My first love... Wait?! Two loves?! What?! Three loves?! OH MAN! [SEMI HIATUS]

While Eun Hye was busy making breakfast for her mistress and the guests, Ha Na was drying herself up while Tigress and Snowie were still in the bath tub, playing with water. Ha Na was amused to see both of her favourite pets’ behaviour during bath time. Unlike other pets, both of them loved bath time, especially when Ha Na was bathing with them.

Ha Na had all dried away, she glanced at the wall clock and it’s almost 10 o’clock. She cleared and looked at both of them, who were still playing in the tub.

“Alright, guys. It’s almost breakfast time. So, come out and—” Before Ha Na could finished her sentences, both Tigress and Snowie jumped out from the tub and onto poor little Ha Na. Now, Ha Na was soaking wet, thanks to both of them.

Ha Na stood up and removed the towel that was wrapped around her perfectly-shaped body. She twisted it to make it less wet and wrapped it again around her body. She glared at Tigress and Snowie with angry-slash-joking face, making both of them bowed their heads and covered them with their cute paws.

Ha Na was about to be angry at both of them, but the sight of it made her anger fade away. She tried to control herself to not give in to the both of them, and it’s almost succeeded. But, Tigress and Snowie still had their most powerful weapon yet.

There two things that only Tigress and Snowie can do to melt the hearts of others; the first one is when both Tigress and Snowie bowed their heads and covered them with their cute paws. The other one is their undeniably cute aegyo.

Tigress always liked to watch Shrek and her favourite character in it was Puss in Boots. She adored Puss’ cute eyes and she often tried to do it as well. Every time her master is angry at her, she made her calm by doing the cute eyes and Ha Na would always give in with Tigress’ undeniably cute Puss-in-Boots-style eyes.

Snowie was known for his cute doggy face and doggy eyes. Every time he breaks stuffs in the house, either Eun Hye and Ha Na would be angry at him, and till then he will use his heavenly-cute puppy dog eyes and both of them would instantly forgive him.

So, both Tigress and Snowie were already prepared to use their secret weapons towards Ha Na, but Ha Na acted quickly and covered her eyes with her palms. But her heart couldn’t stay away, so she took a peek and caught sight of their cute aegyo.

Her heart instantly melted and she carved a sweet smile. She hugged both of them and they her face. “Eww. Tigress! Snowie!” whined Ha Na and then laughed at her baby beasts.

She patted both of them in the head and scratched Tigress’ ears while Snowie’s under his chin. She stood up and grabbed two huge towels and a blow dryer.

She dried both of them and she took a small towel. She wrapped it around her nearly-dry hair and walked out of the bathroom. Both of them followed her from behind.

She walked straight to her room-like closet, tried to find her favourite black and white hoodie and denim jeans. She couldn’t find it, so she went outside to ask Eun Hye about the clothes.

While she was opening her bedroom door and walked a few steps outside, she bumped into a figure and fell on her . She let out a small sigh and opened her eyes to see a handsome guy, staring at her with shocked face.


“This house is huge!” shouted Baekhyun and D.O. in unison. Everyone eyed at them and both of them zipped their mouth shut.

“Please excuse the both of them. They are always like that.” said Suho apologetically. Baekhyun and D.O. glared at him and Su Ho glared back, making both of them scared.

“It’s okay, but is it that huge? It’s just normal to me.” said Eun Hye with calm. Everyone was shocked to hear her statements. Eun Hye was left by her parents at an early because of some problems and the Lee family took her in.

She was grateful to them and felt that she was indebted the Ha Na and her family. So, she decided to be Ha Na’s friend and maid to pay them back. She never stepped out from the house, so she basically doesn’t know the difference between small and big houses.

“What?” she asked them, but all of them continued what they were doing before. Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol were in the living room, watching the game they missed last night at the plasma TV. Baekhyun and D.O. were acting childishly when they found out about the playroom and played some video games.

Lay, Chen and Xiu Min were at the lobby, sitting near the piano while Lay tried to play some notes with it. Tao were practicing his martial art skills using his favourite sword. Kris and Suho were talking about their schedules and practice time. Luhan was wandering alone, here and there and observing the huge house.

Eun Hye was dizzy to see there were so many cute and handsome guys in the house and when she spotted the kitchen, she remembered about something.

“Ah, everyone! I prepared some breakfast for you. So, would you please come to the kitchen?” said Eun Hye while pointing towards the dining room.

Everyone instantly stopped what they were doing and headed straight to the dining room at the speed of light, leaving their more than a dozen luggages at the lobby. Eun Hye sighed a bit but Suho saw her.

“Wait! Let’s put our bags into our rooms, okay? We cannot let our bags here at the lobby.” Eun Hye was relieved and Suho  blinked at her, making her blush.

“Okay, let’s split ourselves. Baekhyun and Chanyeol in one room, Kai with Luhan, D.O. with Chen, Sehun with Lay, Tao with Xiu Min while me and Kris in one room. Arasseo?” said Suho to everyone. They all nodded while holding their stomachs. Eun Hye was amused by their childish behaviour and giggled a bit.

They all went into their rooms and unpacked their bags. Eun Hye went to the dining room to prepare some finishing touches. Luhan, who had finished first, went outside to find the bathroom. While looking around, he bumped into someone and made that person fell.

He was shocked to see who that person was, as she was only wearing a towel. When she fell, her y legs were exposed but not until her pubic area and the towel on her head fell and her brunette hair fell nicely on her shoulders.

‘Wow! She’s so beautiful. And wow! Look at her legs, and her hair! She looks like a goddess who was destined to me! I think I fell for her already! OMO! But, who is she?’ thought Luhan in her mind.


“Ouch! Nugu yah?!” she shouted and saw some guy looking at her with lustful eyes. His eyes weren’t blinking at all, meaning that he saw something that he liked. She looked down to see her exposed legs and quickly stood up.

“Tigress! Snowie! Help! There’s a erted stranger in our house!” she shouted, calling for her baby beasts for help. Both Tigress and Snowie burst out from the room and covered Ha Na while facing angrily at Luhan.

Luhan snapped into reality when he saw two beasts in front of him. He was so scared until he screamed like a little girl. Everyone in their rooms startled to hear the scream and went outside to see what is happening.

They were so surprised to the half- girl, a huge white tiger and a scary snow wolf. Ha Na was also shocked to see 12 gorgeous guys in her house.

“EUN HYE-AH!” she shouted as she was so shocked to see them. The others went back into their rooms, including Luhan.

‘Who are these freaks?! And what are they doing in my house?! Wait! Are they the guests?’ she asked herself, confusedly.


‘WOW! Who’s that girl just now, and her legs… GAHHHH! Nose bleed!’ Luhan thought as he leaned on his bedroom door, mesmerized by the girl and traumatized by the tiger and wolf.

‘NO WAY! That girl is kinda hot and the tiger and the wolf are so cute! I wanna pet them! Damn Suho dragged me before I had the chance to pet them! Scaredy-cat!’ growled Kris while he sharply glanced at Suho who is still traumatized by the frightful animals out in the hallway.


OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH! finally I updated this.

I already wanted to update this last night, but my laptop restarted and I haven't saved this! guhh~

so, I have to rewrite and I think it is better than yesterday -happy- kekeke

please leave a comment and thanks to the subscribers XD

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ONESHOT's description has been made! feel free to subscribe to it! I'll try to finish it soon! kekeke


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this story is cute and intresting ^-^
I sooo want her pets keke :)
update soon :3
luhan is wierd inyour fanfic hahaha i wish i had pets like hers... poor maknae
This story is so DAEBAK!how i wish i can be Ha Na.with the whole of EXO living in my house!*fantasize*keke
oh,and having Tigress and Snowie as my pets too!they're so kyeopta!xD
HOMAIGOD interesting story you have here ~ Luhan is so ert ~ LOL update soon ^^