Change of Plans

Fate can't Wait
"So what brings you to meet me, boyfriend ?" You asked sarcastically. Although you missed him, you really feel like pushing him out the door because you have a blind date in an hour and a half and you don't want to be late on the first date because that will only leave a bad impression on yourself. You mentally cursed youself for even letting him in in the first place.

"Who says I want to meet you?" Myungsoo asked you back. You groaned. You're really not in the mood to play tease with each other.

"If not then why did you invite yourself here?"

"I did not. I merely asked you, and you invited me," Myungsoo smirked when he knew he'd won. But you're not giving in to him just yet.

"That, I know. So now I am asking you to leave because I need to bathe and get ready for an important appointment in a while. So, excuse me," you said firmly while getting up and walking towards him waiting for him to get his up too.

"I'm not leaving. Who says I am, anyway?" Myungsoo asked in irritation that makes you confuse. Why is he being like this?

"What is the matter with you? Why are you being like this?" You are still hovering over him as you talk.

He stood up suddenly, his face too close that his nose touches your forehead and he said "Because.. be-,"

"Because what, Kim Myungsoo? I have no time to-" you said ony to get interrupted by his shocking reply.

"Because I miss you, Kim Stella," and he hugged you, burying his face in your wavy, honey coloured hair before resting his face in your neck and inhaling your Victoria Secret's Pure Seduction body mist.

You could only respond that by putting your arms around his torso and hide your face into his chest. It feels so safe to be in his embrace that you didn't want to let go and you don't care about the blind date anymore or anything else. Your bias hugged you the moment after he said he missed you. Life couldn't be better. And at that point of time, you don't even care if he's lying to you or just making use of you.

"I'm sorry for abruptly saying what I feel and pulling you into a hug after that," Myungsoo said after pulling away as he looked into your eyes. Besides feeling sorry, you caught something else in his eyes but you couldn't pinpoint what is it. It looks like guilt. But why? "Hey. Are you really mad at me that you won't even respond?" Myungsoo asked worriedly, interrupting your assumptions.

"Ah anneyo. Mian. Gwenchana. I guess I needed a hug too," you said softly while you felt heat rushing to your cheeks.

"Ahhh kyeopta! You always look so adorable when you blush, do you know that?" Myungsoo laughed and you blushed harder. "Arasso arasso. I shouldn' tease you anymore or you'll blush a deeper red and we won't know what might happen next. We don't want your face to burst now, do we?" He laughed again and you just sigh. "I think you should go get ready now. I'll wait for yoy so I can walk you to your meet up place," Myungsoo said while smiling but you detected a hint of disappointment in his voice. You just ignored it and nodded at him and walk towards your bedroom to freshen up.


After an hour, you left your bedroom with a pair of grey leggings, and a pink coloured pastel shirt over. You were wiping your wet hair as you left your bedroom. Myungsoo instantly sat up from his lying down position when he heard your footsteps emerging. He smiled at you sweetly when both of you made eye contact.

"Hey," you said.

"Hey," Myungsoo responds. "Everything alright?" He asked when he saw your disturbed expression.

"Uhh.. -" you were about to explain but your phone rang and you walked to your room to answer. "Dehh, Lia, wae? Boh? .... anni. Nan gwenchana. Jeongmal. Dehh. See you tomorrow too," you answered Lia. After hanging up, you walked out of your room again. But this time, with a different expression on your face. Even if you're so overjoyed inside, you decided not to show it to Myungsoo yet.

"Nan baegopa," you said.

"That's what troubling you?" Myungsoo asked doubtful.

You nodded you head.

"But I thought you're meeting someone in a while? You can with that person, right?"

"It's cancelled," you pouted. Now, you're the one that's making Myungsoo's mind go crazy. He coughed. "Yah! Deo gwenchana?? Wae are you coughing all of a sudden??"

"Molla. Dehh, gwenchana. I think your house is dusty. Go clean it will you? I think Infinite's dorm is way cleaner than your apartment!" Myungsoo said. With that he got up and walk towards the main door.

"Eodiga??" You yelled slightly making him turn.

"To get the ingredients I'll need to cook for your empty tummy, duh," he replied in a matter-of-factly tone.

You scruched up your nose and walk towards him. When you're already facing him, you said "Don't you ever 'duh' me again."

"Do I look like I'm going to listen to you? No, duh," he smirked and then head out to out on his boots obviously satisfied that he's annoying you.

You groaned again and you know its gonna be a long journey to the supermarket but you're not gonna complain because you're enjoying every moment with him. And you're glad that it's Daniel that has to cancel the date, not you. You almost cancelled the date when Myungsoo asked if you're okay after you came out from your bedroom just now. The urge to spend time with him again is beyond control.
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e4ever #1
Chapter 10: awwwwwwww that's so nice and cuute
I agree with @peachysmile
Nice story author nim.
peachysmile #3
Ohhhhhh this fic is so funny yet interesting. Definitely worth reading! Thumbs up many many!!
So cute ^^
OMG!!! So cute and good! i would so want a stalker if it was him.
Keep up the good work! Fighting >_<
Tyranny #6
Sorry for not commenting ): Anyways, nice story! I wished I had a boyfriend as cute and adorable as Myungsoo, he was so sweet to Stella. :D
Omg this is ssooooooooooo cute <3 I wont mind if I have a stalker like that haha xD
yay i finished reading! hahaha it was incredibly cute! me likey! continue writing! :3 xoxo
^^ This was such a cool fanfics to read; thank you!
I hope I has the luck that Kin Stella hve.
: (
Anyways, I ♥it!