Chapter 3

Is This Love or Hate?

                At the end of the school day, I hurry to my locker and pack up. After a few minutes, Luhan comes running. “Hi, Hyung!” He says and smiles.

                “Hi. Ready?” I ask as he follows me out. We walk out through the school gates and down the side walk going into town. “Do you want to stop by your house to get your things?” I ask and he nods. I follow him down the road and we catch the bus just before it leaves the stop. The bus ride lasts for about half an hour. When we get off I realize we’re in the ‘rougher’ part of town. The buildings are more rundown and most of the people here live in apartments. I feel bad that Luhan has to live in this neighborhood. It’s kind of scary.

                I follow him down a few desolated streets and we make our way to a small apartment complex. We walk up several flights of stairs and Luhan leads me to an apartment on one of the top floors. He opens the door and leads me inside, hurrying to get to the light switch. I close the door behind me and walk in. His apartment is small but nice. There's a living room with a couch and television separated by a long coffee table. The living room leads into a small kitchen that looks well-kept and clean. There's a bathroom in the hall as well as two doors that must lead to Luhan and his brother's bedrooms. There’s not a lot of room but I guess it’s all two people need.

                “Um… you can just look around and make yourself at home… I’ll just be a few minutes.” Luhan runs off to get his stuff. I walk around and inspect his home. It feels cozy…more of a home then the house I live in. My house is big, but in many ways, empty.

                I walk down the hall and look in at Luhan stuffing clothes into a bag. The walls of his room are lined with posters and he has a ton of CDs scattered all over. I turn away and look at the closed door across the hall. “Is that your brother’s room?” I ask, becoming curious.

                “Yep," Luhan responds, not looking up, focused on the task at hand.  

                “Is he here?” I ask, realizing his brother could be in his room.

                “Nope, he gets home late. After school he works. On the weekends he spends most of his time working double shifts. I think he has two part time jobs,” He says, surprising me. For someone so young, working so much must be tough. I’ve never worked a day in my life.

                “You can go in and look around if you want. I don’t think he’d care,” He says, and I take the opportunity. I push through the door and walk inside. Luhan's brother's room is dark but the light from the window allows me to see. I don’t really know why I wanted to come in here so badly… The walls are painted black and are bare, no posters, no hanging pictures, nothing. The bed cover matches the walls and it's perfectly made, unlike Luhan’s messy array of pillows and blankets. There are several school books and notebooks in a neat pile on top of a small, wooden table. That’s pretty much it. His room is nearly empty. What kind of person leaves his bedroom looking like it's barely been lived in? I walk out of the room, fighting the urge to snoop. 

                “Ready?” I ask Luhan, meeting him by the door with his bag.

                “Yes,” He says, smiling.


                When we get back to my neighborhood, I lead the way to my house. “This is your home?” Luhan asks, gawking in amazement. 

                “Yeah,” I say. I gaze up at my house and try to imagine how it must look to someone who doesn't live in it. 

                “It’s so big and fancy,” He says, following me as I walk up the lawn to the front door. We walk inside and Luhan looks around. Compared to his house, Luhan must think I live in a mansion… I feel a little guilty. “You’re TV is so huge!” He says, and I wander into the living room to see him examining everything, the leather couches, the glass coffee tables, the porcelain lamps on the oak tables. “I wish I lived in a house like this,” he says, sounding a little sad.

                “You can come over whenever you like. I don’t really care if you ask or not, you can just come.” I say, trying to find something to say to make him feel better. He turns to me and smiles. “I’ll show you my room,” I say, and he follows me into the foyer. We walk up the stairs and into the bedroom at the end of the hall. “You can put your stuff down wherever you want,” I say, feeling a bit awkward. It's been a while since I last had a friend sleepover.

                “I like your room,” Luhan says, examining the posters on my wall. “I like posters.” He wanders around, eyeing everything curiously.

                “What do you want to do?” I ask. I probably should have come up with suggestions beforehand.

                “I just want to hang out here,” he says, and sits down on my bed. I walk over and sit beside him. “Let’s talk about something,” he says happily.

                “What do you want to talk about?” I ask.

                “Hmm…. Let’s talk about your friends,” he says. “They seem nice, but I only met Baekhyun I think.”

                “Yeah, Baekhyun thinks you’re adorable. Have you met Sehun?” I ask, and he shakes his head.

                “But I’ve seen him.”

                “Oh, well, I think he wants to meet you,” I say, causing him to smile.

                “He seems cool,” he says, and I smile at him. Both Sehun and Luhan seem interested in each other.

                We talk for a while but take a few hours to do homework and study. When I finish my last homework assignement, I realize Luhan’s already done and is looking through one of my old yearbooks. “Who are you looking at?” I ask, hopping off the bed to go sit by him. “You,” he says. “You look really different from last year.” he says, laughing a little.

                “Yeah… Don’t look at my picture, it’s embarrassing,” I say, laughing at how stupid I looked. Thank God my fashion sense has improved. Luhan flips the page and I point out each of my friends. “That’s Xui Min, he’s really crazy, but he’s fun to be with. He always hangs out with Chen. I think they have a thing for each other. Chen’s rather quiet but once you get him talking he’s really nice and interesting.”

                “Who are all these people?” He asks, pointing to a picture of the popular students.

                “They’re the popular guys. Chanyeol is the one with the curly hair. He’s kind of the leader of the group. Baekhyun loves him. He’s actually really nice even though I’ve only talked to him once. Lay and Kai are like his backups. These two, Kai and Kyungsoo, act like they’re dating. And Lay seems to really like Suho. Suho’s cool, he saved me from getting beat up by a third year student today.” I shudder at the memory. Kris is so scary. I point out a few other students who I’m pretty friendly with, recalling fun memories I had with them.            

                “My brother always used to scare people in school, but he’s not a scary person,” Luhan says out of nowhere. He must really look up to his brother. He always speaks about him with an admiring tone. “Do you have any siblings?” He asks, and I shake my head.

                “I wish I did though, it’s boring always being home alone.” I let out a long sigh.

                “You can have mine if you want. Sometimes, he can be annoying,” he says. “He used to always get into fights at school and our mom always had to go in and talk to the principal to get him out of trouble. I think he stopped picking fights with people once he realized how much stress it put on our mom.”

                “Are you sad about not being able to live with her?” I ask, hoping this question isn’t too personal.

                “Kind of, I never got to see her much when we lived together. She was always working, so guess it doesn’t really make much of a difference not living with her. I’m used to just being with my brother. He’s the only person I really need and depend on,” he says, and I smile sadly. It must be hard having to depend on your brother and having to live without any parents. I guess I should be grateful. My phone buzzes so I stand up and reach for it over the bed. I open it up and read a text from Baekhyun.


To: Tao

Want to go get ice cream tomorrow after school?? Chanyeol invited us.


                I know Chanyeol probably didn’t invite me. Baekhyun probably just doesn’t want to go alone. I don’t really want to go but maybe if Luhan comes with me I won’t feel like a third wheel. “Luhan, do you want to get ice cream after school tomorrow with Baekhyun and one of his friends?” I ask, turning to look at Luhan who’s going through my book shelf.

                “Sure,” he says. “Do you want to sleepover my house tomorrow? You might be able to meet my brother?” He asks, with a big smile.

                “Sure,” I say and Luhan’s eyes light up.

                “I’ll make us dinner,” he says proudly.

                “Do you cook a lot?” I ask. Luhan doesn’t really seem like the cooking type.

                “Not usually, my brother cooks for us most of the time, but, since tomorrow’s one of his busier work nights, I thought I’d make the food,” he says. I smile and turn back to send a reply to Baekhyun.


To: Baekhyun

Sure. Can I invite Luhan?


To: Tao

Of course!! :)


                I sit back on the floor next to Luhan. “Do you want to play a video game?” I ask, trying to find something entertaining to do before bed.

                “Sure!” He says, sounding excited.

                At the end of the night Luhan and I fall asleep in my bed. I set my alarm and lay down under the sheets. As I try to drift off to sleep, my thoughts keep returning to Kris. He scares me, but at the same time I find him fascinating. I kind of want to learn more about him, but I’m afraid to try.  



Tao- 17                                Kris- 19

Luhan-  17                           Chanyeol- 18

Baekhyun- 17                      Lay- 18

Sehun- 17                           Suho- 18

Chen- 17                             Kai- 18

Xui Min- 17                         Kyungso- 18

A/N- I changed their ages to match the story. I hope that doesn’t bother anyone! 0.0

I'm not really happy with this chapter; I personally find it to be a little boring, but i hope it's alright! The next chapter will be more exciting, I'll try to update soon! Comments=Love!! <3

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yini_666 #1
Chapter 25: ;-; dammit, I wished both of you were still active :(
Cici_uchiha #2
Chapter 25: Continueeeeeeee
Chapter 25: //egghhhhhhhhhshsjdkdk//
//cries bcuz lack of update//
APandakookie #4
Chapter 25: This is a really really good story!! So sad that you two don't update anymore. Hope at last one of you will update soon again
kimhuang #5
Chapter 25: update soon please, please i beg you, pretty please
abcanna123 #6
Chapter 25: I love this so much!! Please update soon!
Chapter 25: This is amaaaaazing!!! Ohmeged~
Chapter 25: OMG! So close yet so far. What will happen to Tao. Update soon!!
Purple68 #10
Chapter 25: I love this story. It beautiful... Please update soon I'll wait for you!!!❤❤