

“Ughh.” I got up for school just like any other Monday. Except, today was my birthday. I, Choi Siwon was finally 18. I’ve been waiting for this day my entire life and not I’m ready for a whole new world I’m about to face.

“Oppa! Oppa!” My little sister Aileen kept banging on my door mercilessly so get me out of bed. I get up to answer it and hit my toe on the corner of my desk in the process.

“..” I muttered and went to get the door.

“Siwon did I just hear you cursing?” My mother was extremely laid back compared to other mothers, but swearing was a no-no for her. It was the way she was raised I guess.


“I’ll let you off this once because it’s your birthday. But I better not catch you again, understand? Happy Birthday son.” My mom couldn’t wipe that grin off her face.

I love it when my mom smiles. I love that after everything she went through in her life she can still make me smile every day. “Thanks mom” I said with a kiss to her cheek.

Aileen has a big plate if blueberry pancakes in her hand and my stomach rumbles just at the sight of them. She can’t stop smiling either. Aileen is 15, we fight ever so often but I still think she’s kind of adorable. (Don’t tell her I said that.) She gives me a peck on the cheek as she hands me the plate.

“Are you ready for your birthday punches oppa?” Aileen attacks me as soon as I set the pancakes on my table and I playfully wrestle her to the ground as she tries to pinch me and our father walks in.

“Stop fighting, you guys have school today. And Siwon-” he says as he says as we’re getting up “-here. Happy birthday son, ohh, here’s your present. ”

A knife comes flying towards me and I quickly duck before it buries itself into my wall. My head had been right there a mere second ago.

“Typical dad”I thought to myself. He’s always trying to make everything look cooler.

Oh. By the way, my family is made up of trained assassins. And that’s why today is so important. When a member of my family’s organization turns 18, they get their first solo job. And I was getting mine soon.


I go to school just like every other day, but I find a little box and note in my locker.

Happy Birthday Hyung! You’re finally 18! I heard this gives people good luck

when they really need it, I felt like you could use it =)



Inside the box is a thin bracelet. It was made from string and had very intricate designs, the brown, black, and white yarn overlapping eachother in an endless cycle. Jonghyun is a pretty good kid; our families have always been really close. I guess that makes him a part of our 'trust circle'. That also explains why he and Aileen so eagerly like each other, both our parents approve. He's one year older than her, and 2 years younger than me, but he's always been a good friend to us both. It’s easier for him to make friends at school, (his parents aren’t AS strict as mine, and they let him have some school friends…. After their background checks of course) yet he and I remain our close bond nonetheless. I guess you could consider him to be my best friend. I slipped the bracelet on as I heard the bell ring, so I shut my locker and-

                “Oh sorry my bad.” I seem to have bumped into someone.

I look up and into the deepest brown eyes I’ve ever seen. I was stunned for a moment but quickly regained my composure.

                “No it was my fault, I wasn’t looking.”  I look up and see a boy about my age, maybe a year younger; he had short curly auburn hair and very defined cheekbones.

“Are you ok? I didn’t mean to hit you but it’s my first day here, I was trying to figure out this map but it’s no help at all.” His voice flowed like honey… I didn’t know how to respond for a moment. I wasn’t really used to talking to people at school, outside of Jonghyun, my sister, and their friends. Jonghyun’s friends have tried to befriend me, but if we don’t have a class together they usually stop putting in the effort. Other than this one girl that is all over me all the time, most of them have stopped trying. I decided to maybe try and talk to this kid, its his first day he could use the help.

“Uhm yeah I’m fine, but maybe I can help you, what room are you looking for?”

“AP World History? Do you know Mr. Chung?

“Yeah I do, that’s my first class too!  I can walk you there if you’d like.”

“Oh yeah that would be great! Are you a senior too?”

“Yeah, you’re a senior?” I assumed this kid was a junior at most. “You look younger no offence.” I saw his eyebrows rise in surprise and assumed it was out of embarrassment. “No I didn’t mean it like-“

“You’re right, not many people notice that I look younger when I first meet them. My dad wanted me to start my education early, so he put me in school when I was a year younger than everyone else. I’m sorry, I just realized I didn’t get your name!”

“Oh it’s Siwon, Choi Siwon.”

“Nice to meet you Siwon, I’m Cho Kyuhyun.”

We walked to class together, him making feeble attempts at small talk until we arrived. Even though my responses were all unbearable for him, I oddly enjoyed his company.

When we walked into class, I went to my seat and Kyuhyun introduced himself to Mr. Chung. He’s an okay teacher in my opinion, but not really liked by the other students in my school, they say he’s too hard of a grader. In all reality, if you put a good amount of effort into your work, it’s pretty easy to come out of the class with an A. I was pretty curious to see how Kyuhyun would do in this class. He finished talking to Mr. Chung, and based off his hand motions I assumed that he told him to find a seat. Mr. Chung walked out. The bell hadn’t rung yet so I assumed he was going to the bathroom. Kyuhyun looked around; there were a bunch of empty seats, especially surrounding me as I sat alone in the back. I liked having my own space, it helps me concentrate. As Kyuhyun was examining the seats, I noticed some girls in the second row very obviously gesturing to the seats around them. I scoffed, amused by their attempt at being subtle. Why did I hope he wouldn’t sit with them? After watching his eyes run over them multiple times, I started to really hope he wouldn’t sit with them. His eyes then drifted away from them over to... me. He smiled, although I didn’t think my face was that welcoming. As soon as he started walking towards me our eyes locked. His smile faltered for the tiniest second but he continued walking. Well up until-

“Hey what are you doing?!”

Heechul that bastard. He’s also a senior and in this class. His life goal has been to ruin mine ever since I ‘abandoned’ him in middle school. We used to be best friends until my parents gave me the ‘talk’. No not that talk, the one about friends. “Having friends is a waste of time, you have enough to focus on anyways, blah blah blah.” I had to stop being friends with him and he got offended. It was understandable back then but now it’s just annoying how he makes my life as difficult as he possibly can. It also doesn’t help that his father works at this school.

“You don’t want to sit back there with him

“Uhm, why wouldn’t I?”

Heechul got up and looked him directly in the eye. “I told you, you don’t want to sit with him”

Kyuhyun looked confused for a second but it didn’t seem like he wanted to deal with this so he tried to just walk past him. “I’m sorry, excuse me.” He said as he tried to walk past.

Heechul pushed him. He landed on the floor after being tripped by one of Heechul’s goons.


“I told you, you don’t want to sit back there. Go sit in the front like a good kid.” Heechul was laughing.

I don’t understand why I did what I did. I’ve known this kid for what, 5 minutes? Yet I was willing to stand up for him in front of my rival.

“Don’t touch him. Get you filthy hands away from him.” I stood up and started walking towards them. The whole class had their eyes locked on me.


-END- I hope you guys liked it!! Im sorry it took me so long to update >> I’ll put chapter 2 up soon I promise! 

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stardustlagoon #1
Chapter 1: It's been a year. Will you still update this? :(
thelydia321 #2
MsChoKyuhyun I'm trying to have kyu as a kind of bubbly character, he's new to the school and he's not trying to make any enemies (...heechul) LOL

Aww you guys thanks for the comments!! School is just pilingup and getting soooosososooo stressful but in 2 weeks when it's over i shall write my heart out <3
MsChoKyuhyun #3
Hm, this is interesting so far... Your words flow very well, but I think everything happens too fast, not that fast.. but it seems Siwon met Kyuhyun a little too early-in my opinion. Kyuhyun also seems a bit out-of-character.. I find him acting bubbly, haha. When Siwon & Kyuhyun ran into each other, Kyuhyun wouldn't have apologized. He would've glared and thrown him a snarky remark.
This is your first story, eh? Well done! I like it & I'm impressed. I'm telling you my opinions & tips to help in improve your writing, which is still very impressive. I hope I did not offend you in any way at all.
Assassins you say? WELL, that's interesting, haha! XD Heechul, don't be mean to Kyuhyun!
I'm a week late on commenting! Sorry sorry~ I said I would be a loyal follower & a regular commenter, so that's what I'm trying to be, but school's getting in my way. Anyways, can't wait for another update!
GaemChau #4
STAND UP FOR (your soon to be lover) SIWON!! PROTECT KYUUU~
I really like this story line!!^^ Can't wait for the next chapter~
silverliquor #5
update..update..update..hehehe..nice story!!
oetoriya #6
O_O whoa it seems interesting... subscribing ^^
Beniikyuwon #7
UPDATE SOON! D: pleeeeease.
omo. this plot is daebak and unique. Cant wait to see an assassin won. Wonder what kyu is like ... 8D
freakadellic #9
Niiiiice.... Assassin Siwon, that got to be real HOT! Update soon, please...
kyu0306 #10
woooaaa.. I agree with wubukyu!!!