainingAngels #1
Chapter 7: Please update! I'm dying over here. I LOVE this story!
d-yana #2
I really missed this story! Thank you so much for the update! Ha3 Maybe I'm a little disappointed a bot because only 1 chapter updated BUT I really love this chapter! It's show their beginning interactions ^^, The lady seem pretty mad and rude! Urgh, so cute when Yong Guk take the splash. The last word give me chills! His dad sounds so angry! I'm scared but I want to know what will happen! I'm looking forward for the next chapter! I wish author the best!^^
ahahaha xD
Hahaha "My office. Now."
d-yana #5
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you updated! this story is soooooo gooood!
Ha3 I'm waiting this story this whole time. and you my lovely author really make my day! I love Chap 5 and 6! the plot is great! I was laughing again! Your story is really magic to me.
I can't wait for the next update! Please update soooon! ^^
i practically screamed when i saw this story had just updated.
it worth for waiting thou, ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ

can't wait for yongguk's plan to start off! soooo, keep updating and thank you for your updates today.
Reminds me of coffee prince, chappie 4 :) i like it!!
LovesAsianDrama #8
Nonapi #9
@JaeJayBaby_3 Ehhh? Really?! I've only seen the Big Bang parody of it ;A; oh nooo