At Junhyung's house - Part II

A troublemaker for the Kingka!

<< Don't worry. I'm here for you. >> you whispered smiling to reassure him.




Junhyung wouldn't say you anything about what had happened but you trusted him and you knew that he would have told you some time. Your attention was reached by a Girls' Generation poster on the wall.

You raise an eyebrow in amusement. << So you like that type of girls... >> you said referring to the nine girls posing in a white uniform with super short skirts and kill hills, revealing their long legs. Since he was hugging you he didn't understand at first, then he turned following your gaze and noticed the poster. He blushed a little.

<< It's not like that... Gikwang stuck it up there. >> he stated.

<< mmm...sure .. >> you said not convinced by his words. 

<< I like you not them >> he stated looking at you. You softened and you were going to hug him again but then he continued << but if you wear that I will be very happy. >> he then concluded pointing at SNSD's uniform on the poster.

<< Jerk.. >> you muttered and pretended to leave, but he grabbed your wrist and spinned you on his bed.

<< You are going nowhere. >> he said whispering.

Your cheeks were red. He was practically on top of you and he was leaning over. His erted side was there... You didn't like that side of him, but since he had just confessed his feelings for you you decided to give him a chance. He gazed at you for some moments.

<< Yah! Aren't you going to hit me? >> he said expecting to be hit by you. You shook your head smiling and you lighlty gave a peck on his lips. He remained still for some moments and then he kissed you back while hugging you tighlty. It was the second real kiss after the one at the culture festival but it was a little bit different by it. This time he was kissing you more passionately and you couldn't say that you didn't like that. He slowly inserted his tongue in your mouth and you continued to kiss. You had grabbed his shirt and you were gripping on it trying to be as close to him as possible while he was caressing your head and pressing his body to yours. You really liked the warmth of his body. It made you feel protected being with him and you didn't want to let go of him. But again his erted side was prevaling. In fact his right hand was now under your shirt. You didn't know if you had to stop him or not, anyway you had to stop since you heard a knock on the door.

<< Aishh... >> you heard him mutter while trying to get back his breath.

You moved from under him and stood near there. He also stood up and opened the door.

<< What do you want? >> he said slighlty raising the tone of his voice.

<< There is another guest... >> said the maid looking at the floor.

You stopped at the sight of that person. 


<< What are you doing here? >> asked Junhyung pissed off while holding your hand, he didn't want you to misunderstand.

<< I made cookies and I brought them to the auntie, what is she doing here? >> she asked raising a brow at you. You made eye contact with her and immediately lowered your gaze. You yourself didn't know why you were acting like that. She was Hara, and you weer with Junhyung. You didn't have to worry about anything. But still there was something you didn't like about her being near him. You had a feeling that they were hiding something to you and you didn't like that idea. Junhyung had noticed your behaviour and stiffened. He hated Hara so much for making you feel always like that.

<< She's my girl and she has the right to be here... >> he stated squeezing your hand.

Her expression changed. She was gazing at both you, in particular at you, with an angry face. If gazes could kill you would have been already dead by then. 

<< If you finished you can leave >> he then added pointing at the entrance door. Hara frowned at both of you and then she left stomping her feet and muttering something about getting back at you.

After she left his mother came to see what the commotion was.

<< Junhyung, why did you force her to leave? >> she asked crossing her arms.

<< It isn't your problem.. >> he replied back still upset.

<< It is my problem, since this is my house and you need to take good care of her... >> she said << moreover she is your fiancè >> she then stated smirking at you.

<< As if I will accept it... >> he said dragging you out of his house. He didn't want his mother to stress you more. 

You reached a park near there and you sat on a bench. You were silent fixing the ground with a blank expression. You were still thinking about what had happened home. About Junhyung's mother remark about Hara being his fiancè. That explained you why they were together on a trip before the culture's festival and also explained why she was free of entering his house without informing anyone about it. You were feeling so frustrated in that moment and tears were starting to well up in your eyes. You tried to resist them. Junhyung noticed your mood after you had exited his house and he could feel your hand tremble while he was still holding it.

<< Hyuna ya... >> he started with a low reassuring voice << don't worry- >> but you didn't let him finish his sentence.

<< Don't worry, don't worry! That is the only thing you can say! >> you snapped at him, tears running down your cheeks as rivers in flood. He was looking at you mortified and he didn't know what to do since he hadn't seen you act like that before. << If you had really liked me you would have explained me about everything, I get only a bunch of lies instead. You had assured me that Hara wasn't a problem anymore but I don't think that, and also that photo states it too... why can't you say the truth to me? Was there at least one thing that you said to me that wasn't a lie? >> you asked him sarcastically. A part of you was thinking that you were exagerating but the other one wanted to know more about what he had hidden to you. 

He was frozen there, not knowing what to do.

<< I take it as a no. >> you smirked with tears still flowing down your face. Without other words you turned to go.




I became sad writing this chapter T-T Junyung ah! What are you doing?!?!? As always thank you for reading, today triple update :)

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Double update!! :)


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Chapter 48: OMG! Am I the only one who wants a sequel with Eli?
Chapter 48: I thought it was going to be a sad ending. Phew. Happy endings yay!! XD
Ahh~ The End :D
Nice fic autbornim ^^
_young5 #4
awww!!! happy ending! "Dear Jerk" XD
Yay junah forever :) loved this story!
tina43 #6
Happy ending ;)) thank u so much <3<3
rbtigersm #7
Oh noes... Update soon!!
_young5 #8
Unexpected Twist << by just reading the title, i sense bad feelings already ><
_young5 #9
yahhhh~~~~ :(
Sigh...i dont want them to break up...i hope u feel better author!