Lee Jaerin (Tillie)

Life With You


Birthday and age: 
06/07 - 19

She is mostly happy with a wide smile on her lips, and it is a contagious happiness. She is clumsy by nature and she often ends up in embarrassing situation. But people mostly just laugh at how cute she is. She is very stubborn, when she has set her mind on doing something she gets it done no matter what. She is bubbly and always full of energy. She talks fast and with a lot of arm motions. She loves adventures, and she looks for them everywhere. It often ends up with her in strange situations, but she is a good talker and usually gets away without any problem. It takes a lot for her to get angry, but when she is it's best to just run in the opposite direction. She is a loyal and trustworthy person. Her friends often comes to her for support, comfort and advices. Most people fall for her natural charm. She is also a bit competetive, and she can never refuse a bet or back down from a challange.
The rain, stars, purple, sweets, cooking, puppies, strawberry
Thunder, ants, arrogant people, onions
Painting, baking, shopping accessories
bites her lower lip when she is nervous, she sleeps late, when she doesn't listen to people she smiles and nod
Her parents got divorced when she was 7, and now she lives with her father. Her little brother was supposed to live with her mother, but she works all the time so he as well lives with their father. She is now studying political science at university, and she is working part time at a toy store.
Any talents?  
She is a very good painter
How did you get in the show? 
It started of as a joke between her and her friends, saying who they would choose and such. It was just a kind joke untill one of them said: "I bet you wouldn't dare." So, as the competetive girl Jae Rin is, she couldn't say no and so she sent in the application. Not that she regrett it though.
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lol the kidnapping!!! XD Man that must have been so funny!!! Makes me want to mess with my friends and kidnap them hehe ^^ Key just had to go to his own dorm, poor Key XD but at least that means it was easy right? haha
LMAO. I love the way how the hosts kidnapped the guys :P Daesung is the funniest! XDXD
Yamada is such an idiot~ lol 'I meant to do that' XDDD<br />
/spazzing at those hot pictures of idols in suits /AIBAAAAAA ♥ XD<br />
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I love the way you write you know. I was pretty much laughing through the whole chapter and I love that. Haha, you just made my day. :DD<br />
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And Hyunseung is here too? /spazzes again
nanie92 #4
Oh.. so many J-pop artiste.. I don't know them..:(<br />
I like the kidnapped scene..:)<br />
Update soon!!
*.* I LOVE THE KIDNAPPED BOYS!!!!!!!!!! ^^<br />
i know every single one of them mhm~~ keke <br />
nice update!! :D
Yay!!! I love the hosts of the show used! Kame is always a good host! ^_^ The nickname part was adorable lol oh! I totally agree with the Ohno idea but he would need Nino there to talk for him XD<br />
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Anyway, I can't wait for it to start! Good luck~ :)