You'll Be Fine

Be Mine


You were in the park lying on the grass. You couldn’t stop thinking about Eun that weird girl who kissed all of infinite. You expected one of the members to come and chase after you but they didn’t

“What was she to them?” you asked yourself

You looked up at the sky and did what you knew best. Thinking. But something stopped you no someone stopped you.

Young Guk came walking beside you in causal cloths.

You quickly got up ready to scream but young Guk’s smile calmed you down.

“I’m not here to take you” young Guk sat down

You trusted him. you sat down next to him and your heart hurt just by looking at him.

“I’m sorry” you blurted out

“For what?” he looked at you confused

“I did this to you didn’t i? I mad you feel lonely and sad it’s all my fault” you started to cry

“You didn’t do anything wrong, Yeah I was sad but I was sad that you wouldn’t tell me you when left that you didn’t bring me with you” he wiped your tears away and gave you a smile “but I understand that you wanted freedom”

“Bang” you said his nickname that made his heart jump

“I know you have some problems, that’s why you were lying down on the grass right?” young Guk lied down next to you

“Yeah” you lied down “there’s this girl named Eun I don’t really know who she is but she kissed all of infinite on their lips and they didn’t mind it at all. I guess you could say I’m jealous” you frowned

“You? Jealous?” Young Guk laughed

“don’t laugh, it’s the truth” you smiled ,happy to have your friend back

“you said you didn’t know who she was right? She can be a their assistant or something”

“an assistant that kissed everyone on the lips?” you laughed at Young Guk’s Idea

“So you love them?” young Guk looked at you

“I don’t know, maybe I do” you smiled

“You should go back; you should know who she is before you hate her and become jealous of her” young Guk said as he got up

“But what happens when I find out something I don’t want to know” you looked up at him

“Then come to me, I’ll make everything better”


“You’ll be fine” young Guk helped you up “I have to go but I’ll be seeing you around ~~~~”

“Right” you hugged him tightly * I love you ~~~~* he thought in his head

“Take care of yourself ok?” young Guk looked at you

You nodded and he walked off with a smile on his face. 



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Ppl are sad that this ended wish there was another way i could do 2nd series


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I'M HAPPY*jumping around*
i should sleep right now coz it's almost 4 AM
What?!?!? No Hoya ending.... BUT THEY KISSED?!?!? **le sigh** But it's okayyyy
Awhhhhh what a cute ending :DD YAY! YoungGuk got the girl! And a happy family at the end ^^
Ima kinda miss waiting for updates for this fanfic... THE STORY WAS AMAZING?!
eimibyul95 #4
Such a happy ending
*sigh* glad to hear that ur alright! I wonder who that girl is that calmed Youngguk down..she better be a good person! Cuz youngguk deserves a good person!
Update soon!~
Author-nim Fighting!~
WAAAAAHHHHHHH!! HOYA MOMENT!!! Thank Kyuu sooooooo much! I loved every moment of it! I hope she ends up with Hoya in the end... kekekeke Awhhh... that moment was so sweet :D Can't stop smiling :DD
I didn't like Eun either -_____-"
OOOOooooo but I wonder who this new girl is??
Please update soon! ^^
*GASP* YOUNGGUK CONFESSED!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG! I wonder what will happen next!! Update soon! :D
I wonder what she was thinking....Hey! Her father and Youngguk are there, again! Her dad is like...stalking her....awkward! On another note,
Hospital!? I hope everything is okay! Get better soon~HWAITING! :D <3
Author-nim are you ok? please get better AJA AJA HWAIGHTING
Chapter 30 [Do Not BackDown Or Give Up]: Awhhh!! Hoya moment! ^^
**le gasp** what's gonna happen??
Awhhhhh... Author-nim, are you okay??? Hope it's not too serious, Author-nim fighting!~ ^^