Chapter 18








After that incident the girls keeps on bugging her they want to know what happened but she didn’t bother to tell or share what happened that night.






Unnie, Yay! It’s our free day today so it’s only mean one thing it’s Parteeehh time! CL exclaimed


Mingki pointed her fingers at Bommie who is ofcourse doing what she’s good at. She’s holding 2 corns n both hands.


Bom Unnie, let me remind you that our trainer said you are gaining a little bit of weight so please for the sake of your dress tomorrow stop eating corn.


Bom clicked her tongue in annoyance. Arraso, I’ll just eat one today. By the way where’s my tokki? She asked


She’s inside her room, come on let’s drag her out she’s been acting weird after the confession thingy. CL said sounded concerned


The girls went to check her they were all giggling and excited about their free time. But when they saw her lying on her bed looking so pale and sweating they all got worried.


Mingki placed her hand on her forehead and she’s boiling. Omo Unnie! She’s burning. Mingki said panicking


Ottoke, what are we going to do? CL asked worried






Airport lounge Thailand**




I heard that 2ne1 are in Japan hyung. Seungri said trying to start a conversation with Top, but he didn’t budge he just ignored him.





I was upset, felt betrayed after I found out about Donghae and Dara. I didn’t have the courage asked to her what is the real score between the two of them. I was scared if she will reveal it to me that they are an item. I do not want to feel that sadness again that I had 4 years ago. I was broken and a messed when I found out that Jiyong and Dara told the rest that they are going out. I know I’m coward but who can blamed me? I tried my best to let her like me atleast. But it was not enough she still picked Jiyong. I’m loving a girl who doesn’t love me back. Sounds pathetic is in it? Seungri tried to talk to me, but I’m not in the mood to answer him. I saw him talking on the phone when I heard him say Dara.  I’ve tried to listened to their conversation but I can’t hear a thing since Seungri toned his voice down.


I saw Seungri’s expression changed, he was panicking and looking worried. What happened to Dara Noona? Did you take her to the Hospital? My instinct told me to grabbed the phone from Seungri which I did.


What happened? Please tell me She’s ok? I said


Bom Answered hesitantly she was sobbing. Tabi, I don’t know.We are waiting for ambulance now. I hanged up the phone and grabbed my bag and went to the customer service of the airport.




JAPAN Hospital**




3 girls are waiting outside the emergency room. Bom was walking back and forth when CL scolded her she said she is making her dizzy so she told her to sit down. Mingki was crying she doesn’t know what to do.


The 2 guys came running they were both panting and sweating when they reached the hospital. Noona, where is she? Top asked worriedly



OMO! What are you two doing here? CL asked surprised to see Seungri and Top in Japan. Last time they checked these 2 are supposedly in Thailand or Korea not here.



We are worried that’s why we decided to go straight here instead of going to Korea. Seungri answered still catching his breath


How is she? Top asked again, Since Bom didn’t answer him. Bom looks so upset and worried she doesn’t feel like talking when she doesn’t even know HOW IS SHE really?.


Oppa, The doctor said Unnie is suffering from pneumonia and she has some blood complication. I don’t know the exact medical term I think they said something like anemia. She needs blood transfusion that’s why she’s still inside the emergency room. Minzy answered

(I don’t know how long is the flight from Japan to Thailand soo I just assumed it will only take 2hrs lol)


Then the door opened revealing the Nurse and Doctor pushing the bed of a girl looking so pale and sick.











When the doctor said that Dara is so sick I was petrified. I don’t know what to do she’s my best friend for crying out loud and I didn’t even notice that she’s suffering from pain.  I should be the first person to know that she’s Ill, I felt that I’m a bad best friend to her. Top and Seungri was asking question about her condition I didn’t bother to answer them I don’t have the energy to respond.


Noona, stop worrying I know Dara Noona is a strong woman she’s going to alright. Seungri said then wraps his arms around my shoulder.

Deh, I want her to get well soon. I said









When I found out that she’s sick I went straight to the Customer Service and asked them to book a flight for me to Japan. Seungri volunteered to come he said he’s also worried about her. Dae and Taeyang wants to joined us but they can’t because they have pending engagement to attend in Korea. While Jiyong I didn’t bother to ask nor offer him to come.


We took the next flight to Japan and went straight to the hospital. When I saw her I felt my world crashed, I didn’t expect her to see like that. She looks so Ill and she also lost alot of weight. I was sitting next to her bed when I noticed her opening her eyes.


She saw me and a tear escaped from her eye. What are you doing here? She asked


Omo Noona You’re awake. Seungri said worried I’ll just call the doctor



The girls went next to her bed and hugged her. Unnie, Dara they said in unison crying


Ya! I’m not dead, why are you girls crying? She said smiling then her eyes meet mine. She saw me silently crying and smiling at the same time.



I took her hands and kiss her hand. Dara please I’m begging you do not do that again. Please tell us when you are not feeling well. Why did you not let them know that you are suffering from fever when you shot that MV under the rain. I said worriedly


She just gave me a blank expression. Then the doctor arrived to check her vitals. He said that she needs to stay here for few days so that they can monitor her. They want her to eat and get an enough rest.



The bickering***           



Ya Rat will you move to that side. Stop squeezing you big here. CL said angrily


Oh Come On! Don’t tell me you don’t miss me? Admit it you like me.  He said then he winked at her before he stands up


You! Urrghh! You arrogant Rat! Why would I miss a stupid guy like you? She narrowed her eyes at him then screamed.


Because I’m Cute, Handsome, y, talented and ofcourse rich? Every girls wants me. He said smiling at her


CL grabbed a magazine and rolled it she’s getting ready to hit the Rat when Top held her arms.


Ya! Stop it you two. This is not the right place to have a wrestling match. Top said angrily


And you Seungri, will you stop pestering CL I know that you like her But please do change your tactic to get her attention. The more you do that the more she hates you. He said not minding the looks of the two.


Seungri looks like a lost puppy staring at the floor and CL was blushing like a wax apple. They both kept their mouth shuts.


Bom approached Top silently thanking for making the two stop from bickering each other. Most of the people inside YG who knew them personally they know that the 2 likes each other. The only way Seungri shows his affection and to get her attention is to annoy her.



After a few hours the rest of the girls including Seungri went back to the hotel. Since Top volunteered to stay in the hospital to look after Dara.



Dara woke up and felt that her right hand was being held. She looks at her side noticed Top is sleeping uncomfortable on the chair while holding her hand.


Top felt that Dara’s bed move so he opened his eyes and saw her looking at him.


Are you alright? But Dara didn’t answer


He panicked. Stay there I’ll go to call the Doctor. He was on the processed of letting go of her hand when he felt her hand hold his hand tighter.


Don’t go, stay here with me. She said


Are you sure you are ok? He asked worriedly


She nodded then closed her eyes for awhile when she opened them again he saw that her eyes became watery.


What happened to us? She asked. She saw the confused looked on his face.

Why did you avoid me? She asked again


I was busy. You know that We were on world tour. I said casually


I see. She said sadly


So, do you want to eat? Top offered her some food trying to drop the topic


Deh, what do we have here?. She asked smiling


Not much. The girls bought sandwiches, cookies and noodles.


Ok I’ll have noodles please. Also can you please feed me. She pouted


Arasso, I’ll feed my Tokki. Top said smiling


After she ate, she felt her eyes getting heavy. But before she fell asleep she said to him that she misses him.


Top looked at the sleeping girl full of admiration.







I hold her face, touching her nose, cheeks trying to remember every part of her face. I smiled sadly.

If you only knew, he paused trying to control his emotions.

It pained me to not see you Dara. Gaad how much I control myself not to contact you. I really miss you. I want to spend every minute with you But I know it’s note possible since you have Donghae now. I don’t want to see you with him. It’s killing me Dara.  Tears escaped from his eyes when he tried to wipe it and soft hand touches his face.


Tabi, I miss you too. She said smiling at him


I went closer to her and kiss her. At first she was not responding with the kiss but I felt her relax and put her hands around my neck. The kiss was deepened and If only we didn’t need air I think we won’t be able to stop.


She smiled at me before she closed her eyes and went back to sleep.


Babe, Saranghae. I kissed her forehead before I also went to sleep.  











Few more Chapters to go,... I will end this story soon 

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makibugna4875 #1
Chapter 21: Nawwwwww this is cute. Bingu TOP <3
cutiejinwan #2
Chapter 21: Cute
Chapter 3: Omo, it would be better or your fic if you start using punctuation marks. (^__^)V
Chapter 18: That reaction when I read 'babe'..."BABE?????!!!!!" Haha, I think when it comes to calling Dara, babe would be a reference from GD...^^v love TabiSan ^^
21_blackjack_21 #5
Im so late, I just finished it. I forgot about it... :D sorry
21_blackjack_21 #6
Haha! I loved the ending!
21_blackjack_21 #7
I'm not done but awesome so far!
Done reading this and KYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH~ I'm so happy that this is a TOPDARA/TABISAN story.
/woot~ woot~
This is so cute and lovely.
Congrats on completing this!
/BANZAI! ^_^
The sequel is next!
*insert fangirl scream* a TabiSan ending (:
myjoyce1986 #10
omg i'll be waiting for it please a sequel cause i want to know what are the reaction of the yg family i also like ririn couple pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sequel please