im with BEAST

i know its been a very long time since i last updated~ im seriously so sorry...!!! therefore i give you TWO UPDATED CHAPTERS!!^^ enjoy~~

even though keira was tired...she couldnt sleep. after an hour of tossing and turning, she finally gave up. sitting up on her bed she sighed, looking out the window into the moonlit garden, everything looks so peaceful. getting off bed she found herself heading towards her bedroom door. she didnt know where she was going, or what she was doing. not bothering to care, she just let her body walk around her body made a stop. she realised she was outside his bedroom. it wasnt exactly his though since he had to share it with two of the other boys. sighing once more she wanted to turn around to go back to her room, but then her legs wouldnt let her. annoyed she slid down the wall and ended up sitting next to his bedroom door. resting her head on the wall with her eyes closed she began to reflect the times she had had with BEAST. finding herself automatically smile, when she thought about the times she has shared with each member, ive never really been this happy for a while.

'hi' she heard a voice whisper next to her ear, the warmth and sudden tone scared her. eyes wide as her heart skipped a beat she stared at the boy sitting next to her.

'ohmygosh...dujun...you scared me' patting her chest to calm down her heart

'what are you doiing outside...' he looked at the door then back to her, 'our door?'

'huh?' trying to figure out what she was going to say, the lie or the truth? 'i was actually wanting to talk to you' sighing she decided to tell the truth, in case if she were to lie, he would have thought she was looking for junhyung which she wasnt...well not that she would think so.

chuckling he was surprised, 'me?' pointing to himself he asked, 'well here i am...whats up?'

'well...i couldnt really sleep...' she glanced over at dujun who was looking at the wall infront of them and nodding, 'i was thinking about a few things, but i just wanted to really know...what is trainee life like?' she finally asked

eyes wide at her out of the blue question he thought for a while, then answered carefully, measuring keiras expression 'torturous...but dont get me wrong! the reward is totally worth it....'

keira nodded quietly and waited for him to continue.

'...its feels like centuries ago thinking about it now...but because i started quite early through an elimination program....with 2pm...2am...you know oneday right?' looking at keiras blank look he chuckled and continued, 'anyways...i was eliminated long story short...it was painful, especially since i became really close with the members...moved to Cube...and continued training but with the boys' he waved at the rooms, keira got who he was talking about, 'and when gikwang debuted first as AJ, some of us were his backup dancers and junhyung and i also helped with singing in some of the songs. though it was painful being eliminated and training again...im very glad i was able to debut with BEAST...' laughing to himself he added, 'its like we were meant to be together. i wasnt the only who was eliminated, we all had our extreme difficulties....' pausing for awhile when he realised he talked off topic, 'anyways....trainee life can be both okay and bad...its just depends on the person really...i wont say it was easy because it wasnt, it was like a full time thing. practise practise practise everyday, vocal, language, dance, talents, acting...everything...also...you never knew when they would let you debut....that was the hardest is suppose...going through all that but not knowing if you were going to make it.' his voice trailed off with his thoughts.

they sat in silence next to each other in the darkness, thinking individually.

'ja~ im going to go back now...' he turned to keira and stood up, 'you alright here by yourself?' he smiled warmly

nodding, she saw him quietly open the door and disappear. turning back to face the moonlit wall as she waited for the door to click, she sighed again, it does seem pretty intense...curling up, she rested her head on her arms as she hugged her legs. listening to the silence as she tried to imagine the pain when she heard another click. thats wierd...looking up she saw junhyung sit down beside her. she swore he could have heard her heart beating when she saw him. observing his face as he slid down to see if he did hear, a sign of a small smirk, or smile, nothing. he had a straight face.

keira didnt know what to do, she had never seen junhyung this serious...well she has but not when it was just them two. she wanted to ask him if dujun woke him up, or if he couldnt sleep like her, or if he heard what dujun and her were talking about just before. instead she just stared at him as he stared at the wall. he had this beautiful aura, this charm, the feeling he carried which made keira somehow, want him, want him to be a part of her life, and her in his. she wanted to hold his hand, to hug him, to rest her head on his shoulder....to....kiss him. sighing as she observed his kissable pink lips, she found him staring back at her this time. peering deep into her eyes as though he wanted to know what she was thinking...she felt as though she saw 'need' yet 'sadness', unable to bear the intensity she looked away, at the calming wall. after a few minutes, still, none of them talked, they just sat there, basking in each others presence and the comforting silence.

all of a sudden he laid out his hand, palm facing up in the small space between them, looking at his hand as if he was scared to look at her, he waited for her to put hers in his. he wanted to know, he wanted to know if she felt the same way as he did, and whether he should risk what he had...and what he hadnt told her.

keira was shocked and confused at this random gesture, but because of the shadowed hallway, romantic lighting through the glass slidedoor, and the fact that they were both a bit sleepy, she thought, why not? its not like he knows i like him.

lifting her hand gently and slowly she finally placed it in his. as they touched they both felt a jolt of warmth rise up their arm. again, her heart was beating like crazy, in this silence, he definitely would have heard it, it was all she could her besides their breathing. she swore she heard junhyungs breathing fasten a bit and she felt fluttery at the thought that junhyung made the first move...to her...well actually that he would even make a move to her. glancing sideways, she tried to look at his expression she giggled when she realised he had fallen asleep. he looked so peaceful and beautiful. she never could have imagined that someone could sleep that beautifully. as time passed she felt her eyelids getting heavier, gently resting her head on his shoulder she fell into deep sleep.


hesitating yoseob stood outside keiras room facing the door arguing to himself if he should wake her up or let her sleep. he really wanted her to go with them on a picnic. after a few minutes of walking to backwards and forwards he finally decided, 'i hope she wont be mad at me for waking her up' he pulled together his confidence and slowly turned the doorknob, peaking through the gap he saw a lump under the bedcover and tiptoed into the room. clearing his throat once he poked the blob. once. twice. flinching a little when the blob turned.

'yoseob?' the voice responded lifting it head, all of a sudden keira jolted up in sitting position and frantically looked around her, she seemed confused and disappointed. yoseob thought he heard her whisper, 'so it was all a dream?' then realising that someone was standing there she turned to him with questioning eyes.

'um.. keira...we just dongwoon and i decided that we should go on a morning picnic...and we thought you might want to come?' he smiled a little once keira seemed to calm down.

'umm' keira couldnt help but still ponder about last night but she heard what yoseob had said and nodded making the boy smile up to his ears.

'perfect!!' he beamed and skipped out the room after telling her that they will be leaving after 20 minutes.

slumping out of bed, she rubbed her neck, it was a bit stiff and sore. deciding to have a quick shower she grabbed her things and got ready


hyunseung looked at dujun and junhyung as they got ready for the picnic while the rest of the members packed the food and blankets. leaning against the shut door of their room, he looked skeptical.

'ok...spill it' dujun sighed as he continued stuffing things in his backpack

'i have theory' hyunseung stared at dujun who stopped and looked back at him.

'well its more like a feeling other than a theory because i dont exactly think it since its only been a while plus i dont want to make assumptions over something that i have a tin-'

'yah~! get to the point' dujun said annoyed as junhyung chuckled at hyunseungs babbling

'fine...i feel...that there is something is going to happen soon, and its going to test us as a group' he finalised crossing his arms

both junhyung and dujun stopped what they were doing and looked at each other then to hyunseung. hyunseung somehow always had that sixth sense even though he could be a little 4D and 'babo' sometimes and this time, junhyung and dujun couldnt disagree with what he had just said.

the three jumped when they heard a knock on the door. they realised they had been standing there staring into space that they forgot what they were supposed to be doing.

'yah~ what are you guys doing?' they heard yoseobs voice

'yeah~ um were nearly done!' dujun said after no one bothered to reply

stuffing in one last thing dujun looked at junhyung and hyunseung, 'kaja~ lets not worry about that now...' hyunseung moved aside to let the leader open the door. the last one leaving the room was junhyung who ran into keira, seeing that he seemed worried she asked, 'kwenchana?'

seeing her face just made him feel much better, 'are you ready?' he smiled reassuringly as he readjusted his beanie

'yeap...but i was wondering' keira wanted to ask about last night, 'um, were you by any chance...last night...' with curious eyes, he looked at keira who seemed quite unsure yet determined, 'well...' clearing she quickly ended their conversation, 'actually i was just wondering if you had a good nights sleep...' smiling sheepishly she continued, 'thats all' she looked at him once more as he nodded and smiled back, then headed outside to meet up with the rest of the boys.

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yoshido #1
Gin Uniee.. keke u finally updated.. reminds me to update my own fic.. haha i should do that tonight haha. anways enough talk. <br />
<br />
pelasee... let keira fall for junnie.. please.. and u should have other girls to come in.. keke for the rest of the boys.. keke u know who im talking about. ekeke B2S.. dibs on Seobbie. =]
Kelryu #2
so longgg~ i felt so happppyyyyy and keira and kikwang is good too!
yoshido #3
NO..!!!!!! Keira dont fall for Kikwang..!!!! Junnie is there for u..!!! Keira.>!!!!! <br />
Uniee i want Keira n Junnie together.>!! no wid kikwang. huhuhuhu
kclyn09UKISS #4
^^ exited MUCH!
Kelryu #5
ㅠㅠpoor junhyung

hey guys...this next chapter is gonna be a bit LONGER than the others so it may take a while >< keke but ill have it by the end of the week~ pretty busy this week~ O.O<br />
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f88NeFbkDVA<;br />
its my audition for CUBE ENTERTAINMENT :D its a dance entry~ hope you guys enjoy it!! :DD
kekek THANK YOU GUYS!! <3 i never knew there would be this many readers >< kkk i will update tomorrow hehheh o.o<br />
i have to go out today~ but that is good...more ideas heheh <3<3
Yannna #8
awwwww. wish they end up together hahaha. update soon