Scardy Cats

Our Love Story




Chapter 9 - Scardy Cats



Kimmy's POV.

Sandeul oppa said he was hungry so Minnie unni went with him to eat.

Now it's just me, Jinyoung, Channie, Baro, and CNU.

I saw a ride that attracted me.

"Oh oppas can we go on this ride?!" I said pointing to the ride.

"Andwae~ It's to scary!~" Channie whinded.

"But oppas! It's gonna be so fun!!" I said to them with a convincing smile.

"Err... But just look at it! Scary!!" CNU said.

"Pwlease~" I hung on Jinyoung's arm.

Jinyoung just shook his head with a smile.

"Aigoo you know, we can't handle your aegyo!" Baro said.

"Then you guys will come with me?!" I jump in joy and dragged them to the line.

"This is gonna be soo fun!" I said with a big smile.

"I get to sit next to Kimmy!" Channie said as he linked arms with me.

I giggled of his childishness. (A/N LOL! Child-ish-ness! XP)

"Aniya~ I want to sit next to Kimmy!" Jinyoung said.

"No! Me! I get to sit next to Kimmy!" Baro said.

"No, no you guys have to let elders go first!" CNU said.

"Oh thanks CNU!" Jinyoung said as he patted CNU's shoulder.

"Yah! That's not what I meant!" CNU said.

I notice we were getting closer to the entrance of the ride so I started walking, until I notice that I left the guys.

"Aigoo~" I shook my head as I saw them still bickering holding up the line.

I decided to walk back to them and push them towards the front of the line.

There still bickering and now there playing a game to solve this? -_____-"

"Yay! Its our turn to go!" I skipped to the coaster.

"Yah! Guys! Kimmy is going!" Channie said pointed to me.

They all looked at each other then ran to me.

There weird and dorky. I giggled to myself.

They finally got here.

I ended up sitting in between Channie and Baro.

I could see Jinyoung sulk while sitting to my far left as he was sitting next to CNU.

I was screaming my lungs out during the ride.

I turned to see Channie scream his heart out.

After the ride, I came off with a smile on my face while everybodys were :O

"Wah that was daebak!" I said as I started to get off the ride.

"So~ What's next?" I turned back the them with a smile.

"THERE"S A NEXT?!" They all said with a little fear in there voice.

"Aigoo~ You guys are such babies!" I gave a little giggle.

"Hmm ok, ok. Why don't we eat?" Cnu suggested.

"But i'm kinda not hungry~" I started to pout.

"Yeah let's go eat!" Baro said as he started to walk.

"But i'm not hungry~" I said.

There ignoring me now huh?! Psh!

"Eat Eat Eat!" Channie said as he slung his arm around Baro.

Cnu then followed.

I just stood there dumbfounded until Jinyoung pushed me towards the others.

"Yah~ I'm not hungry!~" I started to whine.

"Shush! Just walk." Jinyoung said, still pushing me.

I stopped my tracks.

"What if I don't want to!" I faced him and stomped my feet.

"Aish! Don't do this arraso?" Jinyoung said.

"But-" I started but got cut off.

"No buts! Now let's go!" Jinyoung said and suddenly piggy back ride me.

"Poo~" I pouted.



AsianCookiex3 Update! ^^

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AHHH. omg. That was so sweet! Kyyyaaa sandeulie ^w^
jennifer1801 #2
Pls update soon
YAYYY~ That's so cute~ 'Call me oppa ;)' HEHE I think I'd keel over from squealing so hard~ <3
ASHJKGHASHFDJKAS It's gunna be a great story! So excited! *dances happily* Update soon, ne? :3