Our Happy Ending~~~~~

We Belong Together


           “You’re stressing me out!” Taecyeon said and ruffled his hair.

             “Me? If I were stressing you out why would you agree to see me anyway? You should’ve stuck in that studio working on your music.” I said turning my face away from him.

            “I agreed because I know if I cancel it, you would go dissing how bad boyfriend I was to Joon…”

            “Gee, how thoughtful of you…seriously, you think I would do that?”

            “I saw the possibilities…” he smirked.

            “Do you hate me now Taecyeon? We’ve been together for 8 years…and you’re getting tired of me?”

            “What’s that supposed to mean?”

            “You know damn well what I mean…I don’t know if we could be in this relationship anymore…”

            “You want us to break up?” he looked at me.

            “Don’t you? I’ve been nothing but a stress for you…we fight more than Mike Tyson ever was in boxing match…” I leaned against the railing with Han River on my back. My favourite place has become my latest enemy.

            “Fine…if you wanna break up, let’s do it…” Taecyeon said and walked away.

I just watched him disappeared among the crowd. He didn’t even ce. This is the 100th time we’ve broke up for the past 8 years since we started dating back in high school. I don’t know why I even count it. Taecyeon has become one of the successful music producers working with top idols in the nation. I opened a small bakery with my best friend Jae Hee in Hongdae. Busy life has taken its toll on our relationship. We spend less time with each other.

            “You’re back…I guess lunch went quick…” Je Hee said as I arrived at the bakery.

            “We broke up…” I said grabbing an apron on the counter and walked into the kitchen.

            “Again? How many times has it been this year huh? 10 times?”She said following my steps.

            “It’s real this time…”

            “You said that too last time…” Jae Hee sat on a stool looking at me. “Tell what the problem is.”

            “I think he’s getting bored with me…maybe after seeing all those beautiful girls that worked with finally made him realise that I’m not good enough for him.”

            “I’m sure he won’t do that…he’s faithful…otherwise how would the two of you stay together for the past 8 years.”

            “I don’t know Jae Hee ah…our relationship is going nowhere…I guess it’s better this way…going our separate ways…”

            “I know you don’t mean that…I’m sure he’ll come around and you two will be good again.” Jae Hee walked to me and gave me a big hug.

            “We’ll see…”


            “Omma!” a little boy aged 5 came running into the small kitchen.

            “Aigoo Sae Yoon ah…”

The boy leaped on Jae Hee, wrapped his little hands around her neck and kissed her cheeks.

            “Omma…annyeong Hyun Jae omma.” It was Sae Yoon, Jae Hee’s son. The product of Jae Hee and Wooyoung’s love.

            “Annyeong Sae Yoon ah…” I pinched his chubby cheeks.

            “So, did you have fun going out with appa?” Jae Hee patted his small head.

            “Yup…I cut my hair…I looked like appa right?” that little guy is such a mood lifter.

            “Jagiya…” Wooyoung came in and gave Jae Hee a kiss. “Your son is draining my energy…I don’t think I need to go to the gym now…”

            “Now you know…”

            “You’re ready to go? I’ve made lunch reservation for us…”


The three of them left the shop together with Sae Yoon in the middle holding his parents hands on each side. The sight of them sparks jealousy in me. I wish I could be that way.

Taecyeon POV

            “I’m back…” I laid down on the long couch in the studio.

            “Hongki ya…let’s take a break…” Junsu said through the speaker. The guy inside the booth walked out. “We’ll continue in half an hour…go grab a bite or something…”

            “Nae hyung…” Hongki bowed slightly to me and left the studio.

            “Another fight?” Junsu turned around facing me. I just smiled. “Dude, you gotta stop doing that to her…what did you say this time?”

            “She’s stressing me out…and she would go to Joon whenever we fight…basically all the thing she would hate.”

            “Yaa Ok Taecyeon! Have you gone completely insane? Why would you do that?”

            “And one more thing…we broke up today…for the 100th time for the last 8 years…”

            “How can you be so calm about this? We’ve known each others for years but I still can’t figure you out.” Junsu said and turned back to the music panel. “I wish Khun was here…”

            “I’m doing this for a reason…you’ll know soon enough…” I reached into my pocket and took out a small velvet box. A few more days I will make you mine and you gonna stuck with me whether you like it or not.

End of POV

4 days passed and Taecyeon haven’t called me once since our alleged separation. We usually made up within a day but I guess this is it then…our real break up. No more getting back together. He did get tired of me…

I was in my apartment holding a huge box gathering things that remind me of Taecyeon. I picked up his clothes, toothbrush, and some of his possessions and dumped it in the box. Pictures of us were scattered around my house and looking at it bring tears to my eyes. I can’t believe that this is actually happening…the scariest thing in my life is about to take place.

I looked at a picture and the tears I tried to hold for so long, rolled down my cheeks. I slumped on the floor.


            “One, two, three…say kimchi!” Taecyeon said holding a camera in front of us. With a click and it’s done.

            “Let see…” I looked at the image, Taecyeon were puffing his cheeks looking like a bloated goldfish, and I was rolling my eyes looking much like an idiot. We were laughing our off after that.

            “This probably my favourite pictures so far…” Taecyeon said putting his arm around my shoulder. We were walking along the riverbank enjoying our 1000th day date together.

            “Me too…”

            “I can’t believe that we’ve been together for this long…it seems like yesterday we celebrate our 100th day anniversary. I know we fight a lot and get on each other’s nerve but I can’t imagine myself without you…”

            “Baby, can you promise me something?” I said looking at me. We stopped walking and faced each other.


            “Don’t leave me…”

            “Never crossed my mind…” he leaned over and kissed my lips. Another clicked of the camera heard. “This picture is the proof that I will never leave you…”

End of Flashback

            “Noona…” I heard Chansung’s voice. “The door is not locked…noona, what’s wrong?” he came and squatted next to me. “Isn’t this Taecyeon hyung’s stuff? Why is it in the box?”

            “Chansung ah…”I hugged him and cried my eyes out on his shoulder.

            “Noona, what’s wrong? Did something bad happen?”

            “It’s over Chansung ah…it really does…”

            “What are you talking about?” he my back lightly.

            “Taecyeon and I…we’re over…done…after all this time…it’s here…the end of us…”

            “Noona…you can’t be serious right? I know you two had your fair share of arguments but…you guys always patch things up again…”

            “It’s not happening this time around…Chansung ah…ottoekae?”

            “I’m sure everything will be ok…maybe it’s just temporary…”

            “I don’t think so…it’s over between us. He usually called after we had a fight but it’s been four days…he never called once.”

            “Did you call him?”

            “I did but he won’t answer…Chansung ah…”

            “It’s ok noona…I’m here now…you can cry all you want…”


Two days later, I managed to pack all of Taecyeon’s stuff and the reality starts sinking on me now. There’s nothing I could do to save this relationship anymore. Taecyeon and I weren’t meant to be together.

            “Hyun Jae ah…I’m coming over to your house right now…” Jae Hee said over the phone.

            “I’m not in the mood to go out tonight…”

            “Yaa, the shop is close tomorrow…let’s go out and have some fun. You can’t just sit around in the house feeling down.”

            “I don’t know Jae Hee ah…I don’t feel like going…”

            “I don’t care! I’m gonna be there in 10 minutes and when I arrive I wanna see that you all dressed up or I’ll drag you out wearing whatever on your body right now.”

            “Yeah, yeah…” I hung up the phone, went to the bathroom for a quick shower, and got dressed up.

Jae Hee arrived shortly and we went out with her car.

            “Where are we going anyway?” I asked.

            “You’ll see…now, sit back and relax.”

            “Jae Hee ah…where are you taking me?”

            “Let just say that you won’t regret going out tonight.” she smiled.

Jae Hee stopped in front of a cafe in Gangnam and before we got out, she blindfolded my eyes.

            “Yaa…what’s going on here? Jae Hee ah…” I know this place…it’s Mong oppa’s café. It’s Taecyeon and I favourite place to eat ever since we’re in high school.

            “Just follow my lead…”

Taecyeon POV

Jae Hee walked to the entrance with blindfolded Hyun Jae on tow.

            “Hyun Jae ah…stay here…I gotta go lock the car…” Jae Hee said walking up to me and leaving Hyun Jae at the door.

            “Thank you Jae Hee ah…” I said and hugged her.

            “You better treat her right otherwise I will kick your !” she said and smiled.

            “Don’t worry…she will kick me before you could…”

I went towards Hyun Jae and grabbed her hands.

            “That was quick…” Hyun Jae said. I wish I could kiss her right now but that will ruin the surprised I’ve been planning for the past two weeks.

End of POV

I hate walking without knowing where I was going. I asked Jae Hee questions but she stay silenced the whole way. My nose picked up a scent I’m way to familiar with…Taecyeon’s favourite perfume. Now everywhere I go, I could sense his presence.

We were walking for a while but suddenly we stopped.

            “Are we there yet? Can I take these off?” I said but no one answered. “Jae Hee ah…you know how I hate this kind of stuff…Jae Hee ah…”

Tired of waiting for an answer that I knew I wouldn’t be getting any time soon, I took off the blindfold myself. I opened my eyes and found that I was in the middle of the room pitch black.

            “Jae Hee ah…”

I heard a finger snapped and a spotlight was on me. I looked around but no one was there.

            “This is not funny…Jae Hee ah…is this some kind of prank you’re pulling on me? Ha-ha…very funny. I’m leaving…” I’m about to walked away when I heard someone calling my name.

            “Kim Hyun Jae…stays right there!” it was the voice I’ve longed to hear. Is that really you?

Taecyeon walked to me from the dark and smile. It was him…and I’m not dreaming.

            “What…what…what are you doing here? Where’s Jae Hee?”

            “She’s around…” he said standing right in front of me.

            “Can someone tell me what’s really going on?”

            “Baby…” Taecyeon took my right hand, brought it close to his mouth and kissed it. How I miss his touch…

            “I know I’ve been a jerk for the last few weeks, we fight and I said things that I don’t think I would say to you…”

            “What’s going on here?” I tried to pull my hands away but the comfort of his touches but my head didn’t allow me to do it. Only God know how much I love this guy that’s standing in front of me now.

            “I talk and you’ll listen…” like being casted under a spell I just nodded at his command. “For the past 2930 days, you’ve made me the happiest man on earth… you helped me to get back on my feet when was down…you loved me the way I am…we broke up countless times but you still forgive me and take me back…”

            “Taecyeon ah…” I felt tears welled up my eyes.

            “You’re the most wonderful woman I’ve met…I loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you…you complete me the way others can’t and I couldn’t imagine myself live for one day without you in my life. I want to have wonderful kids with you, grow old with you and go to retirement home together.” He kneeled in front of me. “Kim Hyun Jae…will you marry me?” he took out a small velvet box and opened it. There’s a beautiful platinum ring with blue princess cut sapphire on it.

Tears running down my cheeks and I just stood there frozen looking at Taecyeon. I felt my shake and I swear people could hear my heart beating miles away.

            “It’s time for you to say something right now…” he smiled. His ears have gone chilli red again.

            “Yes!  I will marry you Ok Taecyeon! In a heartbeat!” I said. He slides the ring on my shaking hands and got up.

            “I’ll make you the happiest woman in the world…”

            “I already am…”

We kissed and suddenly the lights went on and confetti rained on us.


I looked around and saw my brothers, mom and dad. Taecyeon’s family was here too. Khun, Junsu, Chansung, Junho, Wooyoung and Jae Hee was standing clapping their hands looking at me. Joon was at the corner smiling at me.

            “Welcome to the family, bro…” Min Woo hugged Taecyeon, followed by Dong Wan and Rae Won.

            “Hyun Jae ah…” Jae Hee came running hugging me. “Congrats girl…I told you won’t regret it…”

            “You knew about this?”

            “Yup…I went to see Taecyeon and he told me…” I looked at Taecyeon who’s getting hugs and kisses from our close family members and friends.

            “Now, let’s get the party started!” Rae Won said heading to the DJ booth.

Music filled the air and everyone is on their feet dancing to the rhythm. Our parents were at the table talking and I know our moms are busy discussing details about our wedding.

            “Ladies and gentlemen…let’s take it nice and slow right now…” Rae Won played a soft ballad song.

            “I’m sorry I took long time for this…” Taecyeon said as we’re dancing.

            “How long you’ve been planning all this?”

            “Almost two weeks…remember this place?”

            “How could I forget?” I looked at the ring. “It’s beautiful…thank you…” I kissed his cheek.

            “No…I should’ve said that…you’re willing to marry a jerk like me…I’m the one who should be thankful…”

            “You got that right…”

Our lips got closer and finally met in an intense passionate kiss. It’s still feels like we just dated right now.

            “Come on…get a room!” Junsu and Khun said as they were dancing in each other’s arm next to us.

            “Are you guys…” I said looking at them and wiggled my eyebrows.

            “No!” they said in unison and pushed each other away.

            “I really need to start looking for a girlfriend right now…” Junsu said.

            “Yeah me too…Junsu ya…let’s dance!” Khun pulled Junsu’s arm and they went into Tango mode.

            “Sometimes I feel like they’re dating each other…” Taecyeon shook his head.

            “Me too…”

            “Baby, are you happy?”

            “Definitely…I love you so much Ok Taecyeon!”

            “Me too…I love you until the last breathe I take…” he kissed my forehead and I felt his tears on my cheek.

There’s happy ending for me after all. The journey ahead of us may not be smooth sailing all the time but I know, with him by my side it would be the happiest and meaningful journey of our life.


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muneka10 #1
Chapter 1: I wouldnt mind marrying a yerk like him either. Hahaha Thanks for taking the time to write a sequel. It was great... BBYONG!
Why am I crying?? Omg!! I want more! I don't want this to end!! Omg!!!!!
this is osem!!!!keke
a great happing ending for both of them.. ^^
awwww....... I love it...!! Soo Much....!!!
Taecyeon-ah..!! I'm falling for you again & again...!!!
told you I would read it..
It's amazing...!!! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!
You should do more.... <3