Something I Just Knew

GOOD vs. BAD (Formerly known as L FOR LOV3) -SEMI HIATUS-

Soon, the teacher let us out for lunchtime. I made my way to the cafeteria but it was awfully crowded. So I bought a cranberry smoothie and started to wander around the university, searching for a nice place to read my novel. I was in the hall, and then I saw this one tree outside. It seemed perfect for what I was looking for.

Once I sat, I flipped the pages, trying to detect where the last page I read was. While I was anxiously flipping the pages, footsteps were heard. The sound became louder and louder, I turned around. The sound of the footsteps stopped. I continued to read. A shadow appeared on me, I’m guessing there’s someone behind me.

*turns around*
*detects two huge eyeballs looking towards my way-Kyungsoo*
*holy krisus, you scared me for a sec there*
*trying to keep myself calm*

He looked at me in total shock, he shyly smiled and just kept starring at me. He suddenly noted, “Uuhhhh, you-you’re sea-seating at my pla-place”. “Huh?” I guess this must be his usual place before I came here. “Oh, sorry” I moved a bit further to the side and offered him a seat.

His face got redder as he sat beside me. We both went silent and continued to do our own stuff. After awhile, Kyungsoo poked my shoulder repeatedly. I asked “What’s wrong?”. “Lunchtime is going to end in a few minutes. We should go if we don’t want to be late” he explained.

I took my stuff and walked side by side with Kyungsoo. During our way to class, he told me about the entire school-from the teachers to the students. One thing that captured my attention was that one sentence, “…Out of all the jerks, Kikwang is known to be the KingKa of this school. All the girls are dreaming to be his girlfriend. What a joke…” Kyungsoo sighed in an unsatisfied way. Sounds like someone doesn’t like Kikwang.

Just when we were about to enter the classroom, Kikwang bumped into Kyungsoo which caused him to fiercely say “ off, loser”. Some of the students around us, mostly girls were looking at us.  Kyungsoo faced the floor and grabbed my hand, trying to lead me to the classroom. Just then Kikwang got a hold of Kyungsoo’s hand and told him to let go. “I need to talk to her” Kikwang stated. Kyungsoo looked at me with wide eyes. “Dude, just let her go”. Kyungsoo looked at me own again. I gave him a sign saying that I would be okay. He let go of my hand and left the both of us alone. 

“What do you want?”
 “Nothing. I’m just here to tell you that my mom told me to accompany you home. So make sure to be at the main gate once class ends”
“Fine” *sighs*
Don’t be late. I won’t wait for you. I mean it”
I know”.

He left me with a grin on his face. I entered the class as usual and sat at my place. While I studied my notes, Kyungsoo pulled his chair nearer to my table, “You know him? As in Kikwang” he asked. “Ah..yeah, I li-live..-I met him this morning” I lied. I didn’t dare to tell him that I live in the same house as Kikwang. He’d be totally like *WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!* and tries to avoid me. I don’t want the first person I befriend at this university to ignore me just cause of that jerk. 

 “Did he try to hurt you?”  he questioned. I shook my head. Class started and the day so far went fine. It was soon time to go home. I grabbed my bag, said goodbye to Kyungsoo and headed to the main gate. Hope I’m not late. 

“You’re 5 minutes late”  Kikwang said. “I’m sorry” I can’t believe I was apologizing to this guy but it was my fault since I got lost for a while. “Come on, I think it’s gonna rain soon” he insisted that we better go home fast. None of us talked on our way home. It was weird but I don’t know why, it was quite comforting to walk beside him actually. GEEZ, GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! HE’S JUST A MEAN JERK WHO CALLS YOU AN UGLY PIG FOR GOD SAKE!



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Hey...I think I lost my old background. TOT


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pls update it
please update T^T
riefals #3
Chapter 25: can't wait for another chapter! :D
Yayyy Uptade!!
riefals #5
Finally, an update.. ;D
SungHyunAh #6
Jaljayo, goodnight <3
Yup, the thing we currently use for making angles and stuff. :)
Oh, and thanks for correcting me. It was a mistake. ><"
Oh my god! The compass?! That thing where there's a pencil and the pointy thingy right? WOW!

Anyway, INFINIE's Album is INFINITIZE not y, Free and Single, that's SJ's. ^_^
Aigo, uri unnie has grown up. Your stories are recieving much more attention than my recent one >.< HWAITING!