I Love You!

I will see you again....

I knocked on the door waiting for some one to open it. It was C.A.P

"Hello, what are you doing here?" He asked

"Im here to give Ljoe this"You said as you held up a letter.

"Ohh Umm... He.. He is asleep at this time of the morning... You know him.....hehe" C.A.P replyed.

"Oh sure.... Can you just give it to him when he wakes up thanks" you gave him the letter and started walkin away.

"Where are you going...???" CAP asked .

"You will find out in the letter when Ljoe tells you." You replyed as you got into a black car.


You are Ljoe's girlfriend. You have been in this relationship for over 2 and a half years now. You love him but you need time to your self. It is getting to much for you and every thing is happening so fast that you just wish it could stop. The way he gives you warm welcoming hugs when your cold, his soft hair rubbing agains your cheeks. His amazing cooking for breakfast, and his warm breath running down your soft skin when hugging you from behind. You miss him even tho you just saw eachother the day before. You have to get away before it is too late.


"ljoe............Ljoe................................LJOE!!!" CAP yelled, waking up Ljoe.

"What..... c-cant.....y-y-ou see I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!" Ljoe was getting angry. He didnt like his friends waking him up. He just like waking up to your warm smile and you comftating hugs.

"Umm...{Name} just dropped this off. She had red eyes and was looking cold. She didnt say where she was going but she said that you will find out in the letter" CAP explained with a serious face. He places the letter next to Ljoes bed and left the room.

Ljoe grabbed the letter and opeded it and this is what he read-

I am a daughter, a sister , a grand-daughter, a niece, a cousin, a friend. I am a partner, a student, a young girl and a grown women. I am confident and scared, terrified and excited. I am loving and caring and thoughtful and hopeful. I am sick and tried. I am shy and friendly and careful and careless. I am broken and whole. I am misunderstood, Misguided and mislead. I am hard working and dertermend. I wish on stars and dream my dreams. I pray to god and cry my tears. I smile on the outside while Im dying on the inside. I listen to others who wont listen to me. I walk on fire and crawl over broked glass. I believe in passion, but not in true love. I love you but I push you away. I want you but not too close. I am everything and nothing all at once and all I want is for you to

Love Me !

I leaving for Australia today. I will miss you but it is only for 4 months. I am not running away, or not leaving you. But everything is moving so fast this past year and all I want to do is stop time it self. I will miss you and will miss you more every second when I am on that plane to Australia. I dont want a long good bye, I just need to leave. I promis you that I will return to you in 4 months time, But for now I need to get away from it all. I will miss all of you.... And I know Ricky will cry. I hope you can usderstand. I'll call you the night I arrive at my sister and her husband house. It may be a little tricky with the time zones and all but my phone will always be on for you. I also promis to leave any other boys alone, I love you and you are the only person I truly love. I will see you soon, I promis. I never like to break a promis and you know that! 4 months will travel fast for you... Teen Top. But for me it will move slowly. And thats all I want right now. I Love you.

Ljoe was stunned. He knew you will be back. He loves you. You and Ljoe......


After the 4 Months.

You walked up to the door slowly. It has been 4 months since you left for Australia. You have changed now, for the better. Your hair was a little longer, and was a little darker. You had grown a little... But not alot. And you missed Ljoe. It is too hard for you to explaine how much you missed him but you were sure... so... so... sure you have missed him.

You walked up to the door and knocked 4 times. Like you used to do. 4 times then wait 8 seconds.. then you would knock again 4 times. It was a sign that it was you and not any other Teen Top fan. While you were out side waiting for the door to open, the members were sitting on the couch, having a small meeting to plan on an up-comming event. They herd the knocking. The waited to see if the person would knock again. They heard it then looked straight at Ljoe, who's eyes were wide as anything. He jumped up and raced to the door. Unlocked it and pulled it open with all his streanth.

The door opened and you saw Ljoe standing there. Tears formed in your eyes. He imeadently raced over to you and pulled you into a tight warm hug. Like always you would reast your head on his chest and wrap your arms around his waist.

"I have missed you...." Ljoe whispered into your ear.]

"Me to Ljoe, Me to" you replyed. The other members ran over, and were stunded to see you, but they have missed you. You cheeky jokes, your warm smile and your big group hugs. The all came around you and Ljoe, who is still hugging and joined the hug. Ricky like alway, was crying in his cute, sweet way. CAP placed his arm around your shoulders while Neils arm was around Ljoes sholders. Chinji and Chunjo joined in wheather they could fit. You all giggled and huged to gether. You told them why you left, to make sue Ljoe told the truth and you told them what you did in Australia.


That night you and Ljoe walked around in the garden, under the stars.

"I have missed you soo much you know." Ljoe said

"I know, and that is why I came back 2 days earlyer" you laughed. But you were right. From the day you left, 4 months is in 2 days time.

Ljoe stoped walking, you turned around to wounder what he was doing. He came closer and closer until he kissed you on the lips. It was a warm kiss that you miss soo much.

When I saw you, I was AFRAID to meet you. When I met you, I was afraid to KISS you. When I kissed you, I was afraid to LOVE you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to LOSE you. 

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Pure sweets:)