One Summer Morning

The Prince and The Pauper

hello readers!!! ive aready pre aranged these few chapters that i hope gets posted up really soon!! anyways keep reading my lovely readers/silent readers/subcribers/ NON COMMENTER!!!! :DD i know i havent updated in ages but please bare with me!!!!

Xuyen POV

*bark bark…….bark bark*

“Hey good morning” Dongho’s puppy bbobbo my face.

“Hahah ahah Dongho come get your puppy!” I laughed and laughed until Dongho came in and got his dog.

“There you are! Mian!!!” he made his puppy face

“Its ok little brother!” then though I (or we all know) that hes older than me by 10 minutes but hey I like to kid around.

“YAH! I’m older than you!” I smile.

“I know, I know. I was kidding.” He rolls his eyes.

“Omma said to come down and eat.”


-At the table-

“Good morning”

“Good morning honey”

“Good morning baby girl”

“Good morning daddy!”

“EEWWWW! She’s risen!”

“EWW! Where did you pick him up from?!”

“Stop it you two!!” Omma yelled at us.

“yes ma’am.” We stopped and settled down.

“Sometimes I think you both are really twins.” Appa chuckled.

“Of course!” we hugged each other.

*bark bark…. Nya nya*

Bbobbo and Heehee are playing with each other. Amazing right?

“Well here are the pancakes with strawberries. You two’s favorite.”

“Thanks omma!” we both said.

The rest of breakfast went by fast because this family has a close relation with each other.

“Omma myself along with Dongho we will do the dishes!”

“Aw thank you!”

“You’re welcome. Omma wo ai ne!” I made half a heart with one of my hands and Dongho made the other with his hand.

“AWH!!! Picture moment!” Omma took multiple pictures with her phone.

“Ok then lets get started!” Dongho looked at me.


Dongho POV


“Xuyen look!” she turned her head to face me and I put soap on her face.

“YAH! No fair!” she flicked water onto my face.

“YAH! Stop playing!” Appa points to the water on the floor “Look at the mess!”

“Mianhae appa.” We both apologized.

“It’s ok. Just make sure you clean it up.” He walked away.

“Eung!” Xuyen is just so~ adorable when she speaks Korean! Gah~ I’m so happy she’s my sister!

She has to meet Eli! They will would so much fun! I mean they both speak Korean, English, and Chinese! Yes and we all can go shopping why do I get the feeling that I’m more excited about this?

“Xuyen I want you to meet my friend!”

“oh ok! That will be fun!” she finished wiping her hands “Just let me go get dressed!”

“Oh ha ok!” I took out my phone and called Eli!

“Annyong” he said sleepily.

“Eli~~~~ <3”

“What do you want?” =.=

“Come over today! Please!!!!”


“so we can hang out duh! Plus I want you to finally meet my sister!” :D

“Your step-sister right?”

“Yes but I call her my real sister ok!” >:/ I absolutely hate it when people call us “steps”.

“Ok. Ok. I’ll be there in a few”

“YAY! Later!” then I hung up.

(A/N: out of all the years that Eli and Dongho knew each other he never introduced him and Xuyen…. Lord knows why….)

Dongho: hey! Its not my fault!

….sure its not Dongho


“Xuyen! He said he will be here soon!” I yelled up the stairs. Oh yea I forgot to mention.. we are some what rich. For as long as I can remember I’ve always been in the popular crowd.. Xuyen not so much. I never quite understood why, but she happy about it. But the funny thing about it is that shes friends with a lot of kingka’s and Queenka’s. See now I don’t count cause I’m her brother.

“Yah, Dongho guess what I found in my room!” her voice pulls me back into reality

“what did you find now?”

“3 strawberry and 3 banana milks!!!” ^_^

“WHAT!? No way!”

“yes way!”

“weeeellll you cant open any of them until Eli hyung gets here ok?!” she pouts… those are her favorite flavors

“I’ll try not to” :P


*ding dong*

“yay Eli’s here!~~ “ I was so excited I ran to the door. “Eli!~~”

“hey there dongseng”



“Eli!~~” Dongho like nearly killed me with his bear hug >.<

“Hey Dongseng” I literally had to pry him off…but yet again.. I FAILED!

Finally getting off of me he point to a girl at the end of the hallway “This is my sister” she was a pretty girl. Around the same height as Dongho  (but naturally shes shorter) she had short dark brown hair with what it looks like lowlights? The point being she was pretty!

“Annyeong Xuyen iminda” she even bowed perfectly.

“uh-um I’m Elison but just call me Eli.”

“So youre the oh so famous Eli that he keeps talking about.” She looked at Dongho who smiled back weakly.

“ahha sure I guess… I wouldn’t call myself “famous” though.” She seems really cool! Btw where is Kevin?! He told me he was coming too!

-20 minutes earlier-

“Kevin Love!! Where are you?” I grab my keys

“on my way to Dongho’s house…wait did you just call me Kevin lo-“ I cut him

“really im going there too! Ill see you there then!” I hungup

“umm o...k?”

-Xuyens room 10 minutes before Eli’s call-

“Kevin oppa~”


“lets hang out today!” I cant ever say no to her

“sure ok!”

“yay! Now it will be you, me, Dongho, and his friend!” she smiled “don’t take long ok! Saranghae <3”

“saranghae” she sure is something.

-back to Eli’s POV-

*ding dong*

“I’ll get it!” Xuyen ran to the door. “Oppa!!~” Kevin must be here

“Xuyen!” they both came back linked arms

“hyung~ I miss you!” Dongho’s Agyeo NEVER fails on Kevin

“Dongseng!~” he smiled at him


“Yo, what’s up man!” Kevin walked to me

“Hey man!” we did our “manly” hug.

“AWE! ELVIN MOMENT!!!” Dongho literally squealed >.<

“……” o.O Xuyen was confused.

We all looked at her and laughed..

“No we are NOT gay” I emphasized on the word not.

“I wasn’t thinking that…..” she shook her head vigorously “no not at all!”

-Kevin POV”

“theres no way in the world that I would like that guy over there” Kevin gestured toward me.

“YAH! WHATS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!” I pointed at Kevin.

“dunno whatever you want it to” :P he turned to look at Xuyen “So what do you wanna do today?”

“hrm… lets go out to the mall!” she clapped her hands together.

“the mall?” I asked to make sure I heard right. Normally those to over there wanna go to the mall.

“Yes the mall silly!” she hopped up off the couch… “but wait here ok!” she ran up the stairs.

“what was that all about?” Eli asked Dongho… all he did was shrug.

“guess what I found in my room this morning?!” you could hear her footsteps get closer

“ummm heehee?” I took a wild guess

“no silly that’s my cat I was have her with me…..sometimes….”

“idunno then”

“MILK!! Aahaa everyone can pick ONE” she emphasized on the word one while looking at Dongho who just looked away with a smile on his face while scratching the back of his head. “Then we can leave! I promise.”

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Manderdazz #1
@KpopLOVER993 aha thanks i enjoy displaying the characters on how i think that they should... does that make sense?
love it plz make more!
lolisho #4
aigoo! Kevin and Xuyen are too cute!<br />
I'm lookint forward to more updates~ <br />