Park Marika (bloodytheory)

Life With You

Park Marika
Birthday and age: 
04/22 - 18
Osaka, Japan
She might seem like an innocent girl at first, but that's only because she's too shy to talk around strangers or cameras. Many people are actually suprised how different she is from the first impression she gives off.

She's got a happy-go-lucky attitude towards life and she loves making pranks. her sense of humour is sarcastic and she's always making these witty remarks, that sometimes end up being a bit blunt and hurting people's feelings. The thing is, she always says what ever comes to her mind, without giving it much though. Apologizing is also always though for her.

She's quite sensitive and her temper is nothing to joke with. She's extremely short-tempered. You say one wrong thing and she might snap at you completely. The good thing is that she usually forgets that she was mad in the first place.
Because she's got a temper like that she's good at standing up for herself. She won't listen to just anyone bash her or her friends and sometimes gets into fights as well because of her big mouth.

Just like she's not good at apologizing she's not good at expressing her feelings either. People usually do notice if she's mad or sad or happy, or whether if she likes someone because it shows like a mile away. She just finds it hard to say how she's feeling.

For example whenever she's mad or sad, she just keeps it to herself. It's not that she doesn't want anybody to make her feel better, it's just that she always takes it the wrong way and makes things worse. that's why she'd rather sob alone or kick walls.
bright & neon colours, studying foreign languages, video games, italian food, playing guitar
spicy food, showering/bathing, acting cute, being sweaty, sports
video games,  playing guitar, sketching/doodling, studying foreign languages
twirling hair around fingers when bored, avoids looking people in the eye, scratching the back of her head
She was the first child of a young korean couple that had just moved to Japan, because of her fathers job. A korean company was extending themselves to Japanese market and they needed a CEO, which Marika's father was chosen. Four years later her mother gave birth to another child. A boy.

Ten years after Marika was born her father quit his job as a CEO and the family moved to Tokyo. Her father started his own agency in Tokyo for recruiting young girls and training them to be idols. Of course Marika was one of the first trainee's in the company. She started at the age of 11 specializing in dancing hip hop.

After Marika turned 17, her parent's got another boy. Around the same time she finally debuted as a rapper in a girl trio called Ribbon who specialized in dance/electronic music. Along her were two other girls, a blond haired girl named Martina and another girl with dirty blond hair who was called Kankan.

They're still a completely new group to the scene and are more famous in Korea than Japan.
Rapping, dancing hip hop.
Entertainment company: 
Tokyo Music
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lol the kidnapping!!! XD Man that must have been so funny!!! Makes me want to mess with my friends and kidnap them hehe ^^ Key just had to go to his own dorm, poor Key XD but at least that means it was easy right? haha
LMAO. I love the way how the hosts kidnapped the guys :P Daesung is the funniest! XDXD
Yamada is such an idiot~ lol 'I meant to do that' XDDD<br />
/spazzing at those hot pictures of idols in suits /AIBAAAAAA ♥ XD<br />
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I love the way you write you know. I was pretty much laughing through the whole chapter and I love that. Haha, you just made my day. :DD<br />
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And Hyunseung is here too? /spazzes again
nanie92 #4
Oh.. so many J-pop artiste.. I don't know them..:(<br />
I like the kidnapped scene..:)<br />
Update soon!!
*.* I LOVE THE KIDNAPPED BOYS!!!!!!!!!! ^^<br />
i know every single one of them mhm~~ keke <br />
nice update!! :D
Yay!!! I love the hosts of the show used! Kame is always a good host! ^_^ The nickname part was adorable lol oh! I totally agree with the Ohno idea but he would need Nino there to talk for him XD<br />
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Anyway, I can't wait for it to start! Good luck~ :)