~While Kc, Camille and Ishi were walking.... they saw Allison, Tricia, Danica and Irish running towards them.....~


Allison: Hey!!!! Why didn't you wake us up???

Kc: We thought you guys were sleeping....

Tricia: Well im awaken when i notice that Ishi wasn't by my side.....

Ishi: Why? you miss me already??? *teasing*

All: Hahahahaha!


Kc: BTW.... Allison....

Allison: Yeah?

Kc: The guys we saw earlier in the TV....

Allison: Oh.... The Group ummmm.... U U U

Tricia: UKISS??!!! *shocked*

Kc: Yeah..... We saw them just a while ago.... they ask for our phone #!

Allison: Really?! Haizzzzz..... I hate you!

Kc: I hate you too *Teasing*

All: *laugh*

Tricia: That group is really cool! I like Soohyun!

Allison: When i first lay my eyes on that group.... I spoted KIBUM.... hay!!!!!

Camille: Haha! Well... i kinda like the one who talked to me earlier...

Ishi: Ayyyiiiieeee..... haha!

Camille: Crazy!

Ishi: Yeah! that Kevin guy is so Angelic!

Danica: I saw them  too.....

Allison: Where?!

Danica: There! *pointing at UKISS*

Allison: *Wants to scream but Kc covered ....*

Kc: Okay guys.... Remember... we are IDOLS too... We should'nt be inlove w/ another Idol! And also.... They don't know that we're idols too....

Allison: Oh...

Irish: That guys is cute! *pointing at Dongho*

Kc: Haizzzzz..... Let's just go back to our dorm.....


~They walked~




Soohyun: Oh look!

Eli: What?

Soohyun: We have our girls too....

Alexander: Why? How???

Soohyun: The Girl you ask earlier..... They have friends too.... Exact... 7!

Dongho: Oh! So cool! If im going to choose.... I'll choose.... HER! *pointing at Irish*

Kibum: Oh! I'll pick that girl beside her.... she's so Cute! and a little naughty i guess...


Alexander: Then go ask them their names!

Dongho: Okay.... Let's go Kibum!

Soohyun: Wait! i'll ask the name of That girl.... *pointing Tricia*

Kiseop: I'll ask the last girl....


~Dongho, Soohyun, Kiseop and Kibum go near the girls......~


~Kc noticed that the 4 boys is going near them...~


Kc: ummmm.... Guys.... Me, Camille and Ishi will buy some drinks.... Im kinda thirsty.....

Allison: Oh okie....


~Kc dragged Camille and Ishi...~ 

~What will happen next?~

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loveisfree #1
aaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!! this is great!