
Man and the Tramp

I changed the names and stuff because of Emily's story, and I also fixed some of the character bio's, please go look so you don't get confused... lol. No hard feelings ;-;?

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                     Seungjoon shot his eyes open when he felt the sun's warm rays on his face. He couldn't be late for school, so he panicked and jumped off his bunk of the bunk bed, the top bunk, and looked at Minhee's bunk, which was just like it was yesterday. He had forgotten that she slept over at Yonghee's house and that she wouldn't be able to wake him up for school. Glancing at the time, he changed out of his sleeping clothes, slung his backpack across his chest, and shoved a piece of toast in his mouth. He was running down the sidewalk while running his hand through his hair when someone grabbed his wrist, preventing him from moving. He closed his eyes at the pain and didn't even bother to open them.

"H-Hey, let me go! I have to go to school... I can't be late!" he yelled at the man. The man squeezed his wrist tighter.

"Isn't the high school THAT way?" the man replied. Seungjoon still kept his eyes closed.

"I don't go to high school, I got to Seoul University."

"Well, Seoul University doesn't open on weekends." Seungjoon opened his eyes and saw his neighbor Baekhyun smiling at him.

"You know, you're even more forgetful then Lay. You've been going to school on the weekends since the first day and now it's almost the last. People are going to think you're crazy. Good thing I always wait for you for all those days." Baekhyun ruffled Seungjoon's hair.

"Stalker, always waiting for me."

"Whatever, hey, let's go to the street food festival! I know you like food~ It's hot today and we can get pat bing soo, your favorite!"

"That rhymed and yet again, stalker."

"I'm not a stalker, I love you so much that I know everything about you~" Seungjoon blushed at the tease and followed Baekhyun to the street festival.

While they were walking, Baekhyun chattered on and on about his life with his 11 friends, 5 whom he lives with. Seungjoon was quiet the whole way, but Baekhyun knew that he was always listening.

" we both took the flour and poured it on- ARE YOU OK?"

Seungjoon was on the ground, his blood covered hands on the side of his head. He had just been hit by a rock that was most likely shot or thrown really freaking hard.

"Y-Yeah, I'm ok." Seungjoon winced at the pain he was receiving, but he didn't want Baekhyun to see and become worried. It didn't work though.

"Ok? Your head is practically pouring its brains out! How can you say you're ok? You have to do something."

"Calm down, it's-"

"It's what, huh, ok?"

"Well, there isn't a damn thing I can do about it! What do you expect me to do? Go find this person and beat him with this rock?"


"You're crazy. Let's just keep going." Baekhyun chuckled, helped him up, and once again they were on their way to the festival.

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                     Sungyeol was doing his daily weekend routine, hunting for his father's shop with Myungsoo, but this time Myungsoo didn't come. Instead, he brought Dongwoo and Woohyun. He handed Dongwoo the slingshot because he always filled in for Myungsoo and told him to show Woohyun.

"Ok Woohyun, I'm going to show you one more time. Let's see... that leaf over there? The red one? Yeah, you aim and BOOM! Ok?" Woohyun nodded at his y description and Dongwoo handed him the slingshot.

"Now, be careful, I have to go give the deer to Sungyeol." He then dragged a deer with him to the direction where Sungyeol went.

Woohyun had been shooting for a few minutes and he had missed every single thing. It wasn't as easy as it looked. He wondered how Dongwoo was able to knock out that deer in 5 shots and how he was even able to shoot it 5 times. He sat on the ground in frustration, got back up, and shot in a random direction.

"ARE YOU OK?" was heard in the distance. Woohyun belly flopped on the ground, scared that he was going to get caught. He peeked up and saw that he shot at a kid from his school, Seungwoo? Sungjoon? He slowly backed away and ran where Sungyeol and Dongwoo were hoping that the kid was alright.

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Hi~ This was just a filler, ok >_<

I don't even know if this is long... oh whale.

Thanks for reading so far.

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Ooh I love stories with OCs, expecting great things
Wow. Your story is really good so far! Keep up the good work! (: