Childish Junhyung

A troublemaker for the Kingka!

After that day and other erted remarks by Junhyung, he decided to walk you home. Before he offereded you an ice-cream and now you were on the Hankang bridge eating your ice-creams.

There were many couples there at that time. The sight was beautiful and everyone was lovey-dovey. You didn't like that atmosphere and probably also Junhyung didn't like it, in fact between you two there was now an awkward silence. You didn't know what to say and you shifted your gaze somwhere else. Something caught your attention. You smiled at the idea you got.

You took Junhyung's hand and you dragged him one the left bank of the river.

<< Yah! Where are we going? > he asked surprised by the sudden skinship.

<< Secret... >> you said putting a finger on your lips.

You finally arrived and you approached the owner of a stand  that was there leaving Junhyung behind. He was observing you trying to understand what you got on your mind. You finally reached him and handed him a white paper with a pencil. He looked at you with an interrogative expression.

<< Draw me! >> you said with a smile and you made a funny pose trying to be y. He laughed and dragged you on a spot on the grass. You sat and you both started to draw each other. You moved your lips together trying to concentrate in your drawing. He laughed.

<< Yah! Don't move! >> you said and he put on his normal expression. For a while you didnt' talk, you were too busy trying to draw each other even though you didn't know how to draw well, so the result wasn't perfect. 

You both finished. You glanced at each other. Now you were starting to think that wasn't a good idea after all, you weren't good at drawing and now you were embarassed of showing him your "portrait" if it could be called like that.

You sighed. << At three we show it together. >> you stated and started to count. << 1...2...3! >> you said and you turned the drawing in order to let him see it. He didn't turn his drawing instead. While you were cursing him for cheating he was laughing so much at your drawing. 

<< Yah! >> you said hitting him on the arm but he continued to laugh even louder than before. << At least give me your drawing! >> you stated trying to take it away from him. But he didn't want to, so you started a fight to get his drawing. You finally took it.

<< I got it! >> you shouted in victory.

Junhyung watched you smiled and he smiled too, then he grabbed your waist and laid you down on the grass moving over you. You blushed and you heartbeat started to quicken. He leaned over.

<< And I got you. >> he whispered near your ear giving you shivers. He then your face with his hand, the other under your back and he leaned to kiss you. << Now, can I have also your lips? >> he asked with a smirk.

You frozen, but it's not that you didn't want him to kiss you. It was only that you were shy since you had been "together" only from two days. His lips were closer and closer to yours, and you could feel his breath on your skin when....

... a ball hit him on the head.

<< Sorry! >> some kids shouted coming near to fetch their ball, but Junhyung, who was angry, since it was his second failed attempt to kiss you that day, took the ball and throw it far away. The kids yelled frustrated since they had to walk a lot in order to get back their ball.

<< Yah! You really are a child! >> you said sitting again and lighlty hitting him on the head.

He glared at you and then he pouted crossing his arms and looking somwhere else, trying to avoid your gaze.

'Junhyung ah! Why are you so cute?' you were fangirling inside but didn't say anything. You only chuckled at his stubborness gaining a death glare from him.




Since ti was getting late he offered to walk you back home. He was holding you hand and you couldn't not blush for that action of his. When you arrived you waved at him but you noticed that he was still a bit angry.

<< Yah! Are you still thinking about you childich behaviour? >> you asked poking him on the side.

He pouted.

<< Babo! >> you stated sticking your tongue out. But he got the occasion and pecked it lighlty. << YAH!!! >> You shouted at him moving your hands on your mouth in order to block other attacks by him. 

He smirked and added << Babo... >> then he waved to you and left. 

You stayed there for a while still daydreaming about him. When your mother called you, noticing that you were outside of the house doing nothing but only staing in front of you, you snapped out of your daze and went back in.



Sorry for the short chapter :) Moreover in there days I couldn't reply, sicne I wasn't home and I also had a birthday yesterday so I coudln't as well. I wanted to reallt thank you since we arrived to 30 subscribers!!!! I'm so happy!!!!! :D 

p.s. This has nothing to do with the fanfiction, but don't you incredibely love EXO? They are all so cute and I can't find a bias since they are all so good-looking...but if I have to choose.... I'll probably choose Sehun, he's my age :) (like Kai) and he is to cute!! :) xD I'll probably buy their album as soon as I have the results of my school year (I hope my parents will buy it for me as a gift xD). Now I'm waiting for 4minute's Volume Up album and Dalmatian's State of Emergency album to arrive, I'm so excited!!! :)

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Double update!! :)


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Chapter 48: OMG! Am I the only one who wants a sequel with Eli?
Chapter 48: I thought it was going to be a sad ending. Phew. Happy endings yay!! XD
Ahh~ The End :D
Nice fic autbornim ^^
_young5 #4
awww!!! happy ending! "Dear Jerk" XD
Yay junah forever :) loved this story!
tina43 #6
Happy ending ;)) thank u so much <3<3
rbtigersm #7
Oh noes... Update soon!!
_young5 #8
Unexpected Twist << by just reading the title, i sense bad feelings already ><
_young5 #9
yahhhh~~~~ :(
Sigh...i dont want them to break up...i hope u feel better author!