Bad Timing

Our Last Song Together

Kim Jonghyun had showered, tidied his hair, dressed in a brand-new outfit bought on that Friday on his way to the countryside: he is unrecognisable.  Fashion is the second most important, the first is working out in the gym, and although he is not clothed in branded clothes from head to toe his way of matching outfits highlights his unique fashion sense.  Yes; if we had walked past him, we would think he had come from a modest family and not someone with enormous wealth and fame.  Perhaps the only thing which would make that SHINee member stand out would be if he had smiled, which he does when the door opens to reveal the familiar figure of his best friend.
Park Jae Hee has always been the way he had last saw her, obviously she has bloomed into a young woman but the same high ponytail, the old tatty clothes, her pursing of her lips when she is nervous, which she is doing now.  She is the same height as him, maybe he is an inch taller, but with her thick mane they seem to be as tall as one another from the distance.  
"Hello."  A single word breaks the silence between them.  Jonghyun hears the slight waver in her voice.  He looks into her eyes and lets himself fall into the dark abyss for a moment: the familiar aura, the best friend he had not seen for a long time, the girl he would think of whenever stress took over at work or he was having a hard day.  She is his home, always have, always will.
He pulls her into an embrace and he sinks his head into her hair, her neck, her clothes.  
"I'm so glad to see you."  He whispers in her ear: "I've missed you."
Kim Jonghyun knows Park Jae Hee has never been good at showing her emotions; but now, he knows she is happy to see him too.  She is not those girls who cry and scream but very quiet; parents from both sides comment that they are yin-yang, dark and light.  Jonghyun has always been the one who voices his thoughts and feelings without caring what others think of him; he is good-looking, very sociable, likes to laugh a lot, and likes to be with people.  Whereas Jae Hee is the antithesis: the quiet and reserved girl who likes to be by herself with the exception of Jonghyun and to lie in a field and look at the sky or daydream.
Even in high school Jonghyun gets the girls, Mr. Popular in his year, even the female teachers have a soft spot for him.  Although he had many friends in school he loved being with Jae Hee because she is easy to be with; he felt relaxed and needn't be cool, the façade he used around his friends, because Jae Hee would say: "Drop the act, it makes you silly and dumb".  He could always count on his best friend because she tells the truth, no matter how blunt and hurtful it may sound.
Right now Jonghyun can tell something is wrong because the Jae Hee he has in his arms is rigid.  He lets her go and looks closely at her face; she drops her gaze and avoids his stare but he can feel the sorrow which her aura emits.
"What's wrong, JJ?"
"Nothing," she says, looking at Jonghyun in the eyes, "I'm happy that you're here now."
"Jonghyun-ssi come in, come in!"  Mrs. Park's voice booms from the kitchen.  "Come and join us at the table!"
"Talk about this later?"  Jonghyun raises his eyebrows before leaving her alone in the hallway to greet her parents.

All through dinner Jae Hee stayed quiet; she ate her bowl of rice and some food on the table shared with her family and Jonghyun, but she said nothing at all.  She is supposed to be the happiest woman alive on the planet due to what happened a few months ago but she feels nothing, only the occasional reminder from her mother which forced her lips to smile as if she were happy.  She is not complaining, she shouldn't be because she is getting what she wants more than anything in life.  And on Monday her wish shall be fulfilled and there is no stopping it; except perhaps from Jonghyun, who is still unaware of what will happen after that week-end.
"You've been quiet all evening.  Are you ill?"  Jonghyun asks.
"Oh, she's fine!"  Mrs Park says, dismissing his remark: "She's just happy beyond words, that's all.  Aren't you, dear?"  She puts her hand on Jae Hee's arm.
"What?"  Jae Hee is brought out of her trance.
"She's always been a daydreamer, hasn't she?"  Jonghyun winks at Mrs. Park while Mr. Park chuckles.
"You know her too well.  So, how is work?"  He sips his coffee.
"Oh, you know, the same old."
"What's the new thing that came out? 'Cherry'… 'Sherry' or something?"
"'Sherlock', Dad, it's called 'Sherlock'."
"Ahhhh yes, that one!  I hear it every time I go into the city, must be very popular, right?"  
"I hope so."
"Of course it is!"  Mrs. Park interrupts, "It's a very… very… trendy song."
Jonghyun can hear Jae Hee's murmuring "Oh my God" under her breath.  He twitches his mouth to stop himself from smiling before continuing:
"But then, I myself prefer classical music."  He neatly wipes his mouth with the napkin.  "It's timeless."
If only things could change, Jae Hee smiles thankfully across at Jonghyun, if only things could be different, if only it would never come to this situation…

Park Jae Hee is sitting by herself on the bench in her garden which looks over the horizon to endless fields.  He doesn't love her after all; he only loves her as his best friend, no less and no more.  Her destiny is decided and her future will never be spent with Jonghyun beside her; the man she thought she didn't love anymore but only to find that she is in love with him more than ever.
"What's up?"  Jonghyun walks up from behind the bench, and sits himself next to her.  "You've been dead quiet this evening."
"Nothing."  She sighs.  "It's just been so fast, you know?  And all of a sudden, you're here…"
"I know," he turns to face her, "my turning up is overwhelming, isn't it?"
She says nothing, only staring at the dying light behind the horizon.  
And then:
"Found yourself a girl yet?"
Why is she asking this?  It's not as if it matters to her; why is she acting weird all this evening?  Something must've happened, something bad…
"I don't really have time to be honest," he says barely in a whisper, "and city girls all want the same kind of dates: shopping, movies, restaurants."
Kim Jonghyun looks at the girl beside him who is staring into the distance, her eyes glistening.  Why is she sad?  Does she not want to see me?
"Jae Hee?"
He reaches for her hand and wraps it in his.
"You will tell me if there is anything that is upsetting you, right?"
"We're best friends, right?"
Kim Jonghyun wonders to himself why all of a sudden he sounds like a desperate man.  To be honest, he feels lonely and isolated from Jae Hee: her blankness, her short and ambiguous answers are not comforting.  There is a new and unknown vibe between them which is both threatening and worrying; he cannot put this feeling into words but he senses Jae Hee is slowly severing her bonds with him, as if she doesn't want to see him or know him anymore.

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Chapter 11: Nice story I love it!I cried cuz it's a very sad story
Chapter 11: Well...what can I say? I think your stories are very interesting. I finished 'Summer with you' curiously asking myself who is Alex? then I went to this story (sorry, only limited time because of exams) and I was very surprised with this. It's kinda like a reality: some people will get together but not the way they expected, some will stay single and some will probably end up dating someone else. In short, you have amazed me again in one of your stories ^^
Blingerzxc #3
Yeah! Please let Jjong know and get them together! A sequel please?
Monkeyface10 #4
sorry! no sequel to this because I don't know how to carry on with this ending! thank you for reading though ^^
Omg, its finished? Noooooooo
i want Jonghyun to know!
I loved your story <3
My god, I don't know what it, either it's because I'm terriably sick with red watery eyes or it was this chapter that made me cry...
Update soon, I can't wait <3
New reader here.
Your story is the best!
My heart was breaking in the first few chapter, actually all until chapter 9 where they finally showed their love for eachother, please update soon <3
Inspirit7_love #9
omg!!! update soon! they're super duper sweet can~
sophiexoxo #10
oh my god T.T
i was out of the pc for some time and now i realise you posted 7 chapter :O
read them in a breath
and i am kinda speechless
everything it's great <3 and you talked about alex and taemin too :33
i really hope it will end good -_-" don't make my puppy sad :(
can't wait for the next chapter.
i have no time for a good comment but you are really good at what you do (*.*)