Chapter 13

Rubiks Cube

RED = Mandarin
BLUE = English
BLACK = Korean





Nana's POV

"Please introduce yourselves" The host smiled the EXO-M.

"We Are One, We Are EXO!" They cheered.

"Ni Hao! I'm EXO-M's leader, Kris" Kris intoduced himself with his usual poker face.

"Ni Hao! I'm Lay" Lay smiled.

"Ni Hao! I'm Chen" Chen cheered emphasizing his jaw line.

"Ni Hao! I'm Xiumin" he smiled with his baozi cheeks.

"Ni Hao! I'm EXO-M's Maknae, Tao" Tao introduced with hid piercing deep eyes.

and Finally,

"Ni Hao! I'm Luhan" he smiled with his soft baby face.

/Krisus, HELP ME~ This kid is so cute *____*
Wait is he even a kid? HIS 22 for petes sake yet he looks too young for it/


Well the interview went well, I just translated questions for Xiumin and Chen, and so as there answers.

The host talked to them about their talents, and one by one they showed teir talents.

Kris rapped, Lay danced, Chen sang, Tao did Wushu, Xiumin screamed, he was so cute though. BUT Luhan played with the Rubics Cube and YES he was good.

My mind started to fly thinking of the Rubics Cube, How can he even solve that?






"And that was EXO-M! Nice meeting you guys, I hope we can have you as guests again" The MC smiled

"Our pleasure, Thank You" Kris being the leader replied.

All of us went to the dressing rooms.

EXO fixed theirselves because the manager finally called it a day and decided to go home,

He told me it was only one interview not 5. We were practically all worn out.


They boys are finally done with their things, we all rode the van and it was dead silent.

Kris sat on the seat next to the driver. ( On the 1st lane )

Tao, Chen and Xiumin were at the back. ( On the 3rd lane )

and Me and Luhan were at the 2nd lane.



*Driver*      *Kris*          D

*Luhan* *Me*                  O

*Tao*Chen*Xiumin*    O

*Trunk*                             R


The boys were asleep, so might as well sleep myself.

I laid my head in the window and closed my eyes, slowly drifing to sleep.





"Nana we're already here" Luhan woke me up.

I opened my eyes and looked outside.

We were headed to the parking lot, seems like EXO-M lived in a condo, just like their dorm in Korea

(I don't really know what EXO's dorm is, let's just assume it's a Condo KEKE )

The car parked and we made our way to their dorm.

Their manager opened the door and we all went in.

Xiumin and Tao was already on the fridge taking food one by one.


"EY! Stop eating those sweets!" their manager scolded the two.

"But we're hungry~" Tao whined.

"Fine, I'll takeout food, just wait here, those are not good for you" their manager snatched their sweets away, including the ones in thr fridged and walked out.

Xiumin couldn't understand half of what the manager said, but as soon as he heard the FOOD and NOT his face fell, specially when the manager left and took their food.

"BWOYA!? (What the!?) My food was THIS close for mr to bite and with just one woosh it's all gone" he sobbed.

"Awwww , poor Baozi, come here" I patted the poor buns back.

/And to think that Xiumin was the oldest,/






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Chapter 21: new subbie please update soon~~
mochi_box #2
Chapter 21: Author-Nim~ Please update >.< I really LOOOVE your fic. *trying to make you update faster by doing aegyo* Author-Nim BBUING BBUING~ CHU~<3

SOMETHING IS TELLING ME THAT THE BOY WHO GAVE NANA THE CUBE WAS LUHAN!!! *be ma girl* I know I know I know~ You know you know you know~ *wiggles eyebrows*
bymlee #4
yo !! double update <3
i rl love u author nim :* lol
is LuHan isn't it?? i knew it!!!
New reader here! ^__^
I am totally in love with this one.
Well, cant wait for the update :))))
pinkypn #8
just letting you know chapter 15 and 16 is the same
-paperhearts- #9
i really like this story !!!!!
LuLu really is something
GAAH CANT WAIT! I wonder how good her singing is ;DD
and lol lulu so has a thing for her~ xD
Update soon!