Due to a Kiss



Chapter 06.  Soothing Voice


It seemed like Sulli had greatly underestimated Taemins popularity.
news of the outcast bonding with one of the star students spread like wildfire. the moment she got back to class all eyes were on her,when usually everyone just treated her like air.  it didn't help either that Krystal,yet another  star student, greeted her with a friendly "yo" when Sulli passed her table.
Sulli sat at the back of the class. sometimes she'd hear bits of their gossip "ehh? with Krystal too?" "she made him clean up after her!"  the rest of the day Sulli didn't dare to look anyone in the eyes or attract any attention. she waited,waited for someone to step up and begin "punishing" her...but nothing happened. on her way to the last two classes,gym,Sulli let out a gasp of relief. seemed liked they only planned on ignoring her existence just a tiny bit more than before. Sulli was alright with that. ha,Taemin will surely be embarassed when he notices his plan didn't work out! Sulli thought smiling to herself. or..will he be angry..and try even harder to get her kicked out? Sulli shook her head. 'no,no! for now,just be happy his plan failed!'
Sulli felt a familiar pat on the back. Krystal appeared next to her. "you know," Krystal looked at Sulli with the hint of a smile "making friends is a good thing,don't let them bother you" the moment Krystal finished the sentence she speed up towards the gym,leaving Sulli behind without giving her a chance to answer. 'she's always so quick to dissapear! I want to explain,I'm not friends with Taemin he-" Sulli paused midway in thinking. 'did Krystal just,did she hint that we might be able to ..be friends..she and ..me? am I reading too much into it?" Sulli felt herself  blushing. she cupped her flushed cheeks "ahhh Sulli,there might be hope!" she grined.
"ew,what  a dyke." a voice behind her said in a sing sang kinda tone,followed by giggling.
Sulli flushed even more but kept walking,hoping they would let her escape.
"yah!!" the voice shouted. "turn around,dyke!!"
Sulli's heart sank a bit. she turned around,three of her classmates were standing behind her,arms crossed in front of their chests.
Qri,Jiyeon and Hwayoung. all three exceptionally pretty and fair skinned. and of course,like the rest of SmEnt,very talented. Sulli had never actually spoken to them but their seats were pretty close to hers so she had gathered quite a bit of information about the three. Jiyeon and Qri both came from rich households,always wearing the latest brands. Hwayoung,whos parents were middle class,couldn't afford the expensive make up and clothing so Qri and Jiyeon would try not to talk too much about shopping in front of her,even give her little presents from time to time. Hwayoung felt rather uncomfortable recieving the latter so they eventually stopped.  shallow,like most young girls,but not bad people. they cherished their friendship a lot. remembering that,Sulli hoped they would go relatively easy on her.
"what's wrong with being a dyke.." Sulli muttered,hoping they wouldn't hear her talking back.
Qri,who had shouted the hurtful words earlier gasped after air "she's not denying it!"
Jiyeon rolled her eyes at Qri's childish behaviour. "which one is it? Krystal or Taemin? you can't have  both." Jiyeon looked at Sulli with an icey stare "well,thinking about it. you can't have either of them." Sulli felt her heart beating louder and louder  "why ..can't i be friends with Kr- them?" she corrected herself,not wanting any stupid rumours about Krystal going around. Jiyeon and Qri looked at each other,laughing out loud. "have you  met yourself? you are a complete failure! go and play with your kind,outside of this school,and leave our pride (reffering to taemin and krystal) alone! you only drag their value down." Qri picked up where Jiyeon left " we tolerated you because,you were nothing but a clown,here for our amusement. but i think we can all agree, THAT IT'S TIME TO LEAVE." Sulli gulped. her eyes met Hwayoung's who seemed incredibly uncomfortable. Hwayoung threw an apologetic look in Sulli's direction and then quickly looked at her own feet again. Somehow,that little gesture gave Sulli strength. Sulli looked at her bullies  and replied with a strong,firm voice "maybe i will leave and maybe I wont. but i can assure you it's not going to be because of you two!" she clenched her fists "making friends is a good thing and I wont let people like you bother me!" she remembered Krystal's words that gave her an additional ounce of courage. Jiyeon flicked her tongue and Qri bit her nails,both not knowing how to respond to the sudden outburst from the usually so quiet loner. Sulli turned around on her heels when she felt a sudden pull. Qri had got a hold of Sulli's hoodie and pulled her back. "maybe you just need to reflect a little more on the situation. we are not the only ones wanting you gone." Jiyeon said opening the storage room door behind her. Qri quickly pushed the perplex Sulli into the tiny space. Sulli fell over an item lying on the floor and landed on her injured arm. she whimpered in pain and her eyes began to water. the last thing Sulli saw before the door was closed  was Jiyeon and Qri smiling,proud of their comeback and the face of a very concerned looking Hwayoung.
Sulli heard them pushing something under the handle,making it impossible for her to escape. not that Sulli had the power to even try right now. she was still laying on the floor,holding her hurting shoulder. a few tears ran down her face,she didn't know if it was because of the pain or the fear of what else was awaiting her once she had gotten out of the tiny room.
maybe i should just rott here,seems to be the best solution for everyone .. Sulli thought before passing out.
Sulli had a wonderful dream,she was back at  home,swimming and playing in the lake near  her house with her  whole  family. even her deceased grandparents were there to celebrate Sulli's return! they ate Sulli's favorite food her mother had prepared especially for her. so yummy! Sulli her lips.
suddenly a soft laugh tickled the inside of her ear. hmm,such a nice laugh. what kind of person has such a lovely laugh? mmm,I want to see. Sulli tried opening her eyes but they felt like glued together from all the crying. she was too exhausted .
"let me help you"  'ahhh',Sulli thought 'nice laugh has a nicee voicee too' someone began softly washing her face with a wet washcloth..'ahh that feels nice...I want to see you,nice laugh...'  Sulli carefully opened her eyes..



authors note: tripple update,yay! C: I think that's it for today!  I hope you enjoy the story so far! OOoooO who is the person behind the nice voice :DD ahh I feel so bad for maing the t-ara girls the "bad guys" I really enjoy their catchy songs~

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oh wow! I'm back and working on the next chapters!! I'm so sorry I just dissapeared :( I'd advice you to re-read the latest chapters!even i forgot a few things!


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Taellishipperosopol1 #1
Chapter 14: Can you please update this is such an interesting and good fanfic
ExolliShipper #2
Chapter 14: Please......!!! Update!!! Please...... I'm begging You!!!!!!
DreamySulli #3
I really really love your story ♡ it's sooo exciting :D I really really hope you will update soon ^^ please update if you find some time and motivation ;) i beg you ^^ ♡
alledaaa #4
Chapter 14: This story is way different from other fanfics, update please :)
minsullove77 #5
Please plrease update
Update soon please? I beg youu
Update soon please? I beg youu
KaisooFeelsEverywher #8
Chapter 14: Plz update!!
BoiceKings #9
Chapter 14: Omg~ why sulli kiss Taemin?e_e