
Paper Airplane (Yoonhae Version)

She was beautiful.

She black hair was laid loosely down, framing her angular face. Her eyes were full of curiosity and wonder, something that looked undeniably charming. Her skin was milky white, looking like it was meant to be touched. I stared at her for a long time, memorizing every detail of her features. I wanted to approach her, but this fence served as a separator for the both of us. I thought about shouting to get her attention, but when I opened my mouth, no sound would come out. I couldn't do anything but stare at her...or so I thought.

After a long time of just staring and admiring her beauty, I came up with an idea. As fast as I could, I grabbed a piece of paper and a charcoal pencil to write with and wrote down a simple conversation.

Hello lady. I'm just curious to know what you are doing here. Would you mind talking to me? I need some company.

As fast as my hands could, I folded a paper airplane and flew it across the ocean sky. The girl seemed to have noticed because she reached up her hands and caught the soaring message. Once she unfolded it, she giggled a little. I smiled at her cute gesture. She seemed so innocent... unlike me.

She took out a pencil from her bag and wrote down on the same piece of paper. Then, the girl refolded the paper airplane back to it's original shape and made it soar back over the fence, back to me. I quickly opened up the message, excited to see what she wrote. Her handwriting was more neat than mine, but it still looked more friendly and casual other than just a formal message.

Hello. I came for some fresh air and nice view. I would love to talk to you through this. It seems like a lot of fun. I hope to see you again in the near future, but now, I have to go back or my father will kill me. Bye ~

When I was done with the message, I waved good bye to her and she did the same to me. We parted our ways, her walking freely and me walking back to my cell. Although I was disappointed that I couldn't talk to her more, I was happy that she replied. I couldn't help but smile when I remembered how she quickly wrote the message like she was excited to talk to me. It touched my heart. I hugged the paper airplane, waiting for tomorrow until I could meet her again.


Days have passed, and conversations with her by the paper jet happened on a daily basis. She was a funny girl who rarely talked, but knew how to make you cheer up with a simple message. She would sometimes be there the whole day. Sometimes only for a few minutes, but how long the time was, she always came.

It didn't happen until about ten days after the first encounter, did I really realize that I fell for her. She was a caring person who always worried for me whenever she saw a mark on my cheek. The girl made me laugh when I wasn't having a good day with the gauds and comforted me when I was in panic. She and I never talked to each other directly with voice, but it was like the messages on the paper were more normal than talking.

Later on, after about five months after our first message, my life turned harder. I started getting punished more often, and my life turned out more worse than previously. The admiral guard took favor in beating me, and always made a joke of my letters. Everyone picked on me continuously, but I didn't defend myself. I knew that if she was still with me, I could live happily.


It was a warm day, but the clouds were gray and saddening. I was waiting to see if she was going to come and talk. Even for a few minutes, it would give me hope that she didn't really hate me. Although I was sure that she didn't love me like I loved her, I was sure that she still liked me as a friend.

After a few minutes I saw her running to the fence, panting heavily. She didn't look like she ran a lot, but her eyes were droopy and her heavy pants contradicted my guess. She looked more pale last time I saw her, and look cracked and dry. Although she didn't look her best, she still wore that cute smile on her face, letting me love her more.

She quickly took out a piece of paper and a pencil, and wrote quickly. She messily folded the plane and shot it across the sky. With a smile on my face, I ran and caught the message in my hands. I eagerly opened the piece of paper, excited to talk to her about my suffering, but my smile faded as I read the message as my hands shook. My lips quivered and something wet dripped on to the paper. Tears.

I'm sorry. I won't be able to see you anymore. I'm going to a really REALLY far place from here, and I won't be able to come back. I hope to see each other in the future, but it will be a while. Take care and good bye!

When I looked up, she was already heading back to where she was coming from. At first, I couldn't move or talk. I was frozen, but then my heart started to beat harder as my tears flowed continuously down my cheeks. I opened my mouth to speak to her. The very first time I've ever spoken to her.

"Please don't leave! Cant you understand how much I need you? Will you ever come back to this place? Our letters, I've always kept them close to my heart. So I'll be here, waiting for you, to return." She didn't look back. She didn't wave. She didn't say anything. She ran, but she ran away from me. Before I knew it, I collapsed on the floor, my eyes still watching the place where she ran. I wanted her to come back. I prayed for her to come back. Although I had so much passion for her to come back, why didn't she?


Months have passed, and life hasn't any better. I was beaten continuously for not working and picked on continuously from the admiral guard. I never knew, though, that because of him I would die.

He was beating me for not following his orders, but I didn't really care. They felt normal anyway. I clutched on to the paper airplane for support and courage, still replaying in my mind what I said to her before she left. Yes, I waited for her and yes, she never did come back. However, I never did give up on her. I still thought that she would come. I still had faith in her. I still loved her.

It was not until I didn't feel the paper plane in my hands anymore did I actually pay attention to the admiral guard.

"Oh look. It's his little plane. Aren't you too old for this piece of crap?" I didn't answer, not because I didn't listen but because I didn't want to. He smiled evilly as he played around with the airplane. I tried to grab it away, but the other guards kept me down. He grinned at me, pleased with my pathetic gesture. " How sad of you to actually care for this. Well is anyone really curious to what I want to do with it?" The guards laughed along, kicking me as they did so. The admiral grabbed the middle of the plane with his two fingers, and held it in front of my face. RIP. RIP.

SMACK. I punch was thrown at his face. BAM. Another one. I was about to land another, but the other guards stopped me, pulling me down. The admiral staggered up from the attack and glowered at me. He bent down and picked up a few pieces of the shreds and continued to glare. Then, in a really slow and low voice, he ordered," Guards, put him in the gas chamber. Alone."


Finally, my turn has come, and I felt like I needed to live just a little longer. Well, I had no hard feelings, but my heart wanted to see her. I wanted to see the girl that left me; the one I love. The days I spent with her won't return, but I recall them like they are part of a fairy tale. What you gave me, one by one became the substance for me to live.

I desperately stretched out my hand. "Please," I begged softly to myself and to god," if this is the end, let me speak with that girl" However, in that small, dark room that was closed, only that pained voice resounded.

My chest and breathing are in pain, but I didn't care. I reached for the one object that I was allowed to bring in; the first air plane that we both flew. I clutched it deep in my heart and thought to myself.
I couldn't wait there any longer. I love her and I always will, even when she left me in tears. Although, I would've still liked to have at least known....

.....her name....


Wow...This was shorter than I expected it to be. It doesn't sound as good as well :( Oh well, I still think that it's okay. The finale will be on Yoona's point of view so for those who are like "OMG YOONA YOU HURT MY FISHY" be alarmed that you might feel tragedy for the two. Aish~ I'm spoiling everything >.<


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
chechaee #2
Wooow. Nahhh, you don't ____ at summarizing :) You made your readers curious about your story, it's great! Really :) Jjang! :D
Julettums #3
@sawa9381 Yeah um...this is a oneshot kind of already ended. Still glad you commented though ><
@sasyfasistia Thanks...I think ^^
sasyfasistia #4
wow nice sad story
sawa93821 #5
looking forward to your next fix update soon ^^