WE ARE ONE, EXO! (Part 2) ♫

GOOD vs. BAD (Formerly known as L FOR LOV3) -SEMI HIATUS-

As I promised, here's a few gifs of our greasy Bacon! Enjoy...





Now, I present to you the creep of EXO. Chanyeol! He recorded a lot of videos in London. :D




And of course, there was a purpose when I wanted to put Chanyeol & Baekhyun in the same chapter. Baekyeol's the reason of course! <3



A/N: Wondering why Chanyeol kept fancam-ing during their trip to London? Guess what, he's going to send all the videos to EXO-M who are currently busy in China. How sweet of him. :3 Check out the latest variety show they were in! It's a some sort of variety connected with sports. Like Let's Go Dream Team, I think... :)

Kray moment! LOL, looks like unicorns can swim afterall.≧◡≦  

Poor maknae, he got punished for falling into the water. XD

"Go, Luhan, go!" \(*^▽^*)/

Duizhang look so hot here..  

A/N: Sorry, I kinda lost Tao's gif when he fell into the water. But if you saw it, HAHAHAHAHAHA he totally lost balance. LOL. Bye-bye now~ ✍


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Hey...I think I lost my old background. TOT


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pls update it
please update T^T
riefals #3
Chapter 25: can't wait for another chapter! :D
Yayyy Uptade!!
riefals #5
Finally, an update.. ;D
SungHyunAh #6
Jaljayo, goodnight <3
Yup, the thing we currently use for making angles and stuff. :)
Oh, and thanks for correcting me. It was a mistake. ><"
Oh my god! The compass?! That thing where there's a pencil and the pointy thingy right? WOW!

Anyway, INFINIE's Album is INFINITIZE not y, Free and Single, that's SJ's. ^_^
Aigo, uri unnie has grown up. Your stories are recieving much more attention than my recent one >.< HWAITING!