Awkward, as usual.

You make me dizzy!(I like it tho)


Seolim P.O.V.


Gyeouri gago bomi chajaojyo urin sideulgo~
Keurium soge mami meongdeureotjyo~

The alarm clock on my phone went off. *Yawn* It’s 6:30 am. Time to get ready for school~

{{ listen to this while reading~ }}

After getting out of bed, opened the window and sniffed some fresh air . Ahh~ May, how I love you.


I brushed my hair , washed up, dressed up ( thanks God I don’t have to wear an uniform) and went down to our huge dining room.

Mother was already preparing breakfast, dad was reading some article from a business magazine. Although my family is rich , my parents struggle to be as common as possible, I really really love them! ^^

“Annyeong appa! Annyeong umma! Mmm, the food smells delicious” I greeted them as I hugged both of them.

“hello sweetie “ said eomma

“good morning Seolim . So,do you have any plans for today besides going to school?”asked appa

“no ,not really. How’s it going with the company?”

“It’s going great!:) we’re going to a sign with some American company today”

“That’s good to hear! I hope everything will go okay”

I ate breakfast ,took my bag ,said goodbye to my parents and left.

It was a little windy outside, but it was still a perfect weather.What a good way to start the day! :D I love to walk to school, but only when the weather is nice, hihi.


I arrived to the school. Aigoo, I can already see my fans *sigh* I don’t know why they like me so much

“OMO! SEOLIM-SSI! GOOD MORNIIING~” “annyeonghaseyo!!!” “ hello seolim-ah!” “you’re beautiful today, as always”

Agh , they are really nice, but it’s getting annoying

“Hello!” I bowed as I greeted them,and left them. I will be late for class! It’s already  7:55amand the corridors are crowded. >_<


I started walking faster. I saw a cute couple,walking while holding hands. Aigoo, they are adorable! I can’t wait to find a decent boyfriend too. I am so shy…I don’t know if I’ll ever have a lover , or if I’ll be a lonely ahjumma. ._.


I finally arrived to my classroom.


Phew, just in time! :D


I sat down beside Kai , (ASDFHGJ) my deskmate.

“Hello Kai-ssi “ I greeted him

“Oh, hi , Seolim-ah!” he flashed a smile

GYAAAAAA, so freaking cute~  I blush every single time  he smiles like that

Trying to hide my face ,I turned away and started taking out my books.

Phew, I hope he didn’t observe that I blushed.It would be a disaster !

I don’t say that I am in love, cause I am clearly not…I just like him better than a friend.

“ Seolim-ah!” I heard a deep voice calling my name.

I looked up and saw a grinning Chanyeol looking at me.He sits in the other side of the classroom


“ Annyeong!What’s up?” he winked,but he ended up looking derpy,haha

“Uhm, nothing much, I just arrived”

“Nice timing ,hehe” he smiled once again , and turned away.

The girls glared at me for talking with him ,I don’t even know why, he acts like that with everyone else.


Mr Woo entered the class. He’s our chemistry teacher:D I really like chemistry, though I am not very good at it. (Luckily,Kai is. Haha)


“Hello class. Today you’ll start your project about role of Marie Curie’s discoveries in the history of Chemistry . You’ll be working in trios, which I already created. Here are the teams:

 Baekhyun , Kibum and Eunjung

Minah Suji and Junsu

Jiho Mihae and Kyungsu

Sunngjong Hwayoung and Narae

Minhyuk Seunghyun and Hana

And lastly : Jongin, Seolim and Chanyeol




Jongin P.O.V.


“Jongin , Seolim and…”


YESYESYESYESYESYES finally! This is fantastic >w<  but everyone was already listed except –

“… Chanyeol”


NOOOO~ WAE?! He will be my rival from now on. … Or maybe not? He never flirts with anyone…but what if Seolim, the walking perfection will be the sweet exception?! I should keep an eye on him.


Chanyeol P.O.V.


“You have to work a lot on this project if you want to get a good grade.Also , everyone should take part in this! So you should visit each other , or meet somewhere, to set everything together. I know that this is a very good class, so I expect the best from you! You’ll spend the remaining time discussing with your teammates,so you must switch seats.”


I walked up to my mates.


“Hello, Jongin-ah ! You’re good at chemistry ,right?” I smiled at him

“Neh. But don’t think that I’ll do all the work. “ Jongin answered coldly


What the hell? Why is he so rude? I thought that he was the good boy of the class…


I looked at Seolim ,to lighten up the mood a bit , and greeted her

“ah, hello again , Seolim-ah!”

 “Annyeonghaseyo, Chanyeol-ssi!”she said .

“I guess we’ll get closer to each other thanks to this project, so you should call me oppa from now on!




I was sooo wrong.


“I think Chanyeol-ssi is a perfect way to call you. No need to use the term oppa. “ hissed Jongin

I glared at him…Damn it, Jongidiot, you’re making me angry


“B-b-but, Jongin oppa , i-it’s really not a big deal!” woah! Now she’s calling HIM oppa?D:


“Oh, it’s all good then, Seolim-ah~”


” We’ll meet today at the café at 7 PM to start our work“


“ Why are you the one choosing the time and location,you lazy pig? I guess you’ll just be bossing around without doing anything” his eyes shot daggers at me




“What the is your problem, dude?!” I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him up “You’ve been like this since we were teamed up. I am not useless , okay?! Meeting at the café  was just a suggestion! Tell me a better place, smarty pants!” I had an urge to beat him up. How dare he call me a lazy pig?!I am not lazy, only during classes,and  I have my reasons. ARRGH ,THIS GUY.


“Well we should-“




“we should meet at my house”the voice wasn’t Jongin’s .It was… SEOLIM’S?! She told us to meet at her house?But she’s always so shy… Not that I have a problem with going to her place,since I heard she lives in a smaller mansion!

Seolim P.O.V.


“Are you sure about this, Seolim-ah?”Jongin asked

“Neh.” I smiled  “ Let’s go to my house directly after school”

“ Awesome!” Chanyeol jumped up and down,laughing, and




He’s too close omgomg his body was too close to mineeee ~ ;A; I blushed madly , trying to pull away, but he’s too strong. I didn’t see anything

*sniff* he smells so good~


 AIGOO STOP IT SEOLIM. GAH GET AWAY CHANYEOL. I slipped out of his arms,holding my cheeks with my palms.WOOH FINALLY.





“So , Jongin op- … pa? Oppa? “ I turned around, and Jongin wasn’t there anymore. I looked at Mr Woo. Jongin was talking with him ,after that ,he left the classroom.What happened? Aigoo , Jongin was supposed to hug me, not Chanyeol! And why did he fight with Chanyeol oppa?He never acted like this.


Chanyeol POV


When I hugged Seolim , I looked at Jongin… LOL he was so upset. So this is the reason why he was so angry. He thinks I’m going to steal Seo away from him(she doesn’t even like him ) . I usually don’t like to annoy people, but he acted like a total , while I was being all-innocent,so I should get my revenge on him. I  only loosened my hold on Seolim when I saw him going away.  Hehehe,take that.Poor Seo, she must be shocked.I can’t wait to go to her house~




Seolim POV


I sat beside Chanyeol, and he was telling me jokes. He is so funny , I laughed at every single joke~ Haha. I don’t get it , why was Jongin angry at him?


Oh ,well, it’s none of my business. I guess they are my friends now. :D




“Ah,Seolim, I will go first,okay? I must talk to Baekhyun ^^ We’ll talk later”

“Neh,just go :) “

he went away.

I saw Jongin oppa walking to his seat.


“ Uh, what happened?” I asked awkwardly, as usual


“Nothing .” he smiled oh so sweetly.


“Okay then :)”



Classes passed quickly,and after we packed our things, we escaped from the zoo called school.


Ah, I like being polite with everyone, but those fans are making me very angry. They dissed Jongin and Chanyeol ! Aigoo , stupid boys. *sigh*


We walked down the street quietly.AWKWAAARD~ >_< again.

I was between the two boys .Chanyeol looked forward and sometimes glared at Jongin , after that smiling at me,Jongin did the same... Ugh, it was really weird.


YES! Finally , we arrived to my house~


“So , here we are ^^”


I saw both boys’ mouths forming an O . Chanyeol grinned and started jumping, AGAIN, like a little kid


“WILL YOU STOP THAT?!” kai shouted


“wae?” Chanyeol pouted, then smirked


“uhmmm…LET’S GO IN!” I said, dragging the two of them in.



JI“It’s very spacious and elegant!”

CY“Gyaaah! Let’s go to your room! “


We climbed the stairs to my room.


My room  was an attic room which had two floors (weird , huh?) . The first had a couch ,a desk ,shelfs , and two wardrobes. The second floor was right under the roof:



JI“wow O_O”

CY” waa, Seolim-ah , can I ..?”

“go aheadJ”

Chanyeol jumped up and down again. He was so funny oh my God,bwahahaha. His deep voice really didn’t fit his personality and look.


“uhmm… boys , I think we should work in the living room , cause this place is too tacky “


“as you please ,madam” Chanyeol said with a serious face on ,bowing


I could observe that Jongin was fuming, but trying to hide his angriness.


I put down my bag ,took my laptop,some paper and pens, then we went down to the living room:


I sat down on the couch, placing my laptop on the glass table , and the boys sat on the right and left side of me.We started working.


PHEW. I didn’t think that we would actually get to a point where we really do something useful . >3<



So here it is. .___. Sorry for the ty chapter. It's a bad start for the story >_<' Oh well... Sorry if I made grammar/other mistakes.Tell me what do you think !  ♥

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Ekkaterinna #1
Nooooo it's not ty~ It's really good~ ^^ Update soon~
update sooonnnnnnn~
this sounds interesting! update soon!
rurushi #4
Omo! Thank you for commenting !>w< I'll try to update asap. :D