Money Brought Us Together.

Money is Just Paper

"You see him?" The boy pointed at the other slightly older boy walking through the hall on the opposite side of them. "I want to take him." He told his friend who only rolled his eyes.

"That's too much info, I don't wanna know that but if it helps, his name is Kim Jongdae, you got ten bucks?" He only knew Jongdae because they both shared a music class.

"Yeah but I'm not loaning you any." His friend quickly responded.

"I don't need it, if you want to Jongdae up, give him ten dollars and he'll do whatever you want him to." The boys friends eyes widened, was that a serious negotiation? Ten dollars for ? He'd willingly pay more to have with Jongdae, he was so y, it was worth it.

"Jongdae!" He shouted as he ran and caught up with the slightly older boy. Jongdae turned around with the coldest look he could ever see on a persons face.

"Yeah?" He looked the boy up and down, trying to familiarize him it seemed. "You're Jong In from my dance class, what do you need?" His voice was calm but there was annoyance in it, Jong In knew it.

"I heard from a source that for only ten bucks I can get you to do whatever I want you too." Jongdae listened attentively to the deal.

"Show me the money."


"You should charge more, that was amazing, with skills like that you could open up a business." Jongdae didn't know whether to accept that as a compliment or what all he knew was that Jong In was still in his room and in his bed. He honestly just wished Jong In would leave, they were in his bed still, Jong In slept over after . Apparently they were both tired.

"Thanks, I guess. Listen, I have class in a few hours..."

"No, no, I get it. My stay here is over due, I did just wanted to you and leave. I'll get out of your hair." Jong In said as he got up out of bed and began to look for his clothes from yesterday that were mixed up with Jongdae's on the floor. Jong In had managed to find his underwear and pants and went to leave the room without his shirt on.

"Oh, before I go, you wouldn't mind if we did this again some other time. I'll pay you."

"No problem, any time." Jong In smiled and left Jongdae's room. At that Jongdae collapsed on his bed that reeked of and...more . That's all he ever did on his bed, he thinks he can count more times he has had on then actually slept on it. Last night was one of the few rare times he had actually slept in his own bed.

This never bothered Jongdae though, he knew what he was. A but he coudl care less for titles because he still got paid and that's what he needed the most. His college may not have been the most expensive to get into but hell it expensive due to the fact that he had been paying for everything himself, even with financial aid he'd still always run short of money so fast. Especially since his parents were also running short of money that they had to cut off his credit card, not that he had much money on it anyway. With this..thing he did though, he could make up to $100 every week if his body permitted. It was the only way he could ever make enough money to actually stay in college.

The word got around fast when he had done his first customer. A Chinese student named Wu Fan. Jongdae practically had his name in lights after Wu Fan told his friends because that lead to a night with Henry Lau, which lead to a night with Kim Ryeowook, which got him into Cho Kyuhyun's bed and so on. Don't ask how he remembers everyone... he writes them down and so far he has filled about more than half of his journal, then again it could be because he writes a name per page. Don't ask why he does that either. Speaking of which, he needed to write Jong In's name down.


"What the hell is a new student doing at college?" Someone asked to the person next to them.

"He said he was in a foreign exchange program, that's why Zhou Mi is gone."

"But the semesters not over yet." The other kid just shrugged in response and the two along with at least half the class continued to stare at the new kid.

Jongdae could care less, unless this new kids was about to pay him other than that he needed to desperately focus in his work, with Jong In last night made him forget his homework. He needed to memorize some music notes for his music class so that he could perform in front of his class later that day. That class was only an hour away and he had been nowhere near memorizing the first few notes.

It was finally time for music class and Jongdae hadn't managed to memorize the notes. But he was lucky that there was so many 'Kim's' in his class that the performance date got extended till tomorrow.

It was lunch and Jongdae was trying really hard not to fall asleep at his table, god, how long did he stay up having last night? This was the first time he was ever this exhausted, Jong In was a bit rough but that was nothing new to Jongdae.

"Can I sit with you?" Jongdae hadn't even realized he nodded yes.

"I hear you do anything for ten dollars?" Jongdae looked up, he was so tired but a customer was a customer.

"Yeah, you got ten dollars?"

"Yeah but not for you. You're better than that, it's a pain you don't see that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You sell yourself for money. Just get a job like normal people." Jongdae narrowed his eyes, who did this loser think he was? If Jongdae wanted to, he could have easily told this guy to off. Jongdae was practically famous in this school and he wouldn't take from no one, especially if they weren't a customer.

"You know-"

"Nothing about you?" He finished Jongdae's sentence. "I don't need to, wanna know why?" Jongdae didn't get the chance to respond but the guy told him anyway. "Because back in China I did the same thing as you, I sold myself and I'll let me just say that no matter how much money you make, you'll never be accept that this is what you do, that everything your parents told you not to become, you became just that and became good at it." Jongdae was silent, it was as if this guy read right through him, for the most part anyway.

Jongdae never once regretted or was ashamed of what he did. He needed money and when just a job or two wasn't enough he accepted the only option he had left.

He knew his choices and he chose the easy way out, he was a college student and working three jobs while trying to study was ridiculous. He'd rather for one day and eventually end up with 50 bucks at the end of the day.

"That's you, I'm perfectly fine with what I do." The other guy smiled.

"I wonder how long it took you to force yourself to believe that."

"If you are what you say you are, you have no room to judge me. Listen, if you aren't a customer, I would appreciate it if you leave." The other guy shrugged.

"Fine, whatever. The real reason I came here is to apologize." Jongdae rasied an eyebrow at that.

"Why?" The other guy smirked and stood up, ready to leave.

"Well, my name is Kim Minseok and I'll be taking all your customers starting today. I hear I'm a great . For only $15 you can judge that opinion." Minseok smiled as he waved at Jongdae and left.

Jongdae smiled as he watched Minseok walk away.

"How cliche', I've fallen for the enemy. And I need $15."

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animekpopgull #1
Chapter 2: If I was the teacher, I would probably squeal and scream 'I KNEW IT. EVERY TEACHER OWE ME TEN BUCKSS!!!! KIM JONGDAE YOU PASSSS!!!!!' and probably hug the life out of him and laugh crazily cause heck, that's worth of being weird and embarass myself in front of the whole class lewl. XD
Chapter 2: Though I prefer Top Chen, but this is cute~~~ LOOOOL at Chen are the end, I would totally pass him~~ ㅋㅋ
Chapter 2: omg i usually like top!chen but i was perfectly fine with this xD
Chapter 2: Ahahahahhahahahha~! OMFG. *rlabbing because CHEN IS A TROLL*
Chapter 2: i just found it on tumblr. xiuchen fic with bottom jongdae is so raaaaarrrree it's not ship but submarine.
i almost hit my head to the wall when i'm rolling on my bed because the last part is asdfghjkl
lmao!!!!!! i prefer chen top though
MYGAD this was just perfect aasdasdfasdd the end was.... addGHSJF
you have to write a baekyeol *0*
i love you ( ´◕ ▽ ◕` )