Electric shock

Warrior invasion


Himchan's p.o.v:
I wrapped my jacket around ______ and entered with her into the car...
"so do you want me to drive you home?" i asked....no reply
"______?...are you listening?" i looked at her..she was sleeping...how can she sleep that fast! I drove her home then tried to wake her up..no hope...ill just carry her then..i went and carried her into her house....is it a habit for this family to leave their house open?!..i went into the house and into her room..it was quiet and i figured no one was home..i found some towels and placed them in ______'s bed then placed her on them and covered her with her blanket..i was walking out but then i stopped and hid behind the door..what stopped me was someone-actually two people-in the mirror which reflected from what looked like _____'s parent room...it wasnt her mother or father..because i dont think your family would go dressing in ninja clothes when the house is empty...i put my ear beside the wall so thet i could listen to their conversation
"i cant find anything here" one of them said
"neither do i"what are they searching for?
"you sure the house is empty?" one of them asked..what the heck! Are these trainnee ninjas or what..do not even know if the house is empty?!!
"go check again" immediatly i heard footsteps through the corridor..my muscles tensed up ready for any fight that might happen...i could hear the footsteps getting nearer by the second untill they stopped,i peeked through the door opening to see him infront of ______'s room(the one im in) 
"there is a girl sleeping here sir" he said..i grabbed my chance i went and stood infront of the door...
"hello" i said..  a surprised expression covers his face,he tries to catch me.but im fast and i know it(see what i did there?)..he starts entering the room but stoppes when he sees the door flying.. into his face..
"oops" i say chuckling slightly when i see him fall backwards like a stick..he stands up slightly shaken and takes out his gun.. And oh god ..it was an electric one..i swiftly dodged every hit while luring the guy out of _____'s room..i punched him on his nose and he fell backwards again..no hope for him to get up this time..i sense someone behind me so i turn around
"hi" he says before i feel a tingling sensation travel through my body..i couldnt see what happened then because i was covered in darkness
 =mean while=
Deahyun's p.o.v:
Today was our last day of being a warrior trainnee..we would get our medals and start our missions after that...we had our last test today it was the most important quiz and all members had to be present.. if we pass this test we will officially be warriors..although i didnt show it(being the unemotional one in b.a.p)i was pretty excited...
"so are we all here?" bang asked
"um..yeah..zelo..jongup..youngjae..me and you..and..no himchan is not here yet"i said
"well he better be...our test starts after 10 minutes" youngje said
*after 15 minutes*
"ill call grandpa..himchan is not answering his phone...didnt he say hes going on a date with _____?" bang said 
"yes maybe hes taking his time anyways i agree with you..call grandpa but dont tell him about himchan,if you do, he'll probably get angry over it and punish him Hard..and you know how grandpa is..just tell him that we cant do the test today" i said feeling alittle dissapointed..i was this close to becoming a warrior..well,tommorow is not that far isit? We returned home and himchan still didnt return...i was slightly worried- although he does it sometime- but managed to push it all away and get some rest..
*in the morning*
Himchan's p.o.v:
I wasnt awake yet..but i could hear everything around me..i remembered everything that happened yesterday the date..then driving ______ home and then..the two men!..so if my thinking is logical..i would be kidnapped by them..i tried listening more deeply..i can hear bird sounds...and piano sounds..i never heard of kidnappers who play piano..but oh well.i oppened my eyes slowly to see myself in a normal house..._______'S HOUSE? ...i was in her house..but..why didnt they kidnap me?
Ok...,  there are only 4 reasons they can be doing that for:
1) they where stupid enough to think that i wont tell anybody about them
2) they were too kind hearted (weird!)
3) they forgot me
4) they are coming back
 I pushed the last reason away...they wouldnt come back again.... will they?

At last..i updated! Ooooh things are getting interesting!

Sorry for not updating in a really long time..

you would think i would be free after school finishes but thats not true..

in my life at least!

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enough blabbering for now..anyoung!

And (^0^)....thanks alot! 10 subscribers! And over 400 views!


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Gonna update more frequently now...promise!


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amanda13 #1
Chapter 3: very interesting ^^
Chapter 15: coooooooooooool,can't wait till the nxt chap. =)
Chapter 15: AWESOMEE!!! Yong Guk is so....sweet!!!!!!!! And himchan....man!I think you got each and every character EXACTLY the way they actually are))))amazing.Spelling mistakes leen....
i know that medal, amazing chap.
door flying in his face?EPIC
clap, clap, clap, amazing dude.:)
^.^... thnks!
very good story love it.^^