New House, New Home, New Enemy?

GOOD vs. BAD (Formerly known as L FOR LOV3) -SEMI HIATUS-

I knocked the door politely. I heard footsteps on the other side of the door, I’m positive that there’s someone. As expected, an unknown figure appeared. He asked, “Are you Sulli?”. I just nodded. “Choi Sulli?” he asked once more. I nodded again. Aish, do I even look that harmful? He just opened the door and told me to come in.

After I sat beside Mrs. Lee, I noticed the boy smirking. He tried to avoid my gaze and went upstairs. Geez… it’s not like I’m a virus or some sort of maniac. I continued to look at Mrs. Lee, she soon started our conversation.

“Byane. Kikwang is always like that.” Kikwang? Ah… The boy’s name is Kikwang.
“It’s okay.” I smiled.
“Sulli-ah, as you know. Your parents and I are very close to each other. And there’s something you should know.” She took my hand.
There was a long pause. “...Welcome to your new home!”
“De?” my eyes widen. What was she talking about?
“As a loyal friend, I had once promised your parents that I will take care of you in case ‘something’ happened.”.

Hmm… of course, I did know what she meant by ‘something’. But am I really going to live here? Should I accept this offer or just carry on searching for an apartment? I can’t just say no.

“Sulli-ah, are you fine with it?”
“De, ah..” I stuttered.
“It’s okay. I know how you must feel. But for the meantime, if you still haven’t found a place. Why don’t you just stay here for a couple of days?” She handed me a cup of ginseng.

Gosh, I could see the disappointment on her face. I guess she was really anticipating of the idea that I was going to live here.

Right when she was about to go to the kitchen, I managed to hold her hand. She turned back and looked deeply into my eyes. “Ajummah. It’ll be wonderful if I could stay here.” A smile was craved on her lips. She hugged me tightly. And then she started to be happy and all. “Of course! You are always welcome to stay here! Now, where’s your stuff? We can unload them right now if you want. Let me call Kikwang!”.

Mrs. Lee shouted Kikwang’s name loudly from downstairs. She commanded him to help me dealing with the stuff. I carefully put down the boxes on the stairs. “Your room is beside Kikwang’s! He’ll help you get those boxes upstairs.” She mentioned. Beside Kikwang’s? Oh God, no…

I was carrying my lamp up the stairs when my foot suddenly got stuck in the tangled wire. I felt warm fingers surrounding my wrist. I looked back and found out that those warm fingers belonged to Kikwang. He was helping me gain my balance. “Watch your steps, will ya?!” He said boastfully. Can’t he just be a bit more polite? Argh.

I went into my ‘future’ room and sat on the bed. Kikwang entered without notice and rudely asked, “Yah! Where do you want me to put these?”. I pointed at the edge of the room and sarcastically blurted out, “Can’t you knock the door or do you have no hands to do so?”. I noticed how annoyed he was. He sighed. Later when he was about to exit my room, I heard him saying “ugly pig”.

I want to just push him down the stairs but unfortunately, I should be ‘nice’ to him since it was his house. I wonder where I’ll be schooling. Hope it’s somewhere nearby. I don’t want to wake up early in the morning.

I washed up and put my pyjamas on. Unfortunately, the only covered-up pyjama that I had was the one in hot pink with pictures of bunnies all over it. The minute I went to the dining room, I could see Kikwang almost choking his food. He laughed so hard till his face was getting red. Was it really funny seing my in ‘this’ pyjamas? How annoying.

I took a seat in front of him. I asked, “Where’s your mom?”. “She went to the market. She’ll be home late tonight.” He answered. What…that means I’m stuck with him for tonight? Akward. I should just stay in my room.

I lay on my bed and closed the door. Looking at Kikwang;s face when he laughed was actually... cute. And the way he tried to help me when I was about to fall, it was heart warming. My heart was actually pounding so fast, thump thump.

AISH, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, CHOI SULLI?! THAT HORRID GUY AND YOU? NEVER EVER EVER! I shook my head and closed the lights. Even thought it was only 8.30 PM, I refuse to stay awake. I might end up quarrelling with Kikwang. So with that, I began to sleep silently. 




A/N: Hi there, first fanfic ever posted got deleted. *sobs*. So here I am, with a new one! Hope you guys liked reading it. Just one thing I want to inform you readers, my exam is coming soon. And that means I'd probably update a bit late. But I hope you'd bare it with me. Thank you for reading, please subscribe if you'd like to. :)



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Hey...I think I lost my old background. TOT


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pls update it
please update T^T
riefals #3
Chapter 25: can't wait for another chapter! :D
Yayyy Uptade!!
riefals #5
Finally, an update.. ;D
SungHyunAh #6
Jaljayo, goodnight <3
Yup, the thing we currently use for making angles and stuff. :)
Oh, and thanks for correcting me. It was a mistake. ><"
Oh my god! The compass?! That thing where there's a pencil and the pointy thingy right? WOW!

Anyway, INFINIE's Album is INFINITIZE not y, Free and Single, that's SJ's. ^_^
Aigo, uri unnie has grown up. Your stories are recieving much more attention than my recent one >.< HWAITING!