The Escape

The Girl with a Secret

A young girl from the Southern part of the U.S.A. ran through the streets of Washington D.C.  It was obvious she had Asian blood in her veins, but she was born and raised in Houston, Texas.  She had long, dark brown hair and brown eyes.  She wore a pair of ragged and torn jeans with a solid blue shirt.  Sweat dripped from her forehead and her heart screamed for her to stop running. 

They were after her.  They wanted to lock her away from her family and the world.  They wanted her power.  A power so beyond their reach, they never thought it was possible in real life; they only thought it could happen in science fiction.  This girl had the power to read minds at will.  She had the power to see the possibilities of the future.  She had the power to move objects with her mind.  And, her name was Kennedy Woo.

            Her pursuers were hot on her tail as she ran into an ally.  It was a dead end; big mistake on Kennedy’s part.  She turned around and glared at them. “What the hell do ya’ll wan’ with my power? Ya can’ have it!” she yelled at them.

            One of the people in front of her answered, “We only want to make sure you don’t hurt anyone.”  But, Kennedy could hear their real thoughts.  ‘We want your power for ourselves!’  Kennedy had to escape. She quickly used her power to lift a board off the ground.  She guided the board by flinging her hand toward the men in front of her.  Some of the men were sent flying, but it was enough to allow her to escape.  Kennedy quickly took this chance and shot out of the ally, turning to her right.  She ran into a store and hid as far back as possible.

            As she stood there, a flash of an airport came into her mind. 

Kennedy waits in line at the airport.  She holds the money from her savings account. The money is what she inherited from her mother and father.  It would have gone to her older brother, but he had died along with her parents.  This is the perfect chance to flee the country.

Kennedy slightly gasped as she was pulled back to the present.  She looked at the clock.  It was 5:24 pm. She had an hour and 20 minutes to get to the bank before it closed.  Once she saw that the coast was clear, she made a break for it, turning to her left.  ‘Once I got the money, wh’re’ll I go?’ she thought.  ‘I’m par’ Kore’n. I cou’d go th’re.’  Kennedy ran even faster. ‘Bu’ wh’re’ll I go when I g’t to Korea?  Par-haps I cou’d live with my cous’n and aunt?  They’re th’ only people I trus’ anym’re.  I know they’ll keep me safe.  ‘Nd Kevin can teach me Kore’n wh’nev’r he ain’t busy with his UKISS sched’les.’  Kennedy looked at her watch.  She looked up and saw the bank a few buildings away.  ‘P’rfect tim’n.’

Kennedy quickly entered the building and stopped to catch her breath.  She walked to the bank teller.  “Hey, I’d like t’ withdra’ money fr’m my savings account, please ma’am.”

The woman nodded. “Of course. I’d like to see some identification, please.”

Kennedy nodded and pulled out her wallet.  She then proceeded to take out her I.D. card.  The woman took it.

“Okay, Miss Woo. How much would you like to take?” asked the woman.

Kennedy paused. “I’d like sum four thous’nd please.”

The woman looked up in surprise but nodded.  “Right away.”  She went back to the vault and in five minutes she came back with the amount of money Kennedy asked for.  “Here you go, Miss Woo.”

“Thank ya, miss. ‘Nd don’ worry ‘bout yer date t’night.  Ya will do jus’ fine.” Kennedy replied, whispering the last two sentences while putting the money in her wallet.  She quickly left before the woman could ask any questions.  Before heading to where she was staying, Kenny converted some of her money into Won which was the currency of Korea.  She quickly headed to her apartment, where she knew that those men wouldn’t find her.

Just as Kennedy was about to open the door, a girl with red hair and blue eyes hugged her.  “Kenny!  Are you all right?  I heard on the news-“

“Gen, I’m leav’n.  I can’t risk my life no more,” whispered Kennedy.

Gen looked at her friend in surprise.  She knew Kennedy well enough to know that she couldn’t stop her friend.  “All right.  But, e-mail me every night, okay?”

Kennedy shook her head.  “No.  I can’t risk yer life no more, either.  Though, I’m sure ya will find out soon’r or lat’r wh’re I’m at.  Jus’ don’t call me ‘till things with the F.B.I. comes down, all ‘ight?  ‘Nd, sell anythin’ left in my apartment.”

“But, Kenny-“

“Promise me!” Kennedy suddenly yelled.  She couldn’t afford to lose anyone else she cared about.

Gen was surprised by the sudden outburst, but soon nodded.  “All right.  I promise.”  As Gen said those words, both girls felt their hearts torn at even just the thought of Kennedy leaving.  But, they also knew it was for the best.

Kenny hugged her best friend tightly.  She forced back the tears she could feel coming.  “Jus’ nev’r forge’ me, ya hear?”

Gen sadly smiled.  “Who in their right mind would?”

Kenny then went into her apartment and began to pack her things.  She then booked the next available flight to Seoul, South Korea.


The next day, Kenny woke up 5:37 am.  Her flight was at 7:00 am.  She jumped up and quickly got ready.  She ate a quick breakfast of waffles and soon ran out the door with her two suitcases.  She hailed a taxi and set out for the airport.

At about 6:24, she arrived at the airport.  She paid the taxi driver while giving him a $30 tip.  She rushed into the airport and went to the front desk.  “Yeah, I called yest’rday ‘nd got a plane ticket.”

“I.D., please,” said the man at the desk.  Kennedy gave him her I.D. and she soon got it back.  “Thank you, Miss Woo.  Here is your ticket.  Enjoy your trip.”

Kenny gratefully took the ticket and smiled.  “Thank ya.”  She took her suitcases, set them on the conveyer belt, and went to board the plane.  At 7:00 am sharp, the plane left the airport.  Kenny soon fell asleep.


Hours later, Kenny woke up to the sound of the pilot telling them they were near South Korea and would be landing any minute.  Once the plane landed, she unbuckled and quickly got off the plane.  In the Seoul Airport, she took a sigh of relief. “I ain’t gotta deal with them F.B.I. no more.  Now, t’ fin’ where Kevin lives.”  She grabbed her bags and hailed a taxi with the little Korean she knew.  She gave the driver the house address and soon they set off for Kenny’s cousin’s house.  The driver the radio and Kenny smiled to her self as 4U by UKISS played.  She knew it was one of their newer songs. 

When they arrived at the house, Kenny paid the driver and grabbed her suitcases.  She headed for the door of the house that stood in front of her.  She then rang the doorbell.  It took a few seconds before someone opened the door.

Yah! Guys, shut up! Someone’s at the door!” the young man before Kennedy said in Korean.  When he saw Kenny, his eyes widened, almost like he had seen a ghost mixed with seeing a long lost friend.  He then pulled Kennedy into a tight yet gentle hug, as if he were afraid to lose Kenny or as if he were afraid it wasn’t real.  “Kenny, I-I thought you were dead.  When I heard from your friend that… I thought you were gone, too.”  As the man spoke, his voice shook with mixed emotions; joy, sadness, and confusion.

Kennedy could only hug the man back.  “I wou’d have contacted ya, but I cou’dn’t risk yer life too.  I’m sorry, Kev.  But, now I’ve fled.  I ain’t gotta deal with no more chases.  I know this is shor’ notice, but cou’d I live with ya’ll?”

Kevin nodded.  “Why would I say no? Come on, Kenny. You gotta meet my group!”  He grabbed Kenny’s suitcases and made way for her to come inside.

Kennedy nodded with a smile and walked inside the house.  ‘Fin’lly, I can live without no fear.  A life with peace ‘nd sec’rity was all I ev’r wanted in my life.  I’ve fin’lly foun’ it.’




Please tell me if I should improve on anything. I want a good grade~! Thank you for taking the time to read~!

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Iminthezone #1