Mr. Sanghyun's free piggy back ride

Bad Love

Yuri's POV

Damn this life. Why is this happening? Wanna know the reason behind my curved brows?

1. No call from Yoona. I really miss her, as in really. I will really visit her after my disaster trip to Gyeongsang.

2. No call from parents nor Jiyong! WAAAA! This life!

3. And, last and the worst, I'm leaving for Gyeongsang, for our punishment...and...I'm the only girl! Anything worser than this?!

I was going downstairs carrying my Jansport bag containing basic stuffs, because everything is not allowed!

Phones are not allowed ( Waaah! Best friend! Appa! Omma! Jiyong!) TV are not allowed ( !@#$ how will I supposed to watch CSI?!) PSP/Laptop/Blackberry/PALM or any of the kind are not allowed (Talk about boring.) How can we survive in this?

We just have to do the orders of the old lady there, I think...then, we will cook the food! Of course, since it's the lady's job, they'll tell me to do it for myself, right? Gooood.

I'm outside the main door, I'm just waiting for Joon, we'll just all meet at Gyeongsang. Don't tell this to anyone, but this is the first time I'll be going to Gyeongsang! Haha.

And I wish, it's the same weather here in Seoul because I'm wearing a sleeveless top, mini short (not that short!) and pumps.


Yuri: After 45 years, finally you came.

Ooops, I'm thinking aloud. 

Joon: Don't tell me you're really excited to go to the retreat house?

No way dear. 

Yuri: Excited? Excited to end this!

The I entered the car before he says something. It's still awkward, thinking how we're caught cutting classes. Wait, why am I thinking that? YUCK.

We're just half of our destination, and I'm already bored, what more in the retreat house?

Yuri: Hey, that's not allowed!

I told Joon who is wearing his earphones on his iPod.

Joon: So? I'm not going to use this in there.

Oh...okay...uhm...I'm super bored so...

Yuri: Uhm...can I share?

He raised an eyebrow, you mad? Okay, then no thanks!

I rolled my eyes and I looked at my window side then suddenly he put the other earphone in my ear. I was about to laugh because it tickles me but it will be awkward right? Haha.

I gave him an evil smile but he avoided it and he looked straight but I saw him half-smiled! Yes! Haha.

We stopped somewhere...we saw a convertible car, sitting there was the other bunkers.

But why?


They all screamed.


And I felt like the car will turn upside-down. If only Joon didn't hold me, then for sure I will dash into the window. He held me? WOW. He's fast.

We got out of the car and to our surprise....the road is filled with thumb tacks that's why the wheel exploded, and this is the reason why the others are stucked here.

Chulyong: those corner boys! They don't know who they messed with.

The guy named Chulyong said. They were introduced to me a long time ago, I just didn't mention.

Seungho: Yeah, dammit, in this critical time?

, no one bring their cell phone because, it's not allowed! And now we're in the middle of the road! .

Yuri: Maybe we can continue our journey tomorrow. Let's just find a place fir---

And before I finished my sentence...

Jonghyun: Are you stupid? Do you want to increase our punishment and extend our stay for another week? I have a stakeboard contest next week!

Jonghyun is really irritated.

I saw Joon glared at Jonghyun and Jonghyun gave an apologetic face.

Sanghyun: It's because of Seungho hyung that we cut classes.

He scratched his head. Everyone looked at Seungho.

Seungho: Sorry guys...

Seungho looks guilty.

Byunghee: Let's just walk. Look, we're near the retreat house.

Byunghee showed the map.

Joon: I agree.

Joon said. The others just nod, he's really the leader.

Wait, wait, wait, we're going to walk?!

, I'm wearing pumps! My feet are going to blunt!

But as if I have a choice right? Who am I anyway?

We've been walking for 30 minutes and they said we're really close.

...I can't take it anymore, it's really hard to walk on the hollow road wearing pumps!

...No, maybe I'll faint because of the ultra mega pain---


, it hurts, I fell.

J & S: Yuriiii!

Joon and Sanghyun both screamed as the others only gawked :O

They looked at each other but Sanghyun went near me while Joon just sighed and continued to walk.

I was shocked when Sanghyun lifted me up and put me behind him like I was a toy. PIGGY BACK RIDE?

Yuri: Heeey, put me---

And before I finished my sentence...

Sanghyun: If you complain, we'll leave you.

He threatened. Waaa! I didn't answer.


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Chapter 13: Hi! Update this pleaseeee<3
panipanitipani #2
Update!:) new reader:)
Chapter 18: oh my! just got a chance to read this. THIS IS AMAZING. JOON, YOU ARE SO JEALOUS, ARENT YOU?! update soon!
foreveryoungwild #4
Chapter 18: You should update this more and faster....this story is amazing!:D
foreveryoungwild #5
Chapter 18: Jealousy joon is....scary.............
Ugh baby jung, what are you talking abt?-_- tsktsk don't hurt our yuwree!;(
foreveryoungwild #6
Chapter 18: Finally an update:"")
Chapter 18: Omg you finally updated!
Sanghyun please protect Yuri as much as possible from Krystal please :(
I don't wanna see her hurt..
Update soon!
LoveDoori1780 #8
Chapter 17: Update plz it has been so long seen you update
foreveryoungwild #9
Chapter 17: Pls update!I love thisss;________;
Ahhhh thunder goshhhhhhh
Oh gosh, Seunghyun~
Wonder what Joon would do!